***** The Official Division Thread *****

I solo quite a lot if the other lads are offline. Just stick to DZ01 & sometimes venture into 02. Apart from the occasional level 99 griefers you should be left alone to farm the boss in the subway to the west entrance and the boss at the blockade.
Even then, if you see another group coming in just fall back and make sure you've tagged the boss with a few shots, then you'll still get loot when he dies. Just pick up the loot after the group have moved on.
I solo quite a lot if the other lads are offline. Just stick to DZ01 & sometimes venture into 02. Apart from the occasional level 99 griefers you should be left alone to farm the boss in the subway to the west entrance and the boss at the blockade.

I went in literally for 2 minutes to get some gear just to complete the daily mission to extract 3 items, so the gear wasn't even that good a 163 yellow and a couple of purples and just as i am loading the items on the rope, bang a bullet to the back of the head and I am dead. So when I ventured back into the DZ my screen was just awash with rogue agents and this was in DZ01 as well. It seems what ever changes that have occurred within the DZ since I last played I think prior to 1.2 patch has just made everyone just be "that guy(s)".

I know the DZ is meant to be a bit of a free for all but it just ruins the experience when you go up against teams of 2+ agents all the time and you know there is nothing you can do. I think to myself, I am going to die it is just a matter of when and not if.

Now that I am a lot lower level than friends who play this, I can't even go into the DZ with them unless I go up to their level and then I am "insta-dead" if a level 34 just looks in my general direction.

At times this game seems to be "making" it up as it goes along to try and find that balance between the "grind" vs "power level" and at the moment it feels too grindy even for me and I love a good loot based game.

The concept of the DZ is a great thing but it just seems like it is too unbalanced, so the casual player like me, who isn't clued up on the current meta or build mechanics just wanders around like a lost bunny rabbit waiting to be hit by a 4 by 4. I don't even see the point of trying to level up with the DZ as everything just seems to be double/triple or quadruple the price it used to be for blue prints etc.

Unless you go in as a group and are geared up to the max then i feel it may be an area of the game I avoid for a while until it settles down (assuming it will at some point)

Part of me is more bothered about losing xp through no fault of my own. Losing the gear "it happens" but the fact that I didn't initiate or participate in the "rogification" process annoys me more. If I am rogue and I get killed then fine let me lose a base amount of xp (scaling depending on the level of rogueness) plus any xp gained while being rogue, but if I am just minding my own business and then get jumped on by a group why should I lose the xp?

The fact that there is no "traditional" pvp was a unique selling point to me and made it sound interesting but the reality is no team = no chance (unless you have some uber build with a bazillion toughness points). If there was a freelance only DZ then this may even the odds up some what for the more casual player or even have a dz where no one can go rogue and players are forced to work together to "control" the DZ.

I guess I will just run the underground for a bit to level up and then maybe finally get round to doing the incursions.
I went in literally for 2 minutes to get some gear just to complete the daily mission to extract 3 items, so the gear wasn't even that good a 163 yellow and a couple of purples and just as i am loading the items on the rope, bang a bullet to the back of the head and I am dead. So when I ventured back into the DZ my screen was just awash with rogue agents and this was in DZ01 as well. It seems what ever changes that have occurred within the DZ since I last played I think prior to 1.2 patch has just made everyone just be "that guy(s)".

I know the DZ is meant to be a bit of a free for all but it just ruins the experience when you go up against teams of 2+ agents all the time and you know there is nothing you can do. I think to myself, I am going to die it is just a matter of when and not if.

Now that I am a lot lower level than friends who play this, I can't even go into the DZ with them unless I go up to their level and then I am "insta-dead" if a level 34 just looks in my general direction.

At times this game seems to be "making" it up as it goes along to try and find that balance between the "grind" vs "power level" and at the moment it feels too grindy even for me and I love a good loot based game.

