*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

Most people don't want Battlefield to go anywhere near the Battle Royale type of game mode. I suspect you're in a minority there.

I wouldn't say I'm in the minority at all. There are millions of people playing Fortnite and PUBG, many of which would jump at the chance! It would also give PS4 players a realistic alternative to Fortnite, since PUBG isn't available on the console. The genre would be ideal for keeping a modern setting, and yet keeping the gameplay fresh!

Edit: I see you're not a fan of PUBG. Figures! :rolleyes:
I wouldn't say I'm in the minority at all. There are millions of people playing Fortnite and PUBG, many of which would jump at the chance! It would also give PS4 players a realistic alternative to Fortnite, since PUBG isn't available on the console. The genre would be ideal for keeping a modern setting, and yet keeping the gameplay fresh!

Edit: I see you're not a fan of PUBG. Figures! :rolleyes:
I haven't played it. I just refuse to buy pre-release software anymore after buying Day Z standalone early access 3 1/2 years ago and still don't have a release version to play.
Couldn't care less about a BR game mode as long as the game isn't designed around it to the point it ruins conquest game mode/maps.....

This, if they choose to implement it fine (can't say I'd play it as honestly don't get the fascination), as long as they concentrate on what Battlefield bread and butter is.
Seen some people on other forums absolutely convinced it’s going to focus on multiple eras rather than just one, part of me thinks that would be cool but another part makes me think it would be pretty jarring and somewhat unfocused.
I hope it's more bf4 than 1. Would prefer it wasn't a battle royal game but being EA it could well be.

Kinda miss the battlefield server website despite it's annoying plugin.
Seen some people on other forums absolutely convinced it’s going to focus on multiple eras rather than just one, part of me thinks that would be cool but another part makes me think it would be pretty jarring and somewhat unfocused.

Why put multiple eras in 1 game when they can reskin and sell as a full game every 2 years.
I wouldn't say I'm in the minority at all. There are millions of people playing Fortnite and PUBG, many of which would jump at the chance! It would also give PS4 players a realistic alternative to Fortnite, since PUBG isn't available on the console. The genre would be ideal for keeping a modern setting, and yet keeping the gameplay fresh!

Edit: I see you're not a fan of PUBG. Figures! :rolleyes:

I'm sure there are loads of people that would love to see a BR game in the frostbyte engine. It doesn't have to be part of the BF main franchise though, and should be done as a separate game not as a half baked add on to BF. BR games are also about to become over saturated, I expect there will be at least 3 major new ones announced at E3.

Edit: There's a cover art shot leaked. Shows soldier with M1911 and M1 rifle if anyone didn't yet believe BFV is WW2:

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Please let there be some AA in it and maybe a version of lockers.

Maybe an early Nazi rocket jet...aka UCAV.

A new noob cannon ala M320 would be nice too.
Edit: There's a cover art shot leaked. Shows soldier with M1911 and M1 rifle if anyone didn't yet believe BFV is WW2:


Actually, that rifle looks more like an M14 than a M1. Still, both of those rifles, along with the M1911, are still in service today so it could be anything from WW2 up until Afghan. But without getting a clearer look at the clothing and kit it's difficult to ascertain the era. That said, the goggles do look like WW2 era, but again it could quite easily be Korea or Vietnam.
Please let there be some AA in it and maybe a version of lockers.

Maybe an early Nazi rocket jet...aka UCAV.

A new noob cannon ala M320 would be nice too.

BF1 had Argonne forest and Fort de Vaux which were very like metro/lockers maps. It also had a mobile AA but you would have hated it, most people just used it to farm infantry from their uncap. ;):P
I'm sure there will be a mobile AA, meat grinder infantry maps and OP weapons returning in this.
If you think about it, Battlefield already has the foundations of a solid BR game:

- Huge maps with high player counts
- Lots of weapons and attachments
- Bullet drop, recoil etc
- Maps with variety - close quarters, long lanes for sniping and everything in between
- A progression system of sorts to unlock stuff

Healing and ammo systems are already in place. All they would need to add is the more obvious BR stuff - closing the map with gas/bombs etc or whatever the flavour of the month is. They wouldn't exactly need to reinvent the wheel to make it work successfully. If they nail the basics, combined with how well Frostbite runs, I can see it being a great game.

100 players, vehicles, destructible buildings and that Battlefield polish - yes please.
The best Battlefield was BF2 around 2006, this will never be bettered feeling wise. All other BF games suck apart from BC2 which was ok but still no BF2.

bf1942 was groundbreaking for me, BF:Vietnam had the best infantry mechanics of any BF game (shame about the helicopters), BF2142 was the most fun and by far the most balanced of the franchise. BF2 was good but people seem to forget the dolphin diving (for months you could dolphin dive through bullets and just stab everyone) and tank proof helicopters.

edite: oh and i don't want a BF BR game to replace BF. No reason they can't do a separate standalone.
If you think about it, Battlefield already has the foundations of a solid BR game:

- Huge maps with high player counts
- Lots of weapons and attachments
- Bullet drop, recoil etc
- Maps with variety - close quarters, long lanes for sniping and everything in between
- A progression system of sorts to unlock stuff

Healing and ammo systems are already in place. All they would need to add is the more obvious BR stuff - closing the map with gas/bombs etc or whatever the flavour of the month is. They wouldn't exactly need to reinvent the wheel to make it work successfully. If they nail the basics, combined with how well Frostbite runs, I can see it being a great game.

100 players, vehicles, destructible buildings and that Battlefield polish - yes please.

Agreed 100%, I understand (/almost dislike) that BR modes are all the rage at the moment, but like you said DICE / Battlefield could be the ones to nail it. They have almost everything in place already. PUBG have minced around for too long now IMO, they could have locked down the "realistic BR" genre CS:GO style but instead that market share is ripe for the taking. As long as its in addition to the normal MP content of a Battlefield game, I think people would be surprised how enjoyable BR can be.
I really disliked BF1's meat-grinder gameplay, and love PUBG's slow-and-tense and choice-dependent (rather than twitch skill-dependent) by contrast.

I've bought every BF game since BF2, but I'll give this one a miss if it doesn't have some kind of BR mode.
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