*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

I spent some time trying to consolidate my 2 stashes yesterday, got a decent bit done just bit more to go!
i haven't played Diablo 3 is a long time!

whats everyone's opinion of it? is it worth installing again? i dont have the expansion (reaper of souls) (PC version)
I think I'm probably going to just play seasons casually now, too many great games have my interest atm. I've still yet to do anything with my stuff from season 4.
Sorted out my stash completely now, and I even manager to leave 1 stash tab free :O this is unheard of for me lol

@ ED209 - I still enjoy the game, but I take notions for it, I have put more hours into it that I'm willing to admit so I tend to play whatever comes in as new content (or a 30 min blast here or ther), I can really help you if I'm being honest because I do have reaper of souls and its been a while since I checked what the differences are, I know you wont have crusader to play, and I dont think you get act 5...but I'm not sure about the recent patches what is and isnt released for both users sorry :-/
i haven't played Diablo 3 is a long time!

whats everyone's opinion of it? is it worth installing again? i dont have the expansion (reaper of souls) (PC version)

It has changed so much from when it first came out, imo and quite a lot of others for the better too.

I really like the seasons and all the rewards you can get. I haven't tried to get on Ladder but I'm quite sure my Barb could get in there with a bit of effort.

I'm playing seasonal mostly for all the rewards and unique portraits.
cheers guys, does seem a bit has changed since it first came out as never heard of seasons\rewards and ladders lol

I have installed the game and have 4 players at level 60 but god knows what there gear is like lol
Data taken from this thread on Diablo Fans http://www.diablofans.com/forums/di...general-discussion/141602-season-5-what-class

Remember these stats are more likely to indicate END SEASON clears not early season as these will factor in peoples paragon from their imported PTR chars

# Barbarian:
- Highest GR on PTR: 82, Raekor
- Season Journey Set: Eearthquake
- Top Builds: Raekor, Eearthquake
- Speed T9: Raekor (Very Fast)
- Speed GR: Support Barb
- Group Role: Support, (DPS)

# Crusader:
- Highest GR on PTR: 82, Invokers
- Season Journey Set: Invokers
- Top Builds: Invoker, LoN, RolanSweep, Blessed Hammer
- Speed T9: Permanent Thorn-Horse (fast), LoN Bombardment (no clue how fast)
- Speed GR: Invoker or LoN
- Group Role: DPS & Group-Buff

# Demon Hunter:
- Highest GR on PTR: 81, Maradaurs
- Season Journey Set: Shadows Mantle
- Top Builds: Maradaurs, LoN, Unhallowed, Natalyas,
- Speed T9: Impale (Super Fast), Maradaurs (Fast), LoN (Very Fast)
- Speed GR: Maradaurs or Impale
- Group Role: DPS

# Monk:
- Highest GR on PTR: 83, LoN
- Season Journey Set: SWK
- Top Builds: LoN, InnasShenlong, InnaReach,
- Speed T9: LoN (no clue how fast), Ulianas (Pretty Fast)
- Speed GR: LoN or Innas
- Group Role: DPS & (Group-Buff, especially if Innas)

# Witch Doctor:
- Highest GR on PTR: 80, LoN Dart
- Season Journey Set: Jade
- Top Builds: LoN Dart, HellTooth, Jade
- Speed T9: LoN Dart (slow?), Chiken (Fast)
- Speed GR: LoN Dart
- Group Role: DPS & Group-Buff (especially if LoN Dart with BBV)

# Wizard:
- Highest GR on PTR: 81
- Season Journey Set: FireBird
- Top builds: Delsere's
- Speed T9: EB Tal'Rasha's (Quite Fast), FireBird (Decent fast), DelsereExplosiveBlast? (Quite slow)
- Speed GR: Delsere's
- Group Role: DPS

# 4-man Group META:
- 1) Barb as Support, for Ignore Pain (+50 DR, cc immunity), Ancient Spear (group mobs), Threatening Shout Falter (25 % dmg), War Cry (+20 % armor, +20 % all res),
- 2) Crusader DPS for Judgement (10% CC), Critical (100% CHD), Divine Verdict (20% DPS)
- 3) WD as DPS for BBV (30% DPS or 20% DR), Piranhas (15% DPS)
- 4.A) DH as DPS for Guardian Turrets (15% DR for each Sentry), MFD (20% AoE DPS), Wolf Companion (30% DPS x3 with Cloak)
- 4.B) Wizard as DPS for Slow Time (25% damage reduction, 15% DPS), Elemental Exposure (+20 % DPS), Conflagration (+6 % CHC)
- 4.C) Monk as DPS/Support for IS, All Mantras, Blinding Flash

Looks to be a very close season compared to season 4, with a lot of build variety. No doubt after a week or 2 every1 will resort to the cookie cutter but tell me another season when we had EVERY class within a few GR levels.

I like ti switch up class each season, want a class that will be easy to gear + a decent farmer. Prob gonna roll Crusader, the free set from season journey is also the highest clearing GR set. Seems a no brainer
You need to clear up to Conqueror in the Season Journey. This means you will need the following

Kill Diablo & Greed on T10
Reach GR50 solo
Finish a T9+ rift in under 4 minutes
Level 3 legendary gems to rank 50
Complete 2 Conquests

Blues confirmed that you get the extra tab in NS immediately upon unlocking it in Seasons.
You need to clear up to Conqueror in the Season Journey. This means you will need the following

Kill Diablo & Greed on T10
Reach GR50 solo
Finish a T9+ rift in under 4 minutes
Level 3 legendary gems to rank 50
Complete 2 Conquests

Blues confirmed that you get the extra tab in NS immediately upon unlocking it in Seasons.

My god that is so easy, seems about the right place to put it as it's not to easy to get but not to hard.
Put it this way if you want try/ play Diablo 3 you need the expansion. For £11.99 it's a bargain.

fair enough, I have D3, bought it when it first came out but as not played for years wondering if I should buy it and give it a try.

may play solo D3 tonight and see what its like if possible.

is there any requirements for your characters that can be done before buying reaper of souls?
50/50 on this season, looks even easier to get gear. Most of the fun in these games for me is actually finding the gear, now they just hand you a full set. You'd be decked out in a couple of hours.
50/50 on this season, looks even easier to get gear. Most of the fun in these games for me is actually finding the gear, now they just hand you a full set. You'd be decked out in a couple of hours.

Most people are in the other seasons. It's all luck. I geared a Marauder in Season 2 in full ancient legendary gear with almost perfect rolls on all the right stats in a few days... Season 3 took me over a week just to find 5 pieces of Ulianas, even longer to get a Fist of Az to drop.
Didn't they remove seasonal legendary items in this season though? Focusing more on the tasks that you need to do for stash space ect. I prefer live server either way as i find it extremely irritating getting to for example level 300 on the season and then when they cross over gaining 3 levels on my live character for all the time spent.

I do think in the next season getting to 50 rifts will be diabolically easy for anyone who does not mind putting a small amount of time into it.

Really want 2.4 to drop soon :D
That's correct harry, there are no seasonal specific legendary items in S5.

I know what you mean about the paragon rollover too, I expected my non season to increase more.
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