*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

Why when i pick where i want to go do i need to click launch?

And why have they got this stupid pointer thing instead of just use the buttons to select what you want?

Uggggg Think this is getting sold tbh

that has literally got to be the worst reason i ever saw to sell a game off

I'm stuck now, level 11 and only new mission is a patrol and I have to kill some level 26 thing, wtf!!

have you cleared all of the missions on the moon?
it will open up venus when you do.
or maybe you need to visit the reef to progress the story, if that area opened up for you.
I know raids wont have any matchmaking and i'm sort of fine with that for now, but it seems the daily and weekly heroic missions don't have it either, whats the point in that?

Bungie have made an amazing game, but some of their design decisions are just stupid.
i enjoy this. just got to level 3 :o gave up trying to kill the wizard but was very impressed with the running/movement of the enemies on the approach.

haven't got into any joint combat yet so that's still to come.
It would be tough :p

If you don't even have one friend though perhaps not the best game to choose! Plenty of people in the clans to play with.

The game is perfectly fine for being a lone wolf, and i have no problem with trying to make a group within the clan, but having to back out of the game to do it is not good at all.
Great games with Gord and sham! Apologies for constantly needing to be revived in PvP! :p I did warn you!

Was awesome fun though :) definitely a much more enjoyable game when played in a group
The Cydonia-AR3 is awesome for PvP. I managed to go on a 23 kill streak with that and my shotgun. PvP is a great mode when you have a group of you together.
Has anyone tried the blue pulse rifle you get for completing the PvE quest line in PvP yet? The first modification you get for it is full-auto mode which I think would be pretty tasty. Although the trade-off is it's small magazine size (23 IIRC).
Has anyone tried the blue pulse rifle you get for completing the PvE quest line in PvP yet? The first modification you get for it is full-auto mode which I think would be pretty tasty. Although the trade-off is it's small magazine size (23 IIRC).

It's not full auto at all, the only thing that upgrade does is allow you to hold the trigger down and it continues to burst without you clicking for each burst. Pretty disappointing -_-
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