***** The Official Division Thread *****


OK I didnt know this thread existed, but I was wondering how the 'co-op' aspect of The Division actually might work?

For some reason Ive got in my head that it would be really cool if I had a few friends all playing it, I could go in as the co-op player and seemlessly jump in and out of all their encounters and help them.

So its kinda like a MMO but it isnt - its social gaming, but a cool way to do it...

ps3ud0 :cool:
OK I didnt know this thread existed, but I was wondering how the 'co-op' aspect of The Division actually might work?

For some reason Ive got in my head that it would be really cool if I had a few friends all playing it, I could go in as the co-op player and seemlessly jump in and out of all their encounters and help them.

I really hope this is true, it'd be great to come online, see a couple of my friends are together, and instantly jump into their game to help them out.

My biggest fear about the game is how the PvP will work, and will it spoil the game. At the end of the gameplay video, the player picks up a cool gun, and one of the other players says something like "we'd better get that out of here before we lose it", suggesting that until they're extracted (by using the flare), they could lose the gun. If that's the case, does that mean that if you find an amazing weapon somewhere, you'll instantly have to be extracted for fear that another PvP party will come and jump you to take your weapons?

For me, PvP in a game like this should be a nice even balance of risk and reward. If you can win gear from other people by jumping them, you have to be willing to lose whatever you're carrying if you do so and lose. That to me would help promote PvP in the right manner, as it would discourage most people from risking their cool gear for a chance of getting something better.

Maybe there could even be some options in the game somewhere that you could set to say how willing you are to take part in the PvP. Some people would rather just co-op against the AI and ignore the PvP if they could.
I think theres a ridiculous amount of potential in this game and its definitely not going to live to the hype, its probably impossible to fit all the ideas into a single game, but with it being the cusp of next gen I think we are allowed to expect more than just shine.

Im of the opinion that Id rather see less AAA(A) games overall, but with each that delve far deeper with their game mechanics and reward you for doing so. Im sick of shallow MP play and actively avoid it now, which particularly interests me in this is that theres a persistent mentality that you are a group of characters versus the world and so have to act accordingly and that perhaps (not seen it yet) you arent that much different in abilities than the AI enemies which makes co-op and organisation necessary.

Its very much the same idea why I hold games like TDU in such high regard even if they ultimately missed their target, socalised gaming. Im quite happy to convoy it up in TDU and enjoy the scenery and driving; racing is secondary; and so in The Division I hope to be able to walk down say Brooklyn Bridge talking to mates about the footy and be ripped out of the conversation because we get ambushed in-game.

I think this is where online gaming should be headed rather than MMORPGs where you just feel you are ultimately insignificant, Id rather feel like Im the main protagonist in the game where there are parallel worlds where others are playing the same game oblivious of me but at some points we can meet to fight or to group up...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Apparently there is the real prospect of losing all your gear when you die.

The Division's multiplayer is "meaningful" because "you have something to lose"


Ubisoft has yet to explain how The Division handles equipment at length, but we know that you'll be able to trade with other players and craft your own items, cue talk of "thousands" of weapon, gear and skill combinations. According to Bernard, the prospect of losing your gear is what makes confrontation so thrilling.

"We want player versus player to be meaningful," he said. "And the way player versus player gets meaningful is you need to have something to lose - it's not just a scorecard in a multiplayer map."

It's hoped that exploration will be all the tenser as a consequence. "This is a world that's coming apart so even though you're a member of the Division, it's a scary place. I think another part of doing PvP well is not knowing where the threat is coming from, not knowing who is the threat necessarily. We really want to play with that, to enhance the experience."

There is, however, a "mechanic" which allows you to keep your items when you die, though it's implied this won't be as easy as ticking a box. It's not clear whether characters will need to worry about food or water, but Massive's designers have taken part in survival training exercises to develop "first hand experience of living without the things we all take for granted", per this report.

From what Ive seen youve got a basic loadout from the start so Im guessing thats what you revert to when you die, Im hoping permanent ownership of a weapon/gadget goes down the route of weapon usage/time rather than what Davey Pitch was referring to because feeling you are forced to extract to save it just kinda sucks...

