Madness isn't it. The distributor is getting in touch with them.I have a directional antenna - Solwise - 5G Panel LTE Antenna - 5G-XPOL-A0002 (XPOL-2-5G) | Solwise Ltd.
Yeah so Cell Mapper seems fine for showing me all the 4G LTE masts, and I found the one I connect to with 4G+. IDs match up etc. Now this Router reports the Cell ID and I can't find it at all, but also I can't seem to see any towers listed. I select EE - 23430, 5G NR, All Bands and nadda. Set it back to 4G LTE and all the masts appear.
Unless I'm doing it wrong.
EDIT: So i'm just going to move it 10-15º, check signal, rinse and repeat. See if I can guess. I must be in the ball park area already. But I could just be clipping it, saying I'm not omni.
I like the Poynting stuff, it is really well priced and does a good job.
If you look on the EE coverage map for 5G does it not show the 5G 'hotspots' so you can tell where the mast is located? Sounds to me like there isn't much data for Cellmapper 5G in your area, I try and keep it on my phone when I can, and update the masts when I see them.