*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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I'd add that you get a new thing unlocked at every level (be it a rune or an ability), and it's not like you HAVE to pick the thing you just unlocked, so really I don't see what the fuss is all about.

Not being able to allocate stat points is sort of a moot point anyway since everyone followed a cookie cutter build. That's not customisation.

Quite. It's far better than the D2 system imo, by a long way. I like the unlock at every level even if it's just rune, it gives you something to towards in the short as well as the long, rather than "ooh another 1% in that passive skill so I can put another point in it next level".

All the skills seem quite well balanced as well, more so with the runes. Horse's for courses etc. Through all the runs I've done, I've been perfectly happy to stick with a skill that unlocks earlier if it's better to the way I'm playing.
ok this is a shocker to say this but I have played D1, D2, every crawler there is out there, BG, NWN as well. And here is the bottom line. TITAN QUEST is better than D3.

WTF have Blizzard done. Runics Torchlight is seriously going to give this tosh a run for its money. PoE may do as well but its a little niche atm and needs more mass exposure.

When I first started D3 (not played D2 or D1 but have played Titan Quest and Torchlight), I was of your opinion. However now I have played it some more i'm loving it - good story, good interface and mechanics. Can't wait for full release
After playing it for an hour or so, I have to say D3 feels much much more like Torchlight than it does Diablo.

I'm not entirely sure I like what they've done. I love Torchlight, but D3 isn't meant to be Torchlight.

Hmmm... I can't decide if I still want D3 or if I should just wait for Torchlight 2 instead... (meant to be out the month after D3 and considerably cheaper).

Choices choices...
The advantage of this I'm finding is that its helping me choose which main I want!

Really not enjoying the DH so far, it just feels a bit...clunky?

This is pretty close to the finished product.

I reckon the DH is going to be an end game class, once it gets all the spells and some decent kit it'll be fun... just like the Amazon in D2 (IMO).

After playing it for an hour or so, I have to say D3 feels much much more like Torchlight than it does Diablo.

I'm not entirely sure I like what they've done. I love Torchlight, but D3 isn't meant to be Torchlight.

Hmmm... I can't decide if I still want D3 or if I should just wait for Torchlight 2 instead... (meant to be out the month after D3 and considerably cheaper).

Choices choices...

Just play both :D
still downloading!!! had to start it again this morning, anyone getting crazy spikes in the download speed?


would have been quicker to NZB it!
still downloading!!! had to start it again this morning, anyone getting crazy spikes in the download speed?


would have been quicker to NZB it![/QUOTE]

You on Virgin?

If you are, you'll find your 'superhub' router is actually restarting in those dips. They need to release a firmware to fix it apparently. :mad:
I just played through the beta as witch doctor.

The first thing I found out is that vision is stretched (same as with StarCraft II) so it's actually "Supposed" to be run in 16:9 - so if you're on 1920x1200 like me, you need to go fullscreen at 1920x1080 to have things look right. Even then the graphics aren't as good as I expected, but it's not exactly bad either.

Gameplay-wise.. as the witch doctor you're spamming minions, spiders, dogs, etc.. so your weapon is pointless - which I don't like, so I'm going to try a different character in a bit. However the benefit of having minions and an aoe slow spell mean it's very easy to mitigate damage.

I liked the simplicity of the controls, I've never been a fan of making decisions which limit my future decisions (skill tree) - that stressed me out a ton. I wish it was more obvious was level you were, so you can at-a-glance find that.

I like that they've done a beta, it gives me chance to try all the characters and learn a bit about the game before launch - and it lets them sort out the teething problems.
got to the char creation, but failed to get past that. looks like the free weekend will actually be a free hour or two!
I downloaded and played a bit yesterday (on the American servers, EU was barely responding due to load). Initial impressions aren't great if I'm honest, struggling with immersion which is stopping me from playing for any decent length of time.

I can't say I welcome the graphics with open arms either - I'm not expecting state-of-the-art, its the style I've possibly got an issue with.

I tried both the Witch Doctor and Barbarian briefly and ddin't really enjoy the Witch Doctor much. I'll be trying all of the other classes today and, hopefully, feel the sort of immersion that will lead me to play for a longer period. By contrast, Diablo 2 immersion was instant.
I played a few hours last night and enjoyed it, despite Diablo not really being 'my type of game'. I know a lot of people who will be playing it so I'm getting it regardless, but the format will take a bit of getting used to.

I think people are being far too fast to criticise it, Blizzard will have all bases covered and this will be a decent game.

I have no idea what class I'm playing though, got a Demon Hunter to level 10 so far, will have to try all of the others as well.
can anyone find a good deal online for the pre-purchase?



Thats the best I can find (took out shopnames in case their competitors) :)
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