*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

The season lengths will always be reflective of how long it takes the D3 dev team to turnaround the next patch, it's never been about what is best for the players. While all these changes are good steps in the right direction I feel it's still going to be a few more patches before I see the game upto my standards. They really need to tackle the paragon problem, this season I've spend probably 100+ hours farming xp in 4 man GR's which while it can be fun, doing it 24/7 as the only means of character progression gets old really fast.
Been a slow season for me due to being very busy at work, so have not played as much as I would have liked, but all in all it has been pretty good. Love the HotA barb, enjoying the Static Monk, and am just gearing up a Dart Dr now. So far so good, managed to get a SMK while leveling so that went straight into the cube. The main piece that is missing now is the Carnevil mask.

Just had a look at the changes for 2.4 / Season 5 and one thing that sounds good is the XP changes. Obviously people that play more are going to have a big advantage over people like me, but there seems to be people at paragon 2000ish, which is just insane. If we call it a 1000 paragon level advantage, more like 1200 compared to me, that is 5,000 extra main stat, which is a hell of a lot. I do tend to play solo a lot as well, which has made it even worse this season.

Also looking forward to the Set Dungeons in the next patch, would also like to see some Raekor / Charge barb love, god I loved that spec.
Haha, yes, charge barb did have some serious issues with the RG. Would be nice if they made the set combo with something else for some single target deeps.

I do not miss the 5 minute trash clear and 10 minute boss fight.
How are people getting crazy Paragon experience? I'm assuming farming GR60+ in a group of 4? How do I get in on that action!

I'm at 550 but I've played season solo, am clanless but don't consider myself a noob, I've managed to do the lot of the seasonal challenges without help which felt like a challenge doing GR60 solo.
How are people getting crazy Paragon experience?

I'm at 550 but I've played season solo

Theres your problem. Group play is just horribly unbalanced with regard to exp gain. I played solo too but I lost faith in the game when it takes me 12 months to get the same exp that a group of four were getting in a week.

You get multipliers for having other players in the game and the mobs also have less health compared to solo so you can wear exp gear. It results in groups just getting billions and billions of exp every hour.
Theres your problem. Group play is just horribly unbalanced with regard to exp gain. I played solo too but I lost faith in the game when it takes me 12 months to get the same exp that a group of four were getting in a week.

You get multipliers for having other players in the game and the mobs also have less health compared to solo so you can wear exp gear. It results in groups just getting billions and billions of exp every hour.

S5 is getting a few nerfs to exp so I'd like to take advantage over the next few weeks if only to bank some extra paragons in non-season mode. Is the OcUK clan active? Maybe we could get something going
Theres a few people who play in the OcUK Clan however the activity level has dropped since the season has now lost its appeal for some.

Since were looking at about a month left in the season i dont expect that activity level will improve till then.

In other news tho PTR is now live and im sure lots of people will want to jump into that to get a taste of 2.4 and the upcoming changes.
The new reworked legacy of nightmare ring set is getting crazy GR's done on the PTR, people are doing 80+ with mediocre rifts and unoptimised gear/gems. I think WD and sader have done an 88, this is probably going to get nerfed but this ring set might still be the new meta for solo GR's for most classes come S5.
yeah the PTR will always produce ridiculous results in the early iterations which lead the babies to the forums crying nerf this or buff that :)

Give it a f couple of weeks for the dust to settle, people will fly to the PTR with the loot buff and once they open season 5 watch people drop off till the buff is back
I created a PTR account but had a run in with a 5 min queue that never seemed to move. I really want to try some classes before season 5, I'm really not sure what I want to play this season. Sader and DH are looking fun, but will have to wait and see.
Have had a quick browse through the patch notes, and Raekor did get changed, so I am going to jump on the PTR and give that a go tonight. Might also have a play with the new legacy of nightmare, that does look like it will create some fun builds.

How's the lag on the PTR this time round sharpy?
Not bothering with PTR, but read the patch notes last night and feels like there should be a nice build with the ancient helm and then SWK set based around LTK.
Have had a quick browse through the patch notes, and Raekor did get changed, so I am going to jump on the PTR and give that a go tonight. Might also have a play with the new legacy of nightmare, that does look like it will create some fun builds.

How's the lag on the PTR this time round sharpy?

Mixed bag really, area damage actually seems to work now was trying dart WD on 74 GR and it was fine, tried with no striken and let the fetishes kill the boss by themselves. Seems a bit broken.

Then tried a 4 man group with 4 jade docs and it lagged quite a bit, coud be partially due to US ptr servers tho.

Gonna give the thorns crusader a try tonight, i dont think ill go as mental on PTR this time tho, ive been enjoying season 4 so much and have only really taken the first break now with fallout 4 and ptr up.

So much content for 2.4 tho so i wanna keep some of it fresh for the new season.

Queues are deffo a problem tho and this weekend i imagine ptr will get hammered
Having a lot of fun on the PTR with the shadow set for DH, nothing beats rolling up to the RG on T10 and two shot him with impale. :D

While torment farming is loads of fun with this set, I'm not that keen on the spec being used to top the GR leaderboards right now. Top GR DH clears are using 4pc shadow and 4pc marauders with the belt that gives you 6%+ damage reduction for every companion you have. It's very competitive but the gameplay reminds me too much of delsere's magnum opus set for wizard, which I wasn't that keen on.

I've tried a few set-dungeons and they can be very hit and miss depending on which set you use. I love how they give you a piece of paper with a clue on it to tell you where to find them, it's like a treasure hunt and most of them really aren't that hard to figure out if you've played the game for long enough, however some of the newer players might need to use guides to find them.

Next stop is to level a sader and do some thorns testing.
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