yeah, eu ctf always had a few full servers, even now the QL ctf pickup is still going every evening while the tdm gets next to nothing unless a cup is going on. QL was mostly CA/FFA/CTF as many didn't fancy the tdm long weapon spawns. Stuff like the simple insta rail mods gave new players a way to learn the basics of movement and aim with one weapon without item pickups though - be great if we could get back to allowing game modding so we can make popular mods & fix their games for them. Server browsers to keep going to servers you like and being able to host your own dedicated server built great communities in multiplayers but they seem to have forgotten or don't care these days.
That's how 2042 is going right now, all the popular stuff that made it remotely fun got nerfed while they haven't fixed most major bugs/issues. They should have fixed all the weapons to be realistically accurate before they ruined the only one that worked (pp), it's almost pure luck if your bullets hit a head at mid/long when the same shots in almost every previous bf would have that enemy dead. Shouldn't have to tap fire everything. Sad to see they're below 10k players on weekends already now many game companies faff about with stuff that people don't ask to be changed, yet they don't fix major issues that so many complain about or majorly broken things. Yet developers call the gamers toxic for it.