*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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And HL2 > Anno 2070.

They're completly different types of game. An aRPG is not a cRPG. And PvE is boring? Please...

@phil675 The first two hours of the game on normal difficulty were always going to be a cake walk. Believe me.. Nightmare and Inferno mode will provide a challenge, and there's always hardcore mode..

The PVE of what I played in this Diablo 3 beta was boring.

If you want a comparison within the same genre, there's path of exile. That game is a lot shorter sure, but the PVE was no where near as boring to me as D3 was. PoE had me hooked and every second of what I played felt brilliant and addictive. The gameplay in Diablo 3 was dreadfully boring in comparison.

I'm simply not impressed, I can't believe that this is the best that a company like Blizzard can pull off after such a long time of development. Truth be told, I think that the best developers that Blizzard used to have have long quit the company now, and most of those are now working at Arenanet.

Even a cheap indie game like Terraria had far more enjoyable PVE than D3 to me, I have no idea how this is the best that Blizzard can do with all the money they make.

There's actually not that much difference between D3 and Baldurs Gate either, both are RPGs, you explore a world and level up a character. Blizzard games have simply always been awful at story and immersion, I don't get why they always skip the finer aspects of RPG games and make a simplistic point and click hack and slash game which isn't even an outstanding hack and slash game either.

Of course criticism doesn't matter. Blizzard are number 1, they wil always be number 1 and therefore their games must automatically be perfectly flawless with zero problems and shortcomings. That seems to be the mentality of players who simply buy and play their games simply because they think that Blizzard is No. 1.
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Even a cheap indie game like Terraria had far more enjoyable PVE than D3 to me, I have no idea how this is the best that Blizzard can do with all the money they make.

Go play Terreria, PoE and GW2 then. Nobody is forcing you to buy a game you don't enjoy. :) Your not exactly the least vocal person concerning Blizzard... You've made it clear you don't like anything they do in many threads.

I've managed to play the beta many multiple times without finding it boring since getting access a few weeks ago, roll on the 15th.
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Diablo 2 plays the same as this really. You can't judge it on a short beta. The game is bound to be slow at the start as they need to break you in slowly. Just like any other game.
I'll be waiting for Torchlight 2... or load up D2 again since ladder reset isn't far away.

Sacred 3 is also in development, I definitely found the first two to be a lot more addictive than I'm finding D3. TBH I started playing this genre with Sacred gold. When I then got Diablo 3, it was far too out of date.

I've been eagerly anticipating D3 for such a long time, yet it feels just like D2 did - out of date, worse looking and less impressive gameplay than games in the same genre from the past few years.

So much dissapointment.
Diablo 2 plays the same as this really. You can't judge it on a short beta. The game is bound to be slow at the start as they need to break you in slowly. Just like any other game.

Most other games I play feel great, fun and addictive from the start. If you can't judge a game on a beta then what can you judge it on? There's no way the gameplay is going to significantly improve in a game like this the longer you play it, they remain the same throughout, kill monsters, level up, get new abilities.

If someone doesn't enjoy the beta / demo, there's little chance that they will enjoy the full game anymore.

Regarding graphics, isn't starcraft 2 a Blizzard game? Why is that they made that game look really nice, but they don't put as much effort into their RPGs?
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Go play Terreria, PoE and GW2 then. Nobody is forcing you to buy a game you don't enjoy. :) Your not exactly the least vocal person concerning Blizzard... You've made it clear you don't like anything they do in many threads.

I've managed to play the beta many multiple times without finding it boring since getting access a few weeks ago, roll on the 15th.

I very much echo this. If you don't like, go play something else.

Spent a couple of hours last night and absolutely love it. It's got the blizzard magic that made Diablo so good. Yes the graphics could be better but that fades once you start playing.

The only negative I can level is. If my wizard equips a bow it doesn't fire arrows. I'm assuming the damage is wrapped up in the currently selected spell?
I couldn't find any alternative fire.
Really enjoyed it, i played barbarian, wizard and witch doctor. As soon as i started firing electric bolts out my hand i knew i was gonna be a wizard:D
Cant decide whether to make it to the end or just wait till the game is out.
It's interesting reading the impressions here and on other forums. Most people have the same complaints I had when I started playing. I thought WTH, the character models are so low in polygons and the environments are kind of cartoony. And I thought it was impossible to really customise your character since you are just selecting 2 primary skills which you can change any time, and the rest just go on your action bar. So it really felt like COD, where you just select the perks you want to use, but nothing is permanent in that regard.

