***The Official Dying Light 2 thread***



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Yup Metro EEE really is cool. I've put some hours into it last night and rather sweet use of RT that I didn't really look too deep into before when I had the 2070 Super as it just could not handle it fully even with DLSS yet now I'm getting 80+fps as a bare minimum lol and that's with VRS set to none so highest quality.
25 May 2013
I'm surprised how easy modding this game is, it just uses .pak files like GTA Definitive Edition and Snowrunner. I made a mod last night to stop stamina instantly increasing after you either deplete it until empty of wear it down a certain amount as I feel it refills way too quick.

Will be making 3, 5, 7 and 10 seconds versions (of how long you wait until it starts to increase again). There's already a great physics mod out there that brings back the feeling of the ragdolls from Dying Light 1, the same guy is working on this mod for DL2.

Someone's made a winter mod as well, I was curious how texture replacement works unless it needed to be saved with specific options like BC3/DXT5 and with or without mipmaps. Will be interesting to see where the modding scene can lead to.

I say "made" a winter mod, it's just a variable that isn't enabled by default in an .scr file.

Models aren't possible yet afaik, it uses MODEL file which is used by CATIA. I'm unsure whether Blender can open it as I've not seen a plugin.
30 Dec 2011
I'm surprised how easy modding this game is, it just uses .pak files like GTA Definitive Edition and Snowrunner. I made a mod last night to stop stamina instantly increasing after you either deplete it until empty of wear it down a certain amount as I feel it refills way too quick.

Will be making 3, 5, 7 and 10 seconds versions (of how long you wait until it starts to increase again). There's already a great physics mod out there that brings back the feeling of the ragdolls from Dying Light 1, the same guy is working on this mod for DL2.

Someone's made a winter mod as well, I was curious how texture replacement works unless it needed to be saved with specific options like BC3/DXT5 and with or without mipmaps. Will be interesting to see where the modding scene can lead to.

I say "made" a winter mod, it's just a variable that isn't enabled by default in an .scr file.

Models aren't possible yet afaik, it uses MODEL file which is used by CATIA. I'm unsure whether Blender can open it as I've not seen a plugin.

Indeed, there are some very good mods out already. I am using the no poost processing mod that removes lense flare, DOF, chromatic aberration etc and it does clean up the image quite well. Though even better is the propr key ninds mod that fixes the jump, courch and other keys. It's a must for left handers and makes the parkour system far more fluid.

Be aware the no post processing mode did break my existing save but I had completed the game anyway and only wanted to test.
18 Oct 2012

Honestly this video sums it up pretty well on the differences. The world lacks detial. The buildings are much more plain generally. It doesn't feel at all as dark and mood is too vibrant due to the colour pass they completed on it. Yes I was on about the slums with the 3 storey side of things but that is a big play area that has been significiantly reduced compared to the demo and it really feels and looks off compared to what was shown. It also in my opinion looks and feels dated compared to a lot of games that have been released over the last 5yr or so. That isn't too say anything isn't better at all but they are much smaller things that are tiny set dressing. The worst part is the quality of the foliage and even in motion watching videos it looks rather poor (mostly the ground clutter vegitation and grass is just plain awful).

But the lack of interaction with the world, the reduction in NPC's, the reduced ragdoll interaction with spikes and such compared to the first (even though they appear to be the same assets) has gone backwards and it feels and looks like it needs another year of polish to get some of the things back to the level of the previous game as well as actually expand upon the core mechanics. For instance the new animations and freerunning elements are good but they certainly don't look fluid or like they have been finished.
4 Jun 2009

Honestly this video sums it up pretty well on the differences. The world lacks detial. The buildings are much more plain generally. It doesn't feel at all as dark and mood is too vibrant due to the colour pass they completed on it. Yes I was on about the slums with the 3 storey side of things but that is a big play area that has been significiantly reduced compared to the demo and it really feels and looks off compared to what was shown. It also in my opinion looks and feels dated compared to a lot of games that have been released over the last 5yr or so. That isn't too say anything isn't better at all but they are much smaller things that are tiny set dressing. The worst part is the quality of the foliage and even in motion watching videos it looks rather poor (mostly the ground clutter vegitation and grass is just plain awful).

