The official Dell Ultrasharp 2408WFP Thread

Well just to let you know... Dell sent through the replacement model today.... *snip*

I'm in the same boat as you regarding the 10% voucher, I'm going to order one tomorrow but it's frustrating spending so much on a monitor when the new revision is out.

Hope that monitor is one that has the firmware updated.
the latest model is OG286H the 2 we have are superb nio dead pixel , 3 yr dead pixel guarantee anyway, colour perfect, no banding etc

Any tests any one wants running let me know
damn the price just went up by £20~30, probably a sign not to buy it right now.

Was intending to buy a new system including this tomorrow but all the items I have in mind keep going up in price :(
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Yeah I doubt thats an A01. It may be 22/08 stock but it still has 25% increments and the input lag is almost identical. The confirmed A01s with 10% increments and that actually says A01 on the box have better lag (around 34ms avg). ;)
thanks Badass running it shortly I notice the sharpness settings are still in multiples of 25% but it carries a brand new model number "0G286H"

Yeah I doubt thats an A01. It may be 22/08 stock but it still has 25% increments and the input lag is almost identical. The confirmed A01s with 10% increments and that actually says A01 on the box have better lag (around 34ms avg). ;)

I believe that confirms that the "0G286H" is still the old firmware. Sharpness settings are in multiples of 25% and the lag is the same. I'm looking forward to finding out whether gazzeroo's 'CX268 Rev A0' has sharpness in 10% increments.

I'm so tired and bored of waiting for a decent 24" screen, when so many people have said the old Dell 2407WFP A04 was perfect. I'm really annoyed they can't resell that as a non-wide gamut screen or something.

Edit : I've just seen on the Dell Community forums people have had part numbers : 0G283H, 0G286H, 0CX268, all listed as A00, and all came with the old firmware. However, one guy from Canada received a screen with part number 0G283H A01. I am beginning to suspect that the Dell Community Liaison doesn't quite know what he makes out to know. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems only people with the monitor mentioning 'A01' have the new firmware. Part number seems to have nothing to do with it.
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I'm looking forward to finding out whether gazzeroo's 'CX268 Rev A0' has sharpness in 10% increments.

Well, it hasnt. The CX268 I now have was manufactured in June 08 (according to the label on the back) and has the 25% increments. The 0G286H I had was manufactured in July 08 and also had the 25% increments.

Not so impressed with the one I have now. The input lag is more noticeable, it also has a dark pixel towards the right hand side, and when the screen is black I have loads of light patches (mainly in the corners). Is this what they call 'light bleed' ?? Cant say I noticed it much on the one that is going back.

The support guy from Dell said he would call me today to check that everything was ok. Guess what... it's not... and he is going to get a request from me to take this one back too and replace it with one with the revised firmware. He said he couldnt guarantee it last time.... well this time he is going to have to. :mad:
Gazzero is it CX268 that's giving problems? the 2 G86H's we have are excellent but input lag is 42-62ms for us it's not a problem image / colour reproduction are our primary concern. This G286H does not have the colour calibration problem that the CX268 had ie. slight pinkish hues , but then we only have 2 screens could just be pot lot

This Dell situation is rather crap as it's been ongoing since March when TFT Central first reported the A01 saga
The one I have at the mo (we'll call it Monitor 2) is the CX268 (or is it 286?!? it's at home so I cant remember) manufactured in June 2008, Made in Czech Republic - has a stuck pixel, lots of backlight bleeding, and seems to suffer from the input lag problem.

The first one I had (we'll call that Monitor 1) was the G286H, manufactured in July 2008, Made in Mexico (i think) - had a stuck pixel, no real noticeable light bleed or colour probs, didnt seem as bad on the input lag, but had a scratch on the screen when I received it. If it hadnt have had the scratch and the dead pixel smack bang in the middle of the screen then I would have kept that one.

Anyway... True to his word, the Dell support guy that dealt with the return of Monitor 1 and the issue of Monitor 2 called me back just now to see if I was happy. I told him I wasnt, explained the problem, and he tried to put me through to Dell Tech Support to discuss the problems I was having.

I've just given up for now, as I havent got time for the Dell Phone Merry-go-round where you get put through to all the different departments. They let you explain your prob, then say 'Sorry sir, this is Sales' in their best Indian-English accent. I'll try again later.

Anyone got the definitive number for Dell Tech Support / RMAs etc... ?

Update : The Dell Tech Support No is 08443381200. They have agreed to send me another one and take my current one back (So Monitor 3 is on the way). I asked them to try and get the new revision out to me but they said they couldnt as they just put the order in for a NEW one to be sent out from their stock (so maybe if I exhaust them of stock they will eventually get the revised firmware in :) What the guy did say was that if I requested a refurbished one then they may be able to check what the part number and revision is on it before its sent. The fact that I want a NEW one, as that is what I paid my money to Overclockers for, means they have no say in what turns up. Fingers crossed, 3rd time lucky and all that.
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Hi !

