*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

Coming into D2 on PC is there a site that goes into the Lore and background of the first game? I do like to know what's happening and Bungie are usually pretty good at fleshing that kind of thing out well.
I am not sure if there is a site specifically but the Destiny reddit has a lot of Lore posts (taken from the "in game" Grimore). Also check out MyNameisbyf on Youtube. He does lore based Destiny videos. There is also another guy as well (I want to say Merlyn or something like that) who does the same.
Coming into D2 on PC is there a site that goes into the Lore and background of the first game? I do like to know what's happening and Bungie are usually pretty good at fleshing that kind of thing out well.

This post on Reddit is pretty much perfect for you. It contains a detailed summary of all the lore and our achievements in D1. Link below as the guy deserves some major props for his work:

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Especially for you Sonny :)

My collection of Prometheus merchandise, including all 28 limited edition steelbooks released worldwide..


Be gentle..
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I have just added the next parts of my solo raid with Crota.

I have updated my post with the other videos but for ease here are the links to the videos.

DeathSinger:: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/141659465 (2:52)
Crota:: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/141663201 (9:52)

I came close so many times with Crota before this eventual completion. But I either missed a hit or got taken down by one of the tower boomers.
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Nice, got my Alien Covenant tickets booked. Looks good.

Only noticed the prologue yesterday.

Yeah the film looks great, looks a bit too intense for me.. I'm just hoping they sort the story out this time.

I'm going to see it at 20:30 tonight for a 2D preview screening then 00:01 for the IMAX version.

Tomorrow is gonna be a long day!
I have just added the next parts of my solo raid with Crota.

I have updated my post with the other videos but for ease here are the links to the videos.

DeathSinger:: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/141659465 (2:52)
Crota:: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/141663201 (9:52)

I came close so many times with Crota before this eventual completion. But I either missed a hit or got taken down by one of the tower boomers.

Cracking videos.. makes me wanna go through this pain again lol
Take ALL this with a pinch of salt but its interesting nonetheless. The reason I'm linking it is because it was posted months ago before Bungie officially announced Destiny 2 and a lot of the things are spot on including something about the guardians getting pets and he describes the 3 pets, which have turned up on hats and keyrings being sold by Gamestop for Destiny 2 adding even more weight to the original post. Read more posts than the first one as he goes into more detail as you read down.

Like I say, massive pinch of salt but if like me this kind of thing interests you then have at it. I don't know what to think but I'm leaning towards believing it. He says he's a Bungie employee who was just venting and wants to leave Bungie but he's not verified. I wouldn't have given it another look if it wasn't for the Gamestop thing I saw today.

Gamestop info:

Reddit post:


Like the things about the Vex.

HUGE SPOILERS IF TRUE (doubtful though).
Especially for you Sonny :)

My collection of Prometheus merchandise, including all 28 limited edition steelbooks released worldwide..


Be gentle..

that looks pretty sweet.

you should look into HCG (hero complex gallery) if you don't know about it already





bottleneck gallery is good as well i was going to get this but it sold out when i changed my mind i wanted it


their stuff is pretty limited though as in it's either really good or it's crap. i prefer HCG



these are glow in the dark. so when you turn the lights off the picture changes

i have this one


as you can see little details in the picture that aren't there in the light.

i've got quite a few others i'll post pics when i get a chance over the weekend.

i have a destiny wall in the games room. i got joker and harley quinn in there too. downstairs i got a 1 of a kind furiosa and a few others, kill bill, braveheart, etc. i got a few i haven't put up yet either

this is the guy


i have 2 of his. may get a few more

this one looks okay too

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Love this one, has all kinds of film nods in there:


May even see if I can get it for my gaming room.

Edit: Sold Out. Are they all one run only?

yeah they are limited edition prints. if you see one you like be quick.

some even buy multiples of them to then sell on ebay a year later for double to triple what they paid. certain artists are more sought after too. as well as certain movies, etc.

like i said with the last alien one by the time i was ready to buy it was gone. i only dithered for a day too and it had only been released the day before i saw it.

some sell out within half an hour, some 1-3 days, some never sell out. sign up to their newsletter, you will get emailed a picture of any new releases (not always though so you need to check the site too as sometimes big batches are released and they usually only pick 3 for the emails) and when it's going to be released.

i'll post a few of mine this weekend i have quite a few. i have them for my own personal enjoyment a lot of people buy as investments, etc. they are cheap with some of them only being $4 but some of them go up to $200. the bigger and more limited the more expensive usually. i think the most expensive i have is $90 and that will likely go up in value too as it's a 1/1. nobody else has it.
any chance someone can jump on tonight and help me with the Kings Fall raid im trying to finish the THE ROAD TO KING'S FALL mission, I should be on from 8pm.

PSN is AgroNation
that looks pretty sweet.

you should look into HCG (hero complex gallery) if you don't know about it already





bottleneck gallery is good as well i was going to get this but it sold out when i changed my mind i wanted it


their stuff is pretty limited though as in it's either really good or it's crap. i prefer HCG



these are glow in the dark. so when you turn the lights off the picture changes

i have this one


as you can see little details in the picture that aren't there in the light.

i've got quite a few others i'll post pics when i get a chance over the weekend.

i have a destiny wall in the games room. i got joker and harley quinn in there too. downstairs i got a 1 of a kind furiosa and a few others, kill bill, braveheart, etc. i got a few i haven't put up yet either

this is the guy


i have 2 of his. may get a few more

this one looks okay too


I've got 6 copies of the A2 poster size bottleneck Covenant print.. glossy poster but you're welcome to one of you want.
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