*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

When the season starts, going to do a Fibby and delete everything and start again. :D

I don't play non season so should take seconds. Can't wait 15th right?
Ive only played on console, can someone explain the basics of Seasons and what the draw is to them?

They used to have specific legendaries which would be part of each season, thereforee there were certain builds which just didnt work outside seasonal play.

Take Season 4 for example monks had The Lion's Claw which doubled seven sided strike for Ulianas builds. This item wasnt available in non season at all and pretty much every class had legendaries which were the centre points of certain builds only available to seasonal play.

At the end of a season these items then became available to non seasonal players also.

Seasons also offer seperate leaderboards, conquests, portrait frames, pets, transmogs etc.

This next season coming they have removed the season specific drops, however they have tied the stash space to completing the season journey.

For most people the season represents a fresh start, fresh leaderboards and makes it more of a even playing field esp for the newer players as opposed to trying to compete in non seasonal leaderboards aginst people with 2k plus paragon
They used to have specific legendaries which would be part of each season, thereforee there were certain builds which just didnt work outside seasonal play.

Take Season 4 for example monks had The Lion's Claw which doubled seven sided strike for Ulianas builds. This item wasnt available in non season at all and pretty much every class had legendaries which were the centre points of certain builds only available to seasonal play.

At the end of a season these items then became available to non seasonal players also.

Seasons also offer seperate leaderboards, conquests, portrait frames, pets, transmogs etc.

This next season coming they have removed the season specific drops, however they have tied the stash space to completing the season journey.

For most people the season represents a fresh start, fresh leaderboards and makes it more of a even playing field esp for the newer players as opposed to trying to compete in non seasonal leaderboards aginst people with 2k plus paragon

Thanks great post! What happens to a season character when that season ends?
Charge barbs unite! Raekor is still my favorite spec so I am very happy it is making a return. Time to bounce round the map like a mad thing again.

I will be back for Season 5 as well. Hopefully the 3 month seasons they have planned will be about the right length, season 4 seemed to drag on a bit.

Raekor was my favorite spec aswell, even managed a a top 100 solo on HC with it.

Looking forward to 5, felt season 4 was a little too long. Anyone else play HC Ladder out of interest?
Going to be WD for me, all I pretty much play now as I'm a hoarder and it makes stash space use a bit easier having one class :D
Are they still introducing rebirth into season 5? thus allowing all those 2000+ paragon characters to swamp the leaderboards?

I don't think rebirth applies to paragon does it? just items and such.


You will not be able to test it until Season 5 starts on the PTR.

Once it does, you can select a current char and Rebirth it into a Seaonal char. What happens?

-Char becomes a lvl 1 seasonal char but retains the hours played and the name.
-All paragon levels are lost.
-All gear is mailed to your non season chars. You have 30 days to get it out of the the mail and stash it.

This feature is designed for those who grow attached to their char and do not want to delete one each season.
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yeah rebirth just allows you to reuse an existing toon and carry over their time played/achievements etc.

PErsonally i dont get attached to Diablo 3 toons and generally when i ran out of char slots at the end of a season i always used to delete my non seasonal toons before the seasons merged.

Have narrowed season 5 down to Wiz or WD to start with now, Wiz is the gamble as ive never played one outside a casual alt.
Diablo 3 and the expansion arrived today from rainforest! On a sunday! Wasnt expecting that. So should i wait for the season to start and start fresh on there?
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Man, so many choices of what to roll in S5. Probably end up playing a few but I might go with a Barb this season as "main" as I've never really put any considerable time into one. Just really hate FC and I hope that doesn't end up being the go-to build for solo.
Probably going to roll a Wizard I think as they seem decent in both group and solo play. Not been following the PTR so I need to do some reading, although it'll be Friday before I hit max level I expect.

Definitely increased stash space, cube icon and the set challenges that are most appealing to me as they look like genuine improvements. Shame there's still no "loadout switcher" to toggle skill and item sets between builds though.
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