But the lack of interaction with the world, the reduction in NPC's, the reduced ragdoll interaction with spikes and such compared to the first (even though they appear to be the same assets) has gone backwards and it feels and looks like it needs another year of polish to get some of the things back to the level of the previous game as well as actually expand upon the core mechanics. For instance the new animations and freerunning elements are good but they certainly don't look fluid or like they have been finished.

No doubt the game has been downgraded in a lot of ways but that's kind of the standard for most games shown at e3 and is nothing new, see pretty much all ubis games especially division 1, witcher 3, cp 2077 but they all still ended up being very good games (debatable some of those games especially cp2077 at release obviously, but majority would agree I reckon). It's why no one should ever believe the footage they see at these shows, of course it's not on as it is false advertising big time but sadly it won't change, just the way development works and isn't limited to just the game industry.

Don't disagree on the other points but as mentioned, I can't really think of many, if any open world games that match the game world design/lived in feel except for likes of assassins creed games, cp2077, fallout 4, rdr 2. IMO, it is an improvement to the first game on the whole (visuals/atmosphere are far better too)

Given the support dl 1 has received, I fully expect there to be a lot of content and updates for this going forward.
18 Oct 2012
No doubt the game has been downgraded in a lot of ways but that's kind of the standard for most games shown at e3 and is nothing new, see pretty much all ubis games especially division 1, witcher 3, cp 2077 but they all still ended up being very good games (debatable some of those games especially cp2077 at release obviously, but majority would agree I reckon). It's why no one should ever believe the footage they see at these shows, of course it's not on as it is false advertising big time but sadly it won't change, just the way development works and isn't limited to just the game industry.

Don't disagree on the other points but as mentioned, I can't really think of many, if any open world games that match the game world design/lived in feel except for likes of assassins creed games, cp2077, fallout 4, rdr 2. IMO, it is an improvement to the first game on the whole (visuals/atmosphere are far better too)

Given the support dl 1 has received, I fully expect there to be a lot of content and updates for this going forward.

Fair enough but I just honestly think the atmosphere is worse that the first and and certainly not anything like that shown at E3, which isn't a downgrade but a completely different direction they have taken the game vibe and I don't like it tbh. The Division 2 had much better visual/atmosphere compared to 1 and grew well with them learning and understanding and I feel here it has gone the other direciton and I feel that comes down to the issues they had in developement.

Graphically I also don't think it is huge leaps or bounds over the first. They have a larger world overall compared to the first but it feels a lot less unique overall in that there is a lot of repetative locations as filler due to the copy/paste architecture of the structures. The unique things that offered world building like moving vehicles of NPC's, dead bodies including animales, the larger NPC stagged elements like the hanging and such have all been lost which were the improvements over the first. This 100% feels like an expansion of the first where they addded more freerunning but broke the ragdoll interaction systems.

I mean you said about can't think of others that do well but then listed a galf dozen. My point as well is people prasing it visually etc as well is the point. It isn't any better than the previous game or games that came out a few years back and in fact signifcantly worse in most areas compared to all that you've listed. I didn't believe we would get all the visual improvements from E3 but I did think the direction of the game in terms of atmosphere would have remained whihch it has not.

Edit: To note me and a few others still play the first one and still enjoy it but really see no reason to purchase this one for now. Maybe when it gets to £15 because honestly with how it is I feel that is all its worth as it will be a few hours with a couple of mates and then left on the drive forever.
24 Sep 2013
Exmouth, Devon
Yeh also going to wait until it's "finished" to be honest.

Not like I don't have a mountain of others games to play!

