***** The Official Division Thread *****

6 Oct 2004
i don't think that a PS4 is capable of 1080p, 60fps, high res textures, high quality lighting and other effects along with high levels of AA.
most likely 720p at low/medium.

You realise you're essentially saying that it's going to have the same graphical ability as the PS3? :rolleyes:
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Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Liverpool, UK
You realise your essentially saying that it's going to have the same graphical ability as the PS3? :rolleyes:
I also think he doesn't realise how foolish it would be for a developer to show off a game on a system running at a level that it isn't capable of running at. If the game was PC-bound as well I'd say it likely was on PC, but as the game is heading for the next-gen consoles exclusively at the moment, I have to imagine the gameplay we saw was indicative of how it will look on the PS4/Xbox One (because that's what it's coded for).
20 Nov 2005
I want to know why UbiSoft are intent are scaring the be-Jesus out of us?!?!?!

Watch Dogs - look out technology will control and kill you!
Division - look out viruses are going to cause the end of civilization!

I personally really do not want to play this game as the premise is just unsettling and could be a reality. Zombie Apocalypse - fantasy. Alien invasion -highly unlikely. Fighting in a war - I can avoid by just not being in an army. Flu Pandemic - umm yea - could start next month.

The Dark Winter simulation that is mentioned at the start of the intro; pretty much proved that the States is woefully unprepared for any pandemic and remains so. Anyone read the UK Government response to a pandemic? Pretty much boils down to 'hope and pray'. Not that there is much anyone can do. H5N1 - currently 50% kill rate. H7N9 - currently 20% kill rate. Not to mention the new MERS - CoV sitting at around 55%. Any of these mutate to cause sustained human to human transmission and society is pretty much ******.

This game shows a good estimation as to what would happen. It would be everyone for themselves. It would be at least 9 months until a vaccine was produced and then you would have to distribute. Governments would hold up in their bunkers and wait it out and then when/if it is over and there is some semblance of society remaining, they would emerge and give some rousing speech about 'how we survived and how it is our duty to re-build society' etc etc.

This game looks ace, however I don't want to play it as really it is a very close approximation of a possible future I do not want to experience in anyway - not even on my TV screen.

Let the flames begin..... :p

P.S: will be playing watch dogs though :D
9 Mar 2006
I want to know why UbiSoft are intent are scaring the be-Jesus out of us?!?!?!

Watch Dogs - look out technology will control and kill you!
Division - look out viruses are going to cause the end of civilization!
Raving Rabbids - Insane Rabbits are going to invade and enslave us

fixed. :p
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
comparable to a very high PC spec????

the fact there's been no confirmation it was running on PS4 sums it up IMO.

BF4 has been confirmed to be running at 60 fps and 64 players on next gen consoles. there's been no indication of what resolution it will be running at. if it was 1080p it would have been mentioned along with 64 players and 60 fps.

notice they only mention the positives and no negatives?

if the division was running on PS4 they would have said so without a doubt. the fact they've said nothing raises my suspicions even further.

Yes, there has been NO confirmation as you said. So until there is, your strongly defended opinions are making you look stupid right now. Speculation is fine, but taking a hard line position is bordering on the idiotic.

You don't KNOW anything about this game apart from a 7min pre-alpha gameplay video you've seen. You don't know what these new consoles can do.

Why is it that every console cycle, all sorts of creeps crawl out of their holes to cause needless arguments or proclaim something they know FA about?

Can't wait for the actual release so everyone can take opposing positions and slam the console they don't have (can't afford) and praise the one they do have.
1 Nov 2007
I want to know why UbiSoft are intent are scaring the be-Jesus out of us?!?!?!

Watch Dogs - look out technology will control and kill you!
Division - look out viruses are going to cause the end of civilization!

I personally really do not want to play this game as the premise is just unsettling and could be a reality. Zombie Apocalypse - fantasy. Alien invasion -highly unlikely. Fighting in a war - I can avoid by just not being in an army. Flu Pandemic - umm yea - could start next month.

