*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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WOOHOO I GOT IN :) on my way back from Singapore to... so when i get in im going to start playing woohoo :D im like a little kid again!!!!(not that im past 22 yet)
I managed to get it working, and after playing the first act on a monk i am not sure what to think...

I know its just beta but from playing it you get a feel of the core mechanics etc. My thoughts on the game after playing it are no different from when i played Torchlight 1. At first its fun, but then it gets repetitive really quickly and then i get bored. I am not even sure if i can be bothered to try the other classes out.
Big Diablo 3 Announcement May Be VERY Soon.
Jay Wilson replied to a question on his twitter account today. A user asking on a scale of 1 to 10, how close we are to a big announcement? Jay replied with "9"

Official Blizzard Quote:

on a scale of 1 to 10, (1=not even close, 10=imminent,) how close are we to that all important #D3 announcement? :)


April? :D
Have played Witch Doctor, Monk and Demon Hunter, so far, up to level 13.

Bloody love it. My favourite of the 3 being the Demon Hunter.

Has got a bit boring what with doing the same 4 quests over and over, and once you have cleared them once everything pretty much becomes a one shot kill because you out level it.

But, it's beta and that is all Blizzard is letting us test, what can you do.
God damn it I still don't have a beta key :( I also am tempted by the collectors edition but I do have the std pre ordered.
I've played through now on 3 of the classes. Monk, Sorceress and Barbarian. Not sure which one I enjoyed the most but at this point in time I would probably make the Monk my main.

Barb was quite fun, but it's the one that I came closest to dieing on a lot of the time. Sorceress was also pretty good but from ranged nothing really scratched me. Monk was good as it had a mini teleport and a small speed boost, and was able to get in close.

Will do playthroughs on the Hunter and the Witch Doc and see how they are, though the Witch Doctor on impression alone seems my least favourite one. I loved the Necromancer in D2 but the Witch Doc just looks, I don't know, a bit rubbish?
If anyone has tired of the beta and wants to give someone else a go please send the details my way! :D

Thank you kindly! :)
i would but its my sc2 account as well.

Well if you said only use it between X time and X time I could do that, when you are asleep or at work / away from your system. I won't be using it for long, few hours I expect to see how I like it. Let me know as I'm very keen to try it out.
Well if you said only use it between X time and X time I could do that, when you are asleep or at work / away from your system. I won't be using it for long, few hours I expect to see how I like it. Let me know as I'm very keen to try it out.


I hate to say it. But I'd never lend my Battle.net, Steam or any other details to some random person off a forum. I wouldn't lend it to some people I've known for years.
One thing i do like about this game, is the random dungeon map generator. I am not sure if its different each time on the same character, but when you play a different character the dungeon lay outs change. Pretty cool!
Well if you said only use it between X time and X time I could do that, when you are asleep or at work / away from your system. I won't be using it for long, few hours I expect to see how I like it. Let me know as I'm very keen to try it out.

I don't see what the problem is, I'm a well known person on these forums with stupid amounts of feedback. If NZXT30 doesn't feel that I'm trustworthy enough then fair enough I'll accept what he says but theres no need to jump on the "I'm trying to scam him" badwagon or what ever.

If the roles were reversed and I had beta access, wasn't using it anymore and someone well known on the forums came along asking nicely for access I'd gladly help them out. Yes maybe I wouldn't provide my Steam login details as there are hundreds of games on that but Battle.net just has the one.

998cc you are just trolling and your post has been reported.
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