That's how to approach all games these days. No point paying full whack to be a beta tester. Wait, game gets fixed, becomes cheaper, gets optimized then you get the best experience and usually any DLC included in a GOTY edition.
27 Jan 2022
I was beginning to lose interest but once the other section of the map opens up there are a few more characters that are a bit more memorable and more to explore. I don't think I can do the combat mechanics correctly but so far plan b, bash everyone or throwing knives or molotov combo seems to do the trick :) Throwing spears are great. I don't think this game it really about stealth. I'm way ahead at level 5 now, doing main missions that are rewarding me with level 3 weapons and I have 50k coins and whatever weapon I want. If anything scrap is now the thing in shortest supply for me. Maybe I should up the difficulty but so far although enjoying it I'm not feeling I shall be replaying this one.
4 Jun 2009
Fair enough but I just honestly think the atmosphere is worse that the first and and certainly not anything like that shown at E3, which isn't a downgrade but a completely different direction they have taken the game vibe and I don't like it tbh. The Division 2 had much better visual/atmosphere compared to 1 and grew well with them learning and understanding and I feel here it has gone the other direciton and I feel that comes down to the issues they had in developement.

Graphically I also don't think it is huge leaps or bounds over the first. They have a larger world overall compared to the first but it feels a lot less unique overall in that there is a lot of repetative locations as filler due to the copy/paste architecture of the structures. The unique things that offered world building like moving vehicles of NPC's, dead bodies including animales, the larger NPC stagged elements like the hanging and such have all been lost which were the improvements over the first. This 100% feels like an expansion of the first where they addded more freerunning but broke the ragdoll interaction systems.

I mean you said about can't think of others that do well but then listed a galf dozen. My point as well is people prasing it visually etc as well is the point. It isn't any better than the previous game or games that came out a few years back and in fact signifcantly worse in most areas compared to all that you've listed. I didn't believe we would get all the visual improvements from E3 but I did think the direction of the game in terms of atmosphere would have remained whihch it has not.

Edit: To note me and a few others still play the first one and still enjoy it but really see no reason to purchase this one for now. Maybe when it gets to £15 because honestly with how it is I feel that is all its worth as it will be a few hours with a couple of mates and then left on the drive forever.

Each to their own and all that but first game just doesn't ooze the same atmosphere especially at night, first game in comparison looks quite cartoony/very last gen.

Skip to the end of this video for city play

You could probably get a sweetfx/redux mod to get the colour tone similar to e3s style.

Considering when those games I listed came out... it's not very many really and in some areas I would say dl 2 was better than them in a good few areas, only ones, which are truly better "overall" is rdr 2, division 1/2 and CP 2077 (not to mention the bar has been set very high with them..)

Div 2 having better atmosphere than the first?! :eek: I think many will disagree there :p Snow setting with xmas in NY made that game excel far beyond everything else...

Much like cp2077, I think it is simply a case of people seeing the false advertising of e3 footage and come final release, see features/graphics removed/downgraded, which completely takes away from what is on the whole a pretty good game (certainly not perfect but certainly not as bad as some make it out to be imo)
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I am still in the first section of the game. Only just met the sniper lady :)

I am basically doing everything the game has to offer before moving on to story missions as I am enjoying it. Also got over 50k gold and upgraded loads of items. I only need one more upgrade on the med pack for it to be fully upgraded.

What I enjoy doing is get a chase going at night, run near a safe house and fight near a norrow area where I just mow dozens of them down there until a volatile comes out. Manage to kill one of two but not managed to get chase status to 4 yet using this method. But I am probably only half way through the game at this point so I am sure I will get there.

Loads of fun to be had if this is your type of game. It ain't perfect, for example the story and characters could be better. But it is not terrible and does the job I suppose :D



2 Feb 2018
I personally think people are thinking of the first game with rose-tinted glasses. I loved the first game but this one is way better in literally every aspect. Haven't had a single issue running it either, not even a single crash or hiccup.

I wish more devs would release games as good as this.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
30 Dec 2011
I personally think people are thinking of the first game with rose-tinted glasses. I loved the first game but this one is way better in literally every aspect. Haven't had a single issue running it either, not even a single crash or hiccup.

I wish more devs would release games as good as this.

Buggy key and mouse bindings may not be an issue for you but they are for many others.

The first one also had much more tension at night and running around at street level during the day was almost certain suicide. I also checked the 1st one to be sure I wasn't using "rose tinted glasses" and nope, was definately superior in the aspects I mentioned above..



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Hard one for me. There definitely were aspects of the first game that were better for me. But this one has so.many more things. I need to complete this one before I can comment.

I finally made it downtown, got the bow and paraglider. Story did improve a bit with Roserio's entrance :)
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