*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

fresh install did nothing, i'm going to remove my switch from network next as that's the only thing that is new.

i have my pc and switch only plugged into router, everything else is plugged into the switch.
One other thing what hardware are you running this on and more importantly seeing as it was running fine previously have you updated drivers recently? new amd drivers are known to be horrific with this game.

Just a thought :)
One other thing what hardware are you running this on and more importantly seeing as it was running fine previously have you updated drivers recently? new amd drivers are known to be horrific with this game.

Just a thought :)

i cant remember, i stopped playing when season 1 was on then came back for this patch about 2 weeks ago.

i shall update drivers also.
RIP'd on my HC monk the other night which was a damn shame. Had just got my Flying Dragon cubed too and was ramping up the difficulty settings pretty quickly, which is probably why I got gibbed!

Fortunately Sharpy and Seyline were kind enough to boost me back up to 70 on a new seasonal (non-HC, girly mode activated hah) monk within about 10 minutes and got me some decent gear to get me started.
The biggest annoyance right now is I have minimal crafting materials which sucks.
Anyone know a good way to get mats quickly, or is it just a case of running through some low difficulty setting and picking up everything as I go to bulk out my stash?
RIP'd on my HC monk the other night which was a damn shame. Had just got my Flying Dragon cubed too and was ramping up the difficulty settings pretty quickly, which is probably why I got gibbed!

Fortunately Sharpy and Seyline were kind enough to boost me back up to 70 on a new seasonal (non-HC, girly mode activated hah) monk within about 10 minutes and got me some decent gear to get me started.
The biggest annoyance right now is I have minimal crafting materials which sucks.
Anyone know a good way to get mats quickly, or is it just a case of running through some low difficulty setting and picking up everything as I go to bulk out my stash?

The bounty event they did a couple of weeks ago was amazing for mats but my guess would be running bounties would have good results, you get crafting mats from the bonus cache, plus theres more chance of decent bandit shrines etc and gobs all round to get mats.

Aside from that all you can do is play play play and pick up everything you see
I'll happily repay some of the kindness that has been going around and run bounties with you on Sunday at high torment,should get your mats and gear up.
I'm a new Diablo 3 player (got it cheap on CD Keys), am only level 8 but am liking it so far but just wondered if you had any tips so I don't mess up right at the start?

I read a few new player guides and they advised pushing the difficulty to hard due to the extra gold and XP and seems to be okay so far (not died yet).

What should I do with all the loot? I just got the Blacksmith artisan, should I just salvage all the stuff I'm not using? I heard not worth selling for the gold as not much worth buying.
I'm a new Diablo 3 player (got it cheap on CD Keys), am only level 8 but am liking it so far but just wondered if you had any tips so I don't mess up right at the start?

I read a few new player guides and they advised pushing the difficulty to hard due to the extra gold and XP and seems to be okay so far (not died yet).

What should I do with all the loot? I just got the Blacksmith artisan, should I just salvage all the stuff I'm not using? I heard not worth selling for the gold as not much worth buying.

I'm going to assume you just bought the base game and not the expansion?

If that is the case then the answer to your question would differ slightly. Certain items can be kept (legendaries) and then cubed once you hit level 70, however I'm not sure if the cube is available in the base game. Otherwise just salvage your items that you're not using.

If you don't already have the expansion then I advise getting it, it can be picked up for just as cheap as the base game can and it adds loads more fun to the game once you have finished the story/ are at level 70.
I'm a new Diablo 3 player (got it cheap on CD Keys), am only level 8 but am liking it so far but just wondered if you had any tips so I don't mess up right at the start?

I read a few new player guides and they advised pushing the difficulty to hard due to the extra gold and XP and seems to be okay so far (not died yet).

What should I do with all the loot? I just got the Blacksmith artisan, should I just salvage all the stuff I'm not using? I heard not worth selling for the gold as not much worth buying.

If its your first time playing the game it will seem like no one plays it as theres little to no multiplayer groups levelling esp in campaign.

My advice is to take your time and enjoy the campaign, everything you loot SALVAGE unless its an upgrade. Once your 70 gold wont be an issue. Also if you have the expansion make sure your making a seasonal character, also join the clan theres always some of us around who can boost you to 70, or help with gearing if your getting bored and just want to get to the end game content.

Just remember and accept that the game is intended to be a full on grind fest, what your doing now you will repeat for hundreds of hours :)
Thanks for the responses guys, I'm only level 11 at the moment, just battered the skeleton king but am enjoying the campaign so far.

Will just keep salvaging everything that's not an upgrade on my current equipment.

I only have the base game, may look at the expansion but if I'm honest I'll probably never make it to level 70... :)
Time to start looking for a more active clan im afriad, playerbase has all but disappeared (not blaming people for wanting a break) its just too frustrating wanting to play but needing to be in groups to get anywhere.

So need a clan with more activity, unfortunately mid season thats easier said than done but if anyone follows the thread thats not in the OcUK clan and has any suggestions of an active clan im all ears :)
Time to start looking for a more active clan im afriad, playerbase has all but disappeared (not blaming people for wanting a break) its just too frustrating wanting to play but needing to be in groups to get anywhere.

So need a clan with more activity, unfortunately mid season thats easier said than done but if anyone follows the thread thats not in the OcUK clan and has any suggestions of an active clan im all ears :)

I'm glad to have played with you mate, if you do move on keep in touch.

Personally I still find many issues with the game that have only been highlighted more after this update. The game has took a huge step in the right direction but so much of the game features/ structure are holding it back.

The social aspect of the game seems backward, they wish to promote social play and encourage players to play together but most of the community is fragmented behind various communities and public games are just a mess of players with no organisation. There is every reason for me to want to play with others, but finding others to play with that have the right mindset can be difficult. If i wasn't for yourself, seyline and my mate from work then I'd of stopped playing this season a long time ago.

Unless they make changes to XP, paragon and group play then this will always be an issue. I can imagine it will be 3-4 seasons before we see any major changes and we'll be likely to have an expansion on the horizon by then.
Aye mate ive found a new clan now, still have peeps on friends list so will deffo be up for group play, new clan seems very active which is nice.

This season is just gonna be won by the botters as paragon is everything in season 4.

Id like to see them do something to help solo players, maybe by buffing xp from followers.
Anyone on here up for doing some vault runs? Got about 20 puzzle rings now :). T10 runs happy to carry anyone who cant run T10 & You can wear gold gear ( a friend of mine usually gets about 300mil per run with gold gear set up )
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