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Trying to do the Firebird set dungeon. How the hell are you meant to do this?! I try and set people on fire but I've not yet once managed to get 20 people on fire at the same time. Plus I can't get close to getting the other objective done without being killed in a fraction of a second :(
Quick look around forums and youtube and I just see tonnes of people saying "this dungeon was super easy"

Am I missing something?


Hope that helps in some way, Quins set dungeon vids are usually very good :)
Trying to do the Firebird set dungeon. How the hell are you meant to do this?! I try and set people on fire but I've not yet once managed to get 20 people on fire at the same time. Plus I can't get close to getting the other objective done without being killed in a fraction of a second :(
Quick look around forums and youtube and I just see tonnes of people saying "this dungeon was super easy"

Am I missing something?

It's the hardest one for me, I gave up after loads of tries.
Think my character is just far too glass cannon for it then! Think I'm around 1.2m sheet dps, regularly jumping up to 1.4-1.5 with bonuses from killing monsters. ~20% disintegrate damage, ~30% arcane damage, shoulders that give ~30% damage when channelling and a weapon that does a similar amount in Kanai's cube. Adding to that I got a ring yesterday that spawns an area I can stand in that grants me 86% extra damage when I stand in it after killing an enemy. It's epic for my currently build. Just teleport into the zone, spray disintegrate and destroy things :D - Also got stuff that gives me toughness when standing still. The range of legendaries and skills in the game are awesome now, so many opportunities for fun synergy :)

As for that Firebird set dungeon... Need to either massively stack cold resist, get that cold immunity amulet or make a much more tanky setup with no dps! It's the only season challenge I have left remaining and I've not got any other class set yet - got 3 of the slow time wizard set and a RROG.
I think I dropped my DPS to around 500k sheet, and added resists & armour.

This solved most of my problems. You don't want your toughness to be much higher than 8 million else the elites can't kill you to proc the meteor.

It's a stat balancing act :D
I managed it \o/
Man that was tough, I killed the 355th enemy as it hit 1 second remaining :D
7.2m toughness, 1.5m recovery, 342k sheet dps, 1800 cold resist.
Illusory boots and the ability to teleport immediately after taking 10% damage made it bearable. :)
Got the Legacy of Nightmares set last night. Along with 4-5 legendary items - crap bonus. I've ended up dropping other set items I was using, losing lots of attack speed and crit damage yet still gaining dps and much more toughness/recovery. Liking this over other sets - much more freedom with how to play :)
Very sad to hear Mikhail is stopping gaming altogether. Something must have happened and gave him a very rude awakening :(

I dont agree stopping altogether, surely there can be balance between his family life and his gaming life.
Got the full 6 piece set of the Wizard slow time stuff, combined with Wand of Woh and Raslors Folly to pull mobs together it's just hilariously good without even really putting huge thought into it :D
Not upped it from T6 as I was doing before, but I can now kill elites in less than 1 set of explosions and even bosses in 2! I've not even got a gem in the weapon and I'm thinking I can easily jump up a few levels once I've made the character a bit more tanky.

Got the full 6 piece set of the Wizard slow time stuff, combined with Wand of Woh and Raslors Folly to pull mobs together it's just hilariously good without even really putting huge thought into it :D
Not upped it from T6 as I was doing before, but I can now kill elites in less than 1 set of explosions and even bosses in 2! I've not even got a gem in the weapon and I'm thinking I can easily jump up a few levels once I've made the character a bit more tanky.


As i said the other day mate, it is a start. So it just grind out all the right pieces :D.

btw - Yes i know that is a horsey i was on lol :p
Had a quick go doing T8 with that setup last night after that post. Seemed to work pretty well, took a little more work to kill things but I'm still hitting for approaching 1b on crits so only elites and bosses last more than a second! I think even with the current gear it has potential for more, it's just getting used to playing it compared to my previous setup with disintegrate.
Just hoping to get that thing that adds a socket to the Wand of Woh to save me having to roll one potentially getting rid of something else I'd like.
So what builds are people using on Crusaders?
I'm lvl66 and apparently doing something wrong.
I had a nice OP weapon that saw me breeze through a bunch of levels but now my damage isn't OP it's all becoming a grind and I'm only on 'Master' setting.
Banwave hits in US and EU :)

4 man leaderboards are a bit funny as most ranks have 1 remaining legit player left from the 4 :)

Gaby also banned mid stream again :)



Just came here to post that sharpy. It's about time something was done.

Thing is, will brother Chris get gaby up to crazy P's again in no time.
Bit bored now - finally got onto the Hardcore leaderboard and then died trying to push a rift... Can't muster the enthusiasm to start up again with only two weeks left - didn't do bad this season though. Got Guardian on softcore then switched to HC Demon hunter racked up 700 paragon before I pushed too hard.

Think I might take a break for a couple of weeks - tempted to go purely HC next season but have no idea what class to play this time round.
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