***** The Official Division Thread *****

Online on XBL: Stewp00.

Just me or is this game a laggy mess now? Can barely open the map, can't mark anything as junk, Incursion has bugged out a few times already when entering. Hmmm.
I can almost guarantee I'd get two gear mods and a pistol or something... :p

Would you say it was harder that Falcon Lost?

Clear Sky is fast paced, the enemies come thick and fast. It's not wave based. But you need to keep your wits about. Less painful than Falcon.

For me I would say load up with an assault rifle and SMG. DMR not really necessary. Survival link a must for the fuse picks.

The mortar spam is real.
Theres UI errors galore, map issues and lag as well.

If its the teleporting you back to the start on the incursion though, its not a bug but rather an awful design side effect.
Itll happen when you join a group thats already started the run but had one or more people leave/kicked etc. Its to put people off kicking randoms and inviting their pals on last bosses but this is never explained to groups beforehand so plenty of people just requeue.

I was sat for ages earlier just trying to find a brand new group, it was bad with FL to be fair so hopefully people who have no idea stop queuing up :p
Online on XBL: Stewp00.

Just me or is this game a laggy mess now? Can barely open the map, can't mark anything as junk, Incursion has bugged out a few times already when entering. Hmmm.

Yeah, the map was horrid to move, though didn't happen the 2nd time on booting up. I'll add you.
Well, I've been playing for the last few hours, and after looking forward to this update, here's my thoughts and feedback.

1) Buggy as hell
From laggy UI issues people have mentioned above, to inability to mark items for deconstruction and a inverted colour over my m1a scope.. I hit more annoying bugs tonight then i have done the entire time I've played this game. Restarting cured them, but still.

2) Drops
They have certainly increased the drop ratio, mainly of blue and purple, lots and lots of them and more 182 golds in general.. But ultimately nothing better stat wise so just deconstruct for mats.

3) Toughness
I'm not sure about Toughness, as I'm definitely weaker. I normally run the first two dailies on hard solo quiet easily just charging through no problem. Tonight I had to take cover. I was undoubtedly soaking up more damage then previous. My 78000 health is now 150000 something Toughness. No idea on that figure, but it's certainly worse then it was.

4) Search and Destroy
This very very quickly became a tedious grind for me. I cleared 10 or so and was fed up of doing it.

5) Daily High Value Targets
The concept is there, it made a nice change. I did 2 medium difficulty and 1 hard.. Which was very hard solo. My only reason for wanting to do them was for the opportunity of a gear set or 204 weapon.. Of which I got neither.. Just more useless 182 golds. Was rather annoyed after the effort put into the hard one.

6)Falcon Lost
Not nessesily related to 1.2, but for goodness sake. Why oh why do people still insist on a plus 200 gear score just because they are. If I put my highest gear sets on I'm 208.. But as it happens they are all rubbish and I'm much stronger all round with a gear score of 194. Stop kicking people because of this.

Also, mics!.. Ok for challenging where comms are helpful, fair enough, but on hard there is no need for me to have a god damn mic just to run up and down a gutter.

Lastly on this, seriously now, why are there still people who shoot the drones at the beginning?

6) Clear Sky / DZ
Didn't touch this evening.. Falcon Lost annoyed me too much and I rage quit.


I do really enjoy this game. It's been a very long time since I've been hooked to the extent of putting in over 160 hours into a game. But, although I don't want it to, I can feel its claws over me beginning to slip now.
Was fun doing FL Challenge with all the cheese fixed. Sentry call was seriously op and I knew it would be nerfed after using it for 10mins.
Glad I held off till the patch now.
Was fun doing FL Challenge with all the cheese fixed. Sentry call was seriously op and I knew it would be nerfed after using it for 10mins.
Glad I held off till the patch now.

I'm a tad salty after min maxing my sentry gear haha. CM took twice as long with a lot more "moments" than before, but its a good change. DZ05-06 201+ is a serious challenge now.

My main complaint about the patch is the "nerf" to level 34 shotguns seems like pure BS, unless they decreased their damage by 0.01%, they are still unbalanced IMO.
Sorry I had to dash off last night guys, was hoping to get an incursion run or two done before heading off but when we wiped at about the 4th attempt it seemed like a good point to drop out and try and let somebody else with skill build move in and change it up as it wasn't happening without the skill player.

Did you complete it first run once you get one in ?
Did Clear Sky again last night, man that was painful. Would recommend getting a tanky player to complete the tasks, that helps heaps.

Am liking the 204 weapons drops after.
I ran challenging on LT twice last night. Still no greens... :( But got 3 golds each time and they weren't all gear mods. :D

I think i'm going to start selling now to fund the re-rolls. I started deconstructing, then i started selling then i went back to deconstructing and now I'm going to be selling again.
Give up with this game

Spend more time trying to join incursions than actually playing them . Then playing them isn't really even fun . Same with the missions that everyone has played 100 times each .
So got to planting the fuses easily enough last night but then kept getting swarmed and eventually dying. Is it a case of semi-rushing the fuses as soon as they are available? Assuming that the enemies just endlessly respawn until you kill the boss.

People are saying they complete it in 10/15 minutes quite easily but I definitely struggled even with some high (all GS200+) groups last night.
I think its best to all be one side at the very beginning and then one of you lurk off to the opposite side and try your luck getting that fuse done. It seems to be random if you get focused doing this though.
The real tactic is to stay on top of the endless waves, a lot of people just seem to want to wait for the wave to be killed. If youre low on dps or just have a team who ignore the mobs, youre going to have a bad time. It can be overwhelming though, the enemies are just endless and easily flank you if you're not 100% on top of it.

Add me or invite me if any of you need a +1 for them. Happy to grind them too as they are very quick with a decent team.

Would live to get the intel weekly stuff done too. Does anyone know if the whole group needs to farm 40 intel tokens each in order to complete the same mission or can each group member pick up a different one and share it with the group?
Had quite a few attempts at clear sky last night, failed miserably! Managed to get the fuses in but those damn mortars! Might have another crack tonight if i can get a group going.

Did a coupe of the intel bits aswell, you just need someone in the group with 40 tokens to activate the hvt.
Any idea why I'm in dz201+ with a Gearscore of 193 and only 1 x214 and 1x191 in my stash (other than a load of 182s and mods)? I do have an alt with a few 204/214 bits but this character is not. I want the middle dz I'm not trying to book the system!
Any idea why I'm in dz201+ with a Gearscore of 193 and only 1 x214 and 1x191 in my stash (other than a load of 182s and mods)? I do have an alt with a few 204/214 bits but this character is not. I want the middle dz I'm not trying to book the system!

I have the same, I think I'm around 193 but in the 201 dz. it's pretty hard in there too lol
Indeed although first named I killed in dz01 dropped a green cache, then I killed a guy trying to nick it from my extraction lol! Doing some gearswapping to see if that helps

edit - putting all my stashed gear on an alt seems to have sorted it
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