But as I played more I saw why they chose to do that. Whenever you have a skill tree, you get punished for choosing bad skills early on when you have no idea which skills are good. Letting you choose the skills any time lets you try them out and choose which ones you prefer. You can even change them in the dungeons if you feel like playing a different play style (like changing from high AOE damage to high single target damage).

Also, I like the removal of skill trees - they are always a PITA for trying to work out how to get later skills. I have this problem on Kingdoms of Amalur - if you want to get a cool skill, you have to dump points in another ability which you don't particularly like to unlock the one you actually want.

And regarding the graphics, I think it's a cool painted style now. The character is too far away to notice any fine details, and I never look at the enemies long enough to pick out any detail on them. The point of the game is too kill as many monsters as possible, as quickly as possible, so they are only on the screen for a few seconds before they are smashed to pieces. The graphics need to be simple so FPS is as high as possible, since you have loads of enemies on screen and spells going off and pieces of monsters flying across the screen. I have a Q6600 and nvidia 470gtx and I don't even reach 60FPS, just 30-50fps, so people would be having quite a choppy experience on anything less I think.

I've finished the beta with all 5 classes, and I can see they have focused on making the game as fun as possible, and removed all obstacles to having fun, and letting people who aren't into any kind of RPG take a step into what RPGs are like, just like COD and Halo have attracted people who don't usually play video games.
ok this is a shocker to say this but I have played D1, D2, every crawler there is out there, BG, NWN as well. And here is the bottom line. TITAN QUEST is better than D3.

WTF have Blizzard done. Runics Torchlight is seriously going to give this tosh a run for its money. PoE may do as well but its a little niche atm and needs more mass exposure.
The only negative I can level is. If my wizard equips a bow it doesn't fire arrows. I'm assuming the damage is wrapped up in the currently selected spell?
I couldn't find any alternative fire.

The whole game is built on the damage of your abilities being calculated from the weapons you have equipped, so even if you don't use the weapon to hit enemies (so WD, Wizard, Monk), the numbers from the weapon are used to calculate how much damage your spells/abilities will do. I believe, as the wizard, when you run out of mana you will do your Signature spell as an attack, so I don't think you can fire arrows. With the other classes, when you run out of energy you hit with the weapon. Can't test the wizard now, but I think that's right, he should just shoot an arcane bolt I think.
There's no punishment to skill tree systems if they also allow respecs. There's no need to remove skill trees and manual stat allocation on level ups as opposed to simply allowing these features to have respecs.

Everything is so dumbed down as well, there's hardly any fun to leveling up when everything is allocated automatically with zero chance of character customisation.
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The whole game is built on the damage of your abilities being calculated from the weapons you have equipped, so even if you don't use the weapon to hit enemies (so WD, Wizard, Monk), the numbers from the weapon are used to calculate how much damage your spells/abilities will do. I believe, as the wizard, when you run out of mana you will do your Signature spell as an attack, so I don't think you can fire arrows. With the other classes, when you run out of energy you hit with the weapon. Can't test the wizard now, but I think that's right, he should just shoot an arcane bolt I think.

DOH!!!!! That's why my wizard was weak, I thought he didn't need weapons oops.
ok this is a shocker to say this but I have played D1, D2, every crawler there is out there, BG, NWN as well. And here is the bottom line. TITAN QUEST is better than D3.

WTF have Blizzard done. Runics Torchlight is seriously going to give this tosh a run for its money. PoE may do as well but its a little niche atm and needs more mass exposure.

I think it's not totally fair to compare a finished game with an unfinished one. Play the whole thing when it's out then you can compare them properly.

The start of Titan Quest was OK but the game picked up the further in you went. Same for the original Diablo games. This one will probably be the same.
The advantage of this I'm finding is that its helping me choose which main I want!

Really not enjoying the DH so far, it just feels a bit...clunky?

I think it's not totally fair to compare a finished game with an unfinished one. Play the whole thing when it's out then you can compare them properly.
This is pretty close to the finished product.
Can barely play with all the disconnects, for an open beta it's pretty poor...

on a side note, how do we "block" people seeing our real names on the profile option? it's a bit strange to have everyone's real name on their characters?
Really enjoyed the beta, played to level 10 as a barbarian. Graphics are absolutely fine imo and the gameplay is just awesome.

This has definitely made me purchase it.

No idea why people are complaining, the action is full of gore and is very visceral, it doesn't complicate you with the D&D ruleset and the story seems interesting of what i saw.

The graphics are fine, there not Crysis, but they still look great in a artistic way.

I guess most of the gaming class are so fixated with graphics they can't see quality when its there, unless its covered in bloom and tessellation.
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