The Dark Winter simulation that is mentioned at the start of the intro; pretty much proved that the States is woefully unprepared for any pandemic and remains so. Anyone read the UK Government response to a pandemic? Pretty much boils down to 'hope and pray'. Not that there is much anyone can do. H5N1 - currently 50% kill rate. H7N9 - currently 20% kill rate. Not to mention the new MERS - CoV sitting at around 55%. Any of these mutate to cause sustained human to human transmission and society is pretty much ******.

This game shows a good estimation as to what would happen. It would be everyone for themselves. It would be at least 9 months until a vaccine was produced and then you would have to distribute. Governments would hold up in their bunkers and wait it out and then when/if it is over and there is some semblance of society remaining, they would emerge and give some rousing speech about 'how we survived and how it is our duty to re-build society' etc etc.

This game looks ace, however I don't want to play it as really it is a very close approximation of a possible future I do not want to experience in anyway - not even on my TV screen.

Let the flames begin..... :p

P.S: will be playing watch dogs though :D

Are you serious man? You shouldn't deprive yourself of what looks like a great game on a 'what if' scenario. Any day now a drunk driver could kill me on the road but it doesn't stop me driving, I play American Football and a team mate of mine was rushed to hospital 3 weeks ago because of blood clotting in his leg and he almost lost the leg altogether but it won't stop me playing the game I love. What I'm trying to say is, there's a lot of stuff that is out of your control regardless of your actions so why worry? That's just how I look at it, each to their own though.

PS. If you were being sarcastic and I haven't picked up on that, it's 9am and I didn't get much sleep so give me a break =)
20 Nov 2005
Are you serious man?

Fraid so. This kind of stuff worries me; just my make-up I guess. I don't worry about much else and appreciate the drunken driver scenario you mention.

But the complete helplessness you would feel should this occur as you watch family and friends succumb to a new pathogen is my approximation is the worst nightmare I can imagine. Believe it or not I am not a crazy, but this just touches a nerve for me.

Anyway - thread de-railed (no more than the tech argument did though lol). someone bring it back on course!
15 Aug 2005
I really like the setting, post-apocalyptic scenarios are becoming rather overused in games now, it's nice to see a game looking at it from view of being on the brink of such a thing instead. It's one of the things The Last Of Us has done well, making other survivors just as much of a threat as the 'infected', although in The Division's case it doesn't seem like the infected are an actual hostile threat.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Liverpool, UK
someone bring it back on course!

Will do :D

One thing I like the look of in the game is that you seemingly can't carry a crapload of weapons and ammo. When they went to the police locker room, they picked up a gun each and left, with loads more guns in the cabinet. Looks like scrounging for weapons could be a key part of the game, and I'm cool with that.
1 Nov 2007
Fraid so. This kind of stuff worries me; just my make-up I guess. I don't worry about much else and appreciate the drunken driver scenario you mention.

But the complete helplessness you would feel should this occur as you watch family and friends succumb to a new pathogen is my approximation is the worst nightmare I can imagine. Believe it or not I am not a crazy, but this just touches a nerve for me.

Anyway - thread de-railed (no more than the tech argument did though lol). someone bring it back on course!

No everybody is different, I get it! =) The game looks incredible to me, the setting, the gameplay, didn't see much I didn't like. I wonder how big the world is going to be, I know it's set in NY but Manhattan itself is massive and they said they were going to 'head over there' later in the demo.
20 Nov 2005
No everybody is different, I get it! =) The game looks incredible to me, the setting, the gameplay, didn't see much I didn't like. I wonder how big the world is going to be, I know it's set in NY but Manhattan itself is massive and they said they were going to 'head over there' later in the demo.

Aye - looks amazing. The one thing I noticed that I thought the chat did not match the situation. There they were in a rather intense gun fight and they were chatting about it in a casual manner that one would expect from two people chatting about a football match. They may be marketed as people really confident in their abilities but the relaxed tone was just a bit unbelievable.
1 Nov 2007
Well a lot like the Titanfall and BF4 demos, even though it was multiplayer it was totally scripted I suspect so I wasn't all that surprised by the general tone of the players.
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