*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

have you cleared all of the missions on the moon?
it will open up venus when you do.
or maybe you need to visit the reef to progress the story, if that area opened up for you.

Yes, done all that, I've now done all missions and its put me at lvl13, the next planet is level 15.

What do I do now, repeate missions until lvl 15 then head to next planet?
So glad I returned my PS4 and Destiny.

I think the £300m was spent on advertising campaigns more than the game it seems.

I mean... I would love to play this game, but Im not going to shell out on a next gen console at this stage.
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Yes, done all that, I've now done all missions and its put me at lvl13, the next planet is level 15.

What do I do now, repeate missions until lvl 15 then head to next planet?

Get some bounties from the guy at the the Tower, then do patrol missions or do some pvp at the Crucible.
6/10, c'mon Activision you could have offered a larger bribe.:p

The review score sounds about right to me. I've got to say the solo campaign is really dull and repetitive, and nearly every mission involves waiting for the Ghost to decode something while being attacked by waves of enemies. Its almost like a project manager at Bungie said:
"Guys, we're running late with this, what can we do to get it out earlier".

Devs then said, "Well, we can make every mission exactly the same, that way we can use a single script for the enemies, and lets push all the other stuff into 'expansion packs'".

in saying that i'm still playing (currently level 19), although I strongly suspect when I hit 20 i'm going to struggle to find anything interesting to do. I've probably played for about 15 hours, so you could argue that i've got my money worth. I just think that the game isn't really what I expected from reading about the game beforehand AND playing the beta.

Even the media seem confused, with reviewers saying they'll have to wait a few days before delivering their verdict....like they expected the game to be much bigger and there to be plenty of 'end game' content. In reality you could review the game after one day and it wouldn't have been that far off the mark. Was delaying the raids until next week a crafty way of ensuring that reviews would be deferred?
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Has anyone tried the blue pulse rifle you get for completing the PvE quest line in PvP yet? The first modification you get for it is full-auto mode which I think would be pretty tasty. Although the trade-off is it's small magazine size (23 IIRC).

I tried using it, but anything other than auto rifle in PvP is really tricky to pull off. Hard to aim a pulse rifle at fast moving targets tbh. It's sick in PvE though, can just hold down the trigger when attacking bosses instead of having to keep pressing it :p
Can I ask people who have played the final version and the beta.

Are they significantly different or was the beta a good representation of what the end product was going to end up like?
Really struggling to get any light armour at level 20. I've been stuck at 1 or 2 points away from 21 for ages but every drop I get is less or the same light points as what I have.

Any areas or missions I can do on my own that are good for drops?
A good representation. I'm not sure why you're still here if you've sold the console and the game though?

I said earlier that Im still going to be following this thread.
And also wanting to see if after a week of play peoples perceptions of the game are any different?

(I am interested in the game... but just not at the price of buying a new console see).
Really struggling to get any light armour at level 20. I've been stuck at 1 or 2 points away from 21 for ages but every drop I get is less or the same light points as what I have.

Any areas or missions I can do on my own that are good for drops?

Strike playlists are the way it seems. Still need to do it myself but that's what I've read.
Most games are repetitive by their very nature but I have to agree the mission structure here is very poor. If the worlds were massive open areas I could forgive this to a degree but the environments aren't that big.

As it stands I'm only Level 10 after two play sessions, I just don't have the time or patience to really hammer games like I used to, and the repetition and bland main story missions haven't really started to irk me that much yet.

I can see why the hardcore guys that put a lot of time into their games are largely disappointed though. For me it's a good, solid game, bosses aren't easily overwhelmed but are a bit of a grind.. Could do with some more varied content.
Reviews do put it down a little.
Theirs just no way I could see people playing it in a year, let alone something like 10 they talked about.

But then most of the advertising was false, so is the 10 year thing I bet.
to me 70 odd percent seems like a fair score. Its a high enough score that the game sits at above average but not a "must buy".

That sort of percentage will also mean its gonna be a marmite game with some people heralding it as the second coming with others getting rid of it straight away.

For me im enjoying it a lot, but then again i didnt buy ghost edition or limited edition or fork out on expansion pass etc. I bought the bog standard edition and will see what the expansions offer before i consider those.

For me if it provides enough entertainment to GTAv and Driveclub arrive then ill be happy.

To answer a previous question the beta was the "exact" representation of how the full game plays only with the addition of the additional planets, levels and gear.

I think the raids will be a good indicator of how the game will fare on long term, the biggest frustration for me with the game is that the group play seems very limited with 3 players, wish we could have bigger co-op groups.
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