The OcUK Summer BBQ Meet-Details

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Most of the vital details have been posted at the start of the thread, however as Matblack said a couple of posts ago if you're considering coming it's compulsory to have read all of the posts so you get a good idea of everything :)
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Haly said:
however as Matblack said a couple of posts ago if you're considering coming it would be very handy to have read all of the posts so you get a good idea of everything :)


I'd go as far as to say complusary!

Edited for you as you're correct ;)
Also it doesn't actually take that long to get the details sorted reading through the read. Earlier I read through it all while having lunch so I could work out that I hadn't forgotten anything.
It's alright for you speed-readers. It'd take me hours to get through it all (not that I need to).

Most of you don't know what my entertainment plan is yet. For all you know, it could be a test on the contents of this thread. Better get reading just in case. :p
Matblack said:

I'd go as far as to say complusary!


Sorry folks trying to do this sneakily without getting caught at work lol. wanted to make sure on everything as to book days off but didnt really have time to read all 47 pages in my half an hour dinner.

i promise to read it all when i get home, once again sorry.
Feek said:
Tent - check
Sleeping bag - check
Airbed - check
Cowboy hat - check
Cowboy boots - check
Poncho - check (in the post)
Worn out looking blue jeans - check
Gunbelt and holster - check
Cuban cigars - check
Colt 45 - check

I think I'm ready....


Yup.. yup... nope.. nope... nope... yup... nope... nope... nope.

Oh eck.. a lot of no's there. Better sort out a costume I guess :eek:
I really ought to be sociable and offer transport - I'm heading down the A12 from the sunshine state, around the M25 and down the M4 with three spare seats in the Feekmobile. Planning on doing the whole weekend, ie Friday to Monday.

Feek said:
I really ought to be sociable and offer transport - I'm heading down the A12 from the sunshine state, around the M25 and down the M4 with three spare seats in the Feekmobile. Planning on doing the whole weekend, ie Friday to Monday.



erm, is this a good thing to yell in Feeks car? :eek: :p

I may take you up on that but will let you know nearer the time
Just re-read the whole thread and drummed the important bits into Kate's head.

Kate & I finish early on Friday, and get down to Pembroke and pitched by late evening.

We don't finish early and get there around er...midnight :p

Either way, sombreros and ponchos are on the way and ASDA do deals for Corona and Sol I think. :)
Woop woop! I'm all excited now :D

I want some cowboy boots to match my outfit :D :D

Apparently I'm not allowed a moustache though :(
*declines to comment*

i'm still coming, though not for the whole weekend, planning on going Friday and coming back either Sat night or Sunday morning due to other commitments which i can't get out of.

Will be sleeping in the car by the looks of things too, not the most uncomfortable of places though :)

Matt keep your head up mate, the organisation of this has been very good thus far, and i'm sure every one is appreciative of your efforts and your families hospitality, i know i am :)
Otacon said:
Did anyone find a cheap double sleeping bag? Quite fancy a bit more room with the larger tent :)
Get the one Feek suggested ages back - it's not double, but it is plenty big. If you really want double, get two and zip 'em together. :)
Zirax said:
What are you doing for travelling Huddy? Also is the tent share still ok (i'll bring a fan) :p
Dude, my mate has let me down..

Catch me on MSN and we'll make plans. I want to travel up on the Friday but really want to come home on the Sunday if i can because i'm on holiday on the Wednesday.

Failing that, I'll have to take the monday off but don't want. Wish I had a car now!
Right, the place that I'm buying my new tent from has Feekypoos sleeping bag for a fiver cheaper than he got it - It would have been rude not to really :)

All kit ordered!
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