The concept of the DZ is a great thing but it just seems like it is too unbalanced, so the casual player like me, who isn't clued up on the current meta or build mechanics just wanders around like a lost bunny rabbit waiting to be hit by a 4 by 4. I don't even see the point of trying to level up with the DZ as everything just seems to be double/triple or quadruple the price it used to be for blue prints etc.

Unless you go in as a group and are geared up to the max then i feel it may be an area of the game I avoid for a while until it settles down (assuming it will at some point)

Part of me is more bothered about losing xp through no fault of my own. Losing the gear "it happens" but the fact that I didn't initiate or participate in the "rogification" process annoys me more. If I am rogue and I get killed then fine let me lose a base amount of xp (scaling depending on the level of rogueness) plus any xp gained while being rogue, but if I am just minding my own business and then get jumped on by a group why should I lose the xp?

The fact that there is no "traditional" pvp was a unique selling point to me and made it sound interesting but the reality is no team = no chance (unless you have some uber build with a bazillion toughness points). If there was a freelance only DZ then this may even the odds up some what for the more casual player or even have a dz where no one can go rogue and players are forced to work together to "control" the DZ.

I guess I will just run the underground for a bit to level up and then maybe finally get round to doing the incursions.

I'm pretty casual player with bad gear and stats and I just roam with a team. I never go in sole and I normally just run in with Fr0dders, Dr3ddPS, Turbo, Venom and a few others and they normally just carry me. For the most part I do okay, I do have to avoid Mobs and players but if you play a bit smart its not a bad experience and very quickly I've gone from 200 - 240 GS wise even if the gear sucks I'm getting stuff which is always good.
I'm pretty casual player with bad gear and stats and I just roam with a team. I never go in sole and I normally just run in with Fr0dders, Dr3ddPS, Turbo, Venom and a few others and they normally just carry me. For the most part I do okay, I do have to avoid Mobs and players but if you play a bit smart its not a bad experience and very quickly I've gone from 200 - 240 GS wise even if the gear sucks I'm getting stuff which is always good.

haha :)
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That's cus you wern't there!! :D

so true :)

Here are the list of changes to be implemented with the July 21st maintenance.
Fixed a bug where containers in the highest gear score Dark Zone bracket would drop blue quality Division Tech.
Fixed a bug where some AlphaBridge gear set gloves would roll double primary stats if they have been recalibrated.
Fixed a bug where the player would be teleported back to the safe house during Tatiana Atkins Missing Persons mission.
Fixed a bug where the player would be teleported back to the safe house during Aaron Keener Missing Agent mission.
Managed our Falcon lost heroic run successfully last night, after getting unlucky on wave 13 when all of the heavies come out of the door. None of them ran away and all of the other ones ran straight for us and overwhelmed us.

Ran it again a second time and went as normal no issues. Anybody up for doing it again over the weekend ? I'll use my tanktician character this time.
Managed our Falcon lost heroic run successfully last night, after getting unlucky on wave 13 when all of the heavies come out of the door. None of them ran away and all of the other ones ran straight for us and overwhelmed us.

Ran it again a second time and went as normal no issues. Anybody up for doing it again over the weekend ? I'll use my tanktician character this time.

Managed our Falcon lost heroic run successfully last night, after getting unlucky on wave 13 when all of the heavies come out of the door. None of them ran away and all of the other ones ran straight for us and overwhelmed us.

Ran it again a second time and went as normal no issues. Anybody up for doing it again over the weekend ? I'll use my tanktician character this time.

I'll be up for this.
Patch Notes
Here are the list of changes to be implemented with the July 28th maintenance.
Fixed a bug where players could initiate 1 Phase Operations in Heroic difficulty by pressing a combination of buttons on their input device.
Rewards from Underground Operation Directives will now also include all gear sets from Updates 1.1 and 1.2 and you have a chance to receive additional loot when completing Operations with 4+ Directives.
Rewards from Underground Sealed Caches will now include all weapon types as well as all Underground and Update 1.3 gear sets.
Named NPCs in the Underground now have increased drop rates across all difficulties and doing multiple phase operations will give you a better chance at higher quality gear.”
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