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Support DH is a thing now? :eek:

I was watching Quin last night do his group runs with a DH in place of a WD and the DH who usually plays a WD says he prefers the DH playstyle.

I'll have to try it, because atm DH is not really wanted in the higher GR's compared to a lot of classes, would be good to provide a support role, I'm personally happy if I can make it into the 80's atm :D

Not really seen a definitive spec/gearing guide for it yet though, and I've thrown away a lot of stuff as I went along that looked useless! :O
Stat squish would only be for visual ease as the game uses floats for calculations. I'd still like a stat squish though as I don't like the huge numbers, it's just harder to read.
Squish is needed anyway to be honest. Having damage numbers in the high billions / low trillions is daft.

I miss vanilla d3 levels where hitting for 100k was an achievment :p
Yeah, I miss those days. People rag a lot on Jay Wilson's Diablo 3 but in many ways it more appealing than today's iteration of the game (although in many ways the opposite too).
I think it's became far too easy, I mean S5 has been out a week and anyone serious about playing is more or less fully geared, the rest is whether you can be bothered to farm paragons for months.

Would be nice going back to when it could take you a month to find a very good weapon.
My mind is blown that it's 2016 and a multi billion dollar company like Activision Blizzard can't even provide servers capable of running the game lag free. Almost embarassing really. If the servers can't handle numbers this high and calculations so frequent, then they should do a number squish like they did in WoW and rework some of the DoT sources to tick less frequently but for more.

Thought that Blizzard were in the trillions now? :p
I think it's became far too easy, I mean S5 has been out a week and anyone serious about playing is more or less fully geared, the rest is whether you can be bothered to farm paragons for months.

Would be nice going back to when it could take you a month to find a very good weapon.

You mean buy it from the RMAH?
Nope, there was a period after they closed the RMAH where some items took a good while to find.

I think you're looking back with rose tinted glasses. Reminds me of people who compare vanilla WoW to today's standard. Grinding for a month for 1 item is a time sink most people don't care to invest in these days. I hear Path of Exile is more grindy than Diablo if that's your thing.
1 month is an exaggeration, sure.

The point is you can log in today and using bloodshards/cube, find the item you want in 10 minutes. Theres no real reward to the game anymore.

It should take at least a few days of play to find your full 6 set, and I just mean the set, not ancient or anything. Currently it's just an hour.
A month to find a BiS end game item wasn't an exaggeration, I remember it took bigdaddydden about 2 months to find an SMK one season.

No rose tinted glasses here, a lot of people agree that gearing now is way too fast and easy. Yes it's about the end game content but finding BiS gear is fun but it doesn't feel that way now when you can be fully geared within 3 days with some luck.
Gearing isn't meant to be the focus now. It's all about pushing greater rifts. If someone takes a month to find an item that defines the most powerful build, then RNG has deprived them of the ability to compete.

I'm not saying I necessarily agree with this, but it's how the game is designed at the moment.
Greater rifts are all about RNG, it's just a case of who can fish the best rift and get lucky with pylon timings.

I mean people quit them straight away if they aren't 1 of the 8 mob types that are worth pushing through.

Also the ability to compete rests a lot on if you can continue putting in 12+ hours a day to keep your paragon going. Not much to do with gear as that would come in time with that amount of hours.
Just came back to the game after not playing in years, managed to smash a wizard to paragon 200 in about 2 days but I have grown bored and turned to barbarian.

What build should I be going for? ive got a couple pieces of raekor and immortal.
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