*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

I don't mind an un-counterable melee takedown from behind, as long as you can't lock on from a distance. I liked the counter melee system in bf4 from the front, I thought that worked well, and if bayonet charges have to be included in this next game, then they should have a timed sidestep and melee counter too.

But yes ww2 pretty much confirmed.
And the tickets are going down not up.

Further analysis suggests:
- It's a revive animation not a melee takedown (There are only two people on the minimap at the centre and they're in the same squad)


They really are ruining the BF game now if they are going to be adding an animation for getting revived as well now...... Just means when you go for a revive, chances are you will die mid way through the revive, utterly retarded if that is the case. Medic class will be even more dead than what it is in bf 1 if they go down that path.

Can you imagine trying to revive people in BF 1 if there was a 5+ second animation, might as well forget reviving on maps like fort de veux.

And yes haz, I don't wouldn't mind bf 1 melee system if there was a way to counter it although the lock in animation that homes in on you is still retarded and needs to go.
I've set up a script that as soon as the pre-order goes live, my PC will automatically enter the details and get me the top dog all singing all dancing version

Don't lie, you and Nexus will play the "I've pre-ordered it" game for the next 5 months until release. Secretly hoping the other one has so you can fool yourself into thinking you held out for as long as you could.

You're fooling know one 1Tap! Not me, not this time...;)
Don't lie, you and Nexus will play the "I've pre-ordered it" game for the next 5 months until release. Secretly hoping the other one has so you can fool yourself into thinking you held out for as long as you could.

You're fooling know one 1Tap! Not me, not this time...;)

Already got me a copy and best of all, not having to pay for it :D :p ;)

So just down to you 2 this time, who will crumble first? :D My money is on Josh again..... :p
Don't lie, you and Nexus will play the "I've pre-ordered it" game for the next 5 months until release. Secretly hoping the other one has so you can fool yourself into thinking you held out for as long as you could.

You're fooling know one 1Tap! Not me, not this time...;)

Its a pity its WW2, I had really hoped for something a little more fresh, WW2 feels done to death to me. Not specifically speaking BF here, but done to death in the shooter genre generally. Had hoped for Vietnam or something really out of leftfield.
Was hoping BF Vietnam :(

Bf1 is basically ww2 already. Plane’s could be reskinned given their armaments and all those automatic weopons again could be reskinned to WW2 guns. Will be interesting to see how well they can differentiate the two.
WW2 shooters have been done to death! I was hoping for a sequel to 2142, or an adaptation of the battle royal genre. I definitely won't be buying this one, and I own virtually every Battlefield title.
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WW2 shooters have been done to death! I was hoping for a sequel to 2142, or an adaptation of the Battle Royal genre. I definitely won't be buying this one, and I own virtually every Battlefield title.
Most people don't want Battlefield to go anywhere near the Battle Royale type of game mode. I suspect you're in a minority there.
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