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In level 16 with my warlock now and been using Sunningdale. Currently learning about it u like how you can spam grenades, take more damage and melee kills drops orbs it also allegedly steroids up your team mates not sure how but it's pretty good. I would say for the type of run and gun player I am though blade dancer would be better for me.
Once you have got the 'upgrade' page up, mouse over the symbol below the gun stats and select X to upgrade. They cost some resources.
Get some bounties from the guy at the the Tower, then do patrol missions or do some pvp at the Crucible.

Cheers, lvl 15 now and got my first blue rare from patrols!

Gonna head to venus later after a few strike missions I think!

Pretty confident I can hit 20 fast though, then I'll have a go in PvP and see what's next!,

Been solo all the way so far so pretty much fighting it all out on my own, what's the deal with the sub class defender on titan, seems to lower my specs guess I have to level it from scratch don't see much point tho.
Been solo all the way so far so pretty much fighting it all out on my own, what's the deal with the sub class defender on titan, seems to lower my specs guess I have to level it from scratch don't see much point tho.

striker is good for solo / levelling / PvP
defender is good for group PvE or raids

you cant get away with using the striker super power as easily later on in the game, defender super power is much more useful for groups (imo)
Yeah, I think all the subclasses are better for group content personally. I've been levelling mine in patrol mode or equipping it when handing in bounties, easy way of getting those early levels.
Good games earlier Moogleys was great fun, i was level 12-13 and moogleys level 14 i believe, did a load of the free roam patrols on earth and the moon then figured lets try the moon strike :D with a random and that big massive boss guy just kept owning us.

Proper hard but great fun :D
Was good, shame virgin decided I was not worthy of an internet connection...

That Big troll was seriously tough and all the wizards made it mental....

Good fun....
What affects what items you get after a game of Crucible? I keep getting one rubbish green the bottom guys in my lobby get two blues?!
Reviews do put it down a little.
Theirs just no way I could see people playing it in a year, let alone something like 10 they talked about.

But then most of the advertising was false, so is the 10 year thing I bet.

If they treat it like WoW and continue adding new dungeons/raids (DLC/Expansions?) along with new gear every so often, improve the public social aspect then it's quite possible that the game will thrive for many years.

It reminds me a lot of WoW where getting to level cap is just part of the process to learn your class, end game is what will ultimately make or break it.
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