*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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OMG - no chance am I decorating now :D

edit: anyone know the full size of the download? at work but first file is 44mb, then I guess it installs/dls the rest, any idea of size?
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Download is 3.8 GB or there about and the speed does not seem to be very consistent, but i guess that might have something to do with a ton of people getting it now...
FYI - that massive online supermarket "Every little helps" are doing this for £27 with discount code GAMES5 + using quidco makes it around £26
This must be a ploy to directly compete with the TERA open beta right?

I had my weekend planned and everything! Think I'll spend this weekend playing TERA as I'll definitely be buying D3 anyway.
Well i be damned, soon as it started to download and update the beta client my Virgin Super Hub started doing the reboot cycle just like with WoW. Not a big fan of diablo tbh but i think theres gonna be a lot of upset people over this :(

I thought someone might have noticed this in beta, its not the actual game but the Hub needs a update to stop it happening, i think they been waiting over a year on the virgin forums so not gonna hold my breath :mad:

I get the same problem. Fortunately it's only the launcher not the actual game. Damned annoying still.
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