Hello all 2408 owners,

I'm in the same boat as you.

The 2408 grows nearly to a passion because of its now complex history, the stunning picture quality it can reach (when properly tuned), its numbers of "issues" :p and the buzz around it.

The high number of posts the 2408 generates in forums all over the world clearly shows that it's like an affair of love and hate with this baby...

Well, to make my story short: I recently got a replacement for my 1st 2408 I bought in March (0CX268). Mainly because of a pink tint and a very visible left side brighter that the right one.
I called Dell tech support at the end of august, hoping to receive a 2408 with the new firmware.

As you guess, that was not the case...:o

However Dell kindly sent me a brand new 2408.
It's a 0G286H with the old firmware. However the screen homogeneity is far better than my original 0CX268. No more pink tint. Backlight bleeding is minimal. No dead pixel.
Also the anti-glare coating seems to have been improved (less grainy).

I've found a quite minor problem with this anti-glare coating. There is a small mark/dot at the surface of the coating that cannot be cleared, near the center of the screen. Like a small dust that cannot be wiped away.
Suprinsigly, in the US Dell Community Forum, I've found one user with exactly the same kind of mark (but on a 0G283H part number). However other users have reported no mark at all.

It is nearly invisible in normal use, but I wonder if other owners of 0G286H in this forum can also see this mark/dust. (you've to look carefully with the screen powered off and enough light).

Also I'm interested to particpate in your forum as our 2408 are produced in the same factory: the one in the Czech Republik (CZ).

Here in France/Belgium everybody is awaiting a sign of a 2408 with the new firmware being released from this CZ factory.

So any report about new delivered 2408 are welcome.

Thank you for your answers - FYI: I'm in Belgium.
Yeah I doubt thats an A01. It may be 22/08 stock but it still has 25% increments and the input lag is almost identical. The confirmed A01s with 10% increments and that actually says A01 on the box have better lag (around 34ms avg). ;)

is this definite ?
that would put them on par with the hazro etc...
Well it was 3rd time unlucky for me. Dell have sent me yet another CX268 :mad:

Why are they still shipping all this old stock ? Why arent they upgrading all their 2408's with the new firmware ?

Has anyone actually received a A01 from Dell in the UK ?

I probably wont get to try this one tonight, but I'm already hoping that there is something wrong with it. I dont mind sending it back again, it's really no problem for me, but it must be costing Dell a pretty penny to have to keep sending delivery/collection people out.

Assuming that there is nothing physically wrong with this one (light bleed, dead pixels etc) does anyone know if I can just send it back to Dell to get them to apply the firmware upgrade ?
no you wont be able to unless you say "find the lag unacceptable" or something that could actually be related to the firmware fix
Has anyone actually received a A01 from Dell in the UK ?

Hi gazzeroo,

As I explain in my previous mail, I'm exactly in the same boat than you.

I'm an active member in 2408 french forums.
Everybody there is also waiting for the new firmware...
AFAIK, nobody in Europe as yet received a 2408 with an updated firmware. :rolleyes:

I'm in contact with Dell tech Support about it, but they do not seem really aware of the problems.

However, some US and Canadian users did receive 2408 with updated fw (2408 factory is in Mexico).
Same for one Australian user (factory in China).

The only way to identify an updated firmware is by checking the sharpness steps (10). Product number and monitor revision (A00) may stay the same.
Who is lagging who?

Newbie here...
Is it me, or is this CRT on the right lagging the CRT on the left? That should be impossible, right? Thanks for clarification(s).

edit> Aha! Thanks!
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I think the G286H is the best 24" at the moment the Hazro has a major banding problem similar to that of the 2407WFP A01 interesting the new Hazro Wi's now use the Same video scalar chip used on the 2407WFP.

If you read the Hazro thread you will see screen grabs of the Wi's banding.

We're getting average 45ms Input lag on the G286H REV A00

We also notice the colour clarity seems slightly sharper than our CX268's certainly no pink hue's on the 2 we have.
I think the G286H is the best 24" at the moment

I agree with you, I also own a 0G286H.

I've a question for you Sallermas:

I've found a (very) minor problem with this anti-glare coating. There is a small mark/dot at the surface of the coating that cannot be cleared, near the center of the screen. Like a small dust that cannot be wiped away.
Suprinsigly, in the US Dell Community Forum, I've found two users with exactly the same kind of mark (but on G283H part number). Other users have reported no mark at all.

It is nearly invisible in normal use, but I wonder if other owners of 0G286H in this forum can also see this mark/dust. (you've to look carefully with the screen powered off and enough light).

Can you check on yours... ?

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