*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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I know this is a stress test. But I must say their servers are rubbish.

But they won't be for release. I think people are completely missing the fact that they're testing server load well beyond normal circumstances with this test. They're loading users from all the territories onto just the US servers in this stress test, so that's easily double or even triple what they'd usually ever expect to have to support normally.

Even if they're a bit flakey when everyone rushes to update around patches, the servers that are in place at release are going be more than up to the task.
Managed to grab an hour last night before I went to bed, but no such luck this morning. Can log in and select a charachter, but can't actually get into the game.

Only did the very first little section to kill those "Queens" - but it felt very restricted in the map size. I assume you get bigger areas later on?

And what with the "loot Goblins" that they've shamelessly stolen from Golden Axe? ;)
ok this is a shocker to say this but I have played D1, D2, every crawler there is out there, BG, NWN as well. And here is the bottom line. TITAN QUEST is better than D3.

WTF have Blizzard done. Runics Torchlight is seriously going to give this tosh a run for its money. PoE may do as well but its a little niche atm and needs more mass exposure.

Was wondering if I was missing something, but having just managed to log in and play for a bit this morning, I'm really underwhelmed. While I can't say I was ever the biggest Diablo fan, I really enjoyed Torchlight and Titan Quest, but this did nothing for me.

There just wasn't a hook to drag me into the game. Don't know what I was expecting, but it was certainly more than this.
You on Virgin?

If you are, you'll find your 'superhub' router is actually restarting in those dips. They need to release a firmware to fix it apparently. :mad:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I have no such issue and my hub has been rock solid for months.
Only did the very first little section to kill those "Queens" - but it felt very restricted in the map size. I assume you get bigger areas later on?

And what with the "loot Goblins" that they've shamelessly stolen from Golden Axe? ;)

Maps get much bigger than those little introduction outdoor areas leading up to the queen and first teleporter. Especially once you get to the multi-level dungeons with multiple routes to the next floor. Not seen anything as big as some of the areas in D2, but as its only a tiny part of the first act, I'd be amazed if this was the peak of the size of levels.

I like the loot goblins. :p slways fun to chase after them, especially when you're chasing one and they decide to charge through a big group of mobs and you've got to decide between survival and nice loot. :p

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I have no such issue and my hub has been rock solid for months.

Lucky you then. :confused: My super hub has always been rock solid, apart from when running Blizzard updaters.

It's a documented problem known to both Virgin and Blizzard, that many people have experienced with the superhub, and effects the WoW and SC2 updaters as well.


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Have you got the peer-to-peer download enabled? That slowed my download speeds right down as it was over hammering my upload :p

Just launched the install on my other pc (connected through gateway) and im getting flatout max speed :o


I copied what I have so far accross but it only started at 25% and the '2 playable' (yellow arrow) has moved the 26% mark :confused:
Lucky you then. :confused: My super hub has always been rock solid, apart from when running Blizzard updaters.

It's a documented problem known to both Virgin and Blizzard, that many people have experienced with the superhub, and effects the WoW and SC2 updaters as well.

Never touched WoW but played a lot of SC2 and never had a problem either, makes me wonder if it's more than just the hub at fault!
Same with the wow patcher.
It seems to prioritsie your UL over DL.
Go into launcher settings and disable P2P

+1.. Disabling P2P is a sure fire way to increase the download speed of the Blizzard download tool.

Anyone else trying to resist the urge to play this? Not sure I'll manage it but I'd rather not play it for 2 days and then have to wait weeks until release. Sounds like cruel torture if you ask me! ;)
Managed to get on for a bit last night but had odd lag spikes when engaging fights, getting level-ups etc and this is even with everything on lowest. I tired the no-sound fix and it seemed to help but not fully.
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