It does seem if you can avoid dark zones you can avoid PvP - Id rather it be more like Demon Souls/Stalker - its great having that in the back of your mind when you join an area, though how thats managed would be really hard...

ps3ud0 :cool:
It does seem if you can avoid dark zones you can avoid PvP - Id rather it be more like Demon Souls/Stalker - its great having that in the back of your mind when you join an area, though how thats managed would be really hard...

Maybe it could be that if you're not in a dark zone and you're attacked, you don't lose your equipment, and your enemy can't take it from you. You have to purposefully enter a dark zone if you're willing to risk your own equipment to try winning something from someone else.

I think there has to be some way of seperating it, otherwise it could quickly end up with several highly equipped teams going around and killing everyone, not letting them get past having basic equipment. It would be a huge turn off for a lot of people, and it would do the game no good.
Some new info from a Q&A on the Ubi blog. I so want this game!

Q: The Division is based upon Operation Dark Winter. Will we see the five days leading up to the collapse of the US, or will we only be playing through the aftermath?

A: There is a reason why we picked 22 days later. We wanted some time to have passed for a few reasons. Firstly we wanted to give enough time for factions to form and people to start to group together. We also wanted to ensure that there is a rich world for players to enter into. A world that is already full of content and context, so when they start playing the game they don’t quite have the full story – they have to explore, uncover and get immersed in the world in order to really progress.

Q: In what year will The Division be set?

A: We don’t specify a year; the setting is the “near future.” It’s a Clancy game so it’s definitely grounded in reality, but we’re using all the wiggle room we can in order to try to create the world we want.

Q: We know it’s set in Manhattan, but will we have to chance to explore some territories outside of the New York area?

A: Absolutely. Exploration is key to the game. The majority does take place in Manhattan – but, yes, you will be able to explore other areas in the game.

Q: Will there be serious decisions that will change the overall storyline? And will there be side quests?

A: The content is emergent and at the heart of the game it is about the player’s choice. The stories behind how each player develops and grows will always be different, which makes this quite unique. The storyline is the storyline, but how you unravel it and how you get there is really up to you. A lot of what we were trying to do with the demo was hint at the idea of discovery; it’s hugely important to the game. We will probably never reveal in full how the game works before we release it because really at the core of the game is the idea of discovery and exploration.

Q: Will PvP be included in the storyline?

A: Yes! Unfortunately we can’t get into too many details yet, other than to say PvP is incredibly important to the game. We were asked how we wanted to do it and we realized that separating it out as a multiplayer wouldn’t make sense. We looked at a range of different games and then decided we wanted to keep it ambiguous. We wanted to integrate it into the storyline and add an element of mystery, so you don’t know who is a friend and who is an enemy. To be honest, it’s the thing I’m most excited about for the game!

Q: Will the shooting/combat system be focused on RPG features like skills, damage, statistics, and critical hits? Or will it be more a more traditional skill-based shooter?

A: We are an RPG first and foremost. So the emphasis for the game is definitely on skill/talent synergies along with your weapon characteristics. We are a Clancy game, we are also an open-world game but really we’re an RPG first. Gear will be important, levels will be important, modifications to weapons will be important… everything that makes a fantastic RPG will be important to the game.

Q: What impact will the actions of the players will have on the game? For example: During the gameplay video you showed us at E3 the players cleared the police station from hostile NPCs. What will happen to this station afterward? Will there be new mission opportunities that unfold from there?

A: To answer it simply: Yes, your actions as a player are very important; the game world will change depending on your actions or inactions. I’ll try to give you a little more than I did at E3. We’re fixing New York, the whole quest or overarching objective of The Division is to get the “grid” back online and functioning; by grid, we mean water, power, sewerage, sanitation, etc. Your actions will change the face of your New York.

Q: What kind of loot can we expect to see and how does it affect the skills of the player character?

A: The short answer is that I believe in loot-based RPGs; I think they’re fantastic and loot will be hugely important in The Division. You’ll have a range of items from gear to weapons, each of which will have various mods and things that we’ll get into later on. However, we don’t want this to become one of those loot-based RPGs where it’s all about gear and there is a ridiculous gap between old and new players; if I’ve just started playing the game but my friend has been playing for a few months, we want those guys to be able to play together. It’s a tricky balance and one that we want to try to solve.

