*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

I'm not really fussed what the reviews say. They do bring up some valid problems with the game, but I am really loving it. I'm level 20, and I'm trying to gear for the raids. So much fun with friends. Anyone that want's to do strikes and raids with voice comms give me a shout. Psn Hixx
If they treat it like WoW and continue adding new dungeons/raids (DLC/Expansions?) along with new gear every so often, improve the public social aspect then it's quite possible that the game will thrive for many years.

It reminds me a lot of WoW where getting to level cap is just part of the process to learn your class, end game is what will ultimately make or break it.

The generation that would be buying it have even less patience than millennials, unless the gameplay is linear and very simple...like Activision published games, there's no way it would last.

I think in an unfortunate manner, the constant drivel that has been at the forefront of modern gaming has ruined people's attention spans. Hilarious that they don't realise it either by throwing half a billion at this game. Though it will obviously make it back, they also realise that aswell.

I wonder how long bungie will last.

Sorry for ranting, but I'm getting quite tired of an outrageous industry.
Is there anything else you can do with weapons and kit you no longer use or just dismantle it? I assume there is no point keeping any of it either?
Is there anything else you can do with weapons and kit you no longer use or just dismantle it? I assume there is no point keeping any of it either?

I want to know this as well, I thought they'd be a way to sell it to other players or back to the people in the tower but I can't find anything.
Just sent a request to join the PS4 clan on bungie.net btw. Also I'm really enjoying the game. For years I've wanted a modern day Phantasy Star Online on consoles and this is it! I'm mainly a pc gamer and mostly play mmorpg's so I guess that's why this appeals to me so much. If you are not a fan of mmorpg's or grinding gear you should really avoid this game!
I was really regretting buying this to begin. It feels like a generic FPS with slow loading times at first. However, got into a party with 2 mates last night and we did the Strike mission on Earth. Amazing! It was so intense at times taking on the bosses. Was some of the best co-op I've done in a very long time.

I just hope there are a load more Strike missions... if it's only a handful then I'm unlikely to be playing this long. Patrol missions seem ok too but a bit bland. The story missions aren't good so far but I'm only level 8. Hope they get tougher and more epic in scale.
I just hope there are a load more Strike missions... if it's only a handful then I'm unlikely to be playing this long. Patrol missions seem ok too but a bit bland. The story missions aren't good so far but I'm only level 8. Hope they get tougher and more epic in scale.

There is 1 strike mission on earth, 1 on the moon, 2 on Venus and 2 on Mars. I think it's lvl 16 iirc that the Strike playlist opens up which is essentially "Dungeon Finder" on most mmo's where you are awarded rep and rep marks. Story missions are usually on par with your lvl, but you can select "Hard" if you want more of a challenge and then once you hit lvl 20 you can select pretty much what ever lvl you want on a any story mission if you fancy replaying some.
I thought the same, when started it was seriously underwhelmed. More I play, more I enjoy. Some of the missions are pretty intense. It's not quite near being one of the best games ever, but def worth it
I honestly think we will see a lot of 'in retrospect' reviews for this game a few months down the line as people play more, event content is added and the desire to shock with a 'bad' score settles.
Didn't know you could do that with the vault! Thanks :).

Ah right, thanks. All I've been doing is dismantling everything. Nice to know I'm not missing anything. Thank you!

lol me too. Didn't see the point in keeping any gear either

I've also sent a request to join the clan :) (PS4)
I thought the same, when started it was seriously underwhelmed. More I play, more I enjoy. Some of the missions are pretty intense. It's not quite near being one of the best games ever, but def worth it

I think that's just it. It is a really good game, but it was hyped to be ohemgeebestgamevah. It is a great game though.

Just done my first strike mission (im level 10, done the one on earth) and it was pretty darn cool.
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