6/10, c'mon Activision you could have offered a larger bribe.
The review score sounds about right to me. I've got to say the solo campaign is really dull and repetitive, and nearly every mission involves waiting for the Ghost to decode something while being attacked by waves of enemies. Its almost like a project manager at Bungie said:
"Guys, we're running late with this, what can we do to get it out earlier".
Devs then said, "Well, we can make every mission exactly the same, that way we can use a single script for the enemies, and lets push all the other stuff into 'expansion packs'".
in saying that i'm still playing (currently level 19), although I strongly suspect when I hit 20 i'm going to struggle to find anything interesting to do. I've probably played for about 15 hours, so you could argue that i've got my money worth. I just think that the game isn't really what I expected from reading about the game beforehand AND playing the beta.
Even the media seem confused, with reviewers saying they'll have to wait a few days before delivering their verdict....like they expected the game to be much bigger and there to be plenty of 'end game' content. In reality you could review the game after one day and it wouldn't have been that far off the mark. Was delaying the raids until next week a crafty way of ensuring that reviews would be deferred?