Q: Will we see content in the game that will require you to group up with more than four players?

A: For retention and the end game, “group-plus” content will be really important. I can tell you that there will be multi-group content. I can’t get into it too much, but I can say there will be at least eight-player content.

Q: Can we customize our weapons?

A: Yes, absolutely, weapons are very important to the game and depending on the type there will be a range of different customizations and modifications that you can do. We’ll get into that a little more soon.

Q: Will the companion app be exclusive to tablets, or will it work on smartphones as well?

A: We’re shooting for all the major mobile OS for release, including both phones and tablets, so Android, iOS and Windows. In terms of tablets compared to smartphones, there may be a slight difference between screen type and quality but overall it will be the exact same experience.

Q: Are we able to customize or upgrade the drone?

A: Absolutely! At the moment we only have one in development, but this is going to increase as we continue to develop the game, it will also depend on what type of drone you want to be. Customization and socialization of the drone are really the key elements of the companion app so yes these will definitely be available.

Q: Do dogs have any significance in the game?

A: Well, it’s a next-gen game so obviously it’s got to have dogs! No, dogs won’t have any special significance other than the fact that New York has over 300,000 dogs living in the city, so imagine if they are all let loose at once… You may encounter some particularly nasty ones, but no they don’t play a significant role.

Q: What are the primary challenges faced in developing for next-gen consoles?

A: For me I would say making sure you set the scope of the game correctly: It has to be big but also possible, and that’s a fine line to walk. Recently we announced the game for PC, so really the way we look at it now is that we have three games. We have an Xbox One, PS4 and PC game, each of which we are developing for. We can’t just port to PC; we are building all of these games simultaneously and it’s a huge undertaking. But having said that, we have a fantastic team at Massive and we’ll be working with some other studios at Ubisoft to get the job done.

Q: Do dogs have any significance in the game?

A: Well, it’s a next-gen game so obviously it’s got to have dogs! No, dogs won’t have any special significance other than the fact that New York has over 300,000 dogs living in the city, so imagine if they are all let loose at once… You may encounter some particularly nasty ones, but no they don’t play a significant role.
Ha! Excellent - I think dogs are the new completely realistic giant enemy crab ;)

Q: Will PvP be included in the storyline?

A: Yes! Unfortunately we can’t get into too many details yet, other than to say PvP is incredibly important to the game. We were asked how we wanted to do it and we realized that separating it out as a multiplayer wouldn’t make sense. We looked at a range of different games and then decided we wanted to keep it ambiguous. We wanted to integrate it into the storyline and add an element of mystery, so you don’t know who is a friend and who is an enemy. To be honest, it’s the thing I’m most excited about for the game!
I wonder how this works for Sliver members...?
Hmm, couple of interesting points in that Q&A. Their response didn't really answer the rpg or shooter combat mechanics question, so would be interesting to see how it really works (the demo seemed to show majority shooter mechanics, so, maybe it's a bit like how borderlands works?)

Also, if the players have a common "goal" to restore all services, then why would groups of players fight against each other? Points to being faction based and you can choose to join an "anarchist" faction perhaps?
Hmm, couple of interesting points in that Q&A. Their response didn't really answer the rpg or shooter combat mechanics question, so would be interesting to see how it really works (the demo seemed to show majority shooter mechanics, so, maybe it's a bit like how borderlands works?)

Also, if the players have a common "goal" to restore all services, then why would groups of players fight against each other? Points to being faction based and you can choose to join an "anarchist" faction perhaps?

Whereas this shows RPG click and forget gameplay on the tablet

Its very different thats for sure !
Looks like The Division is confirmed coming to PC as well as Xbox One and PS4 with exclusive DLC on Xbox One, pre (dark winter prologue maybe?) and post release. Still expected for closer to the end of 2014 than the beginning.

PC confirmed - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/425391/ubisofts-the-division-confirmed-for-pc/

Microsoft has announced the Xbox One version of Ubisoft's The Division will receive exclusive content "before and after" the game's launch. - http://www.computerandvideogames.co...t-exclusive-content-before-and-after-release/

The support for Smartglass/companion app on tablets and smartphones looks stunning...

**Edit** Doh - beaten to it by an hour - oh well ;)
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