***The Official Dying Light 2 thread***

4 Jun 2009
I’m not a full time nerd anymore, so don’t understand the ins and outs - but my take on developing DLSS and FSR is that these are technologies created by the relevant GPU manufacturers for their respective hardware.

From a game development perspective you want to cater to both sides of the fence, but shoe horning an open source rendering practice in to your engine can’t be the easiest task in the world. So I can absolutely imagine these GPU manufacturers lobbying them, “we’ll fund x amount of your development time, and assign developers to help you implement this. However you can’t arrange a comparable deal with any of our competitors”. So I would imagine the lesser implementation of FSR would be down to the dev team having to work it by themselves.

Pure speculation, but an entirely reasonable guess in to how these practices run.

This is far more likely the reason rather than "intentionally" gimping one side. That "appears" to be the difference between nvidia and amd when it generally comes to these things, nvidia seem to want active input and have a real say in how, where and when to apply and use said effects where as amds approach always comes across as "here's our solution, open source, use as you please" i.e. over the fence, not our problem anymore. Of course, nothing wrong with either approach and there are pros/cons to both methods.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Not seen that myself, although I bet i see it now it's been pointed out! :cry:

Either way it's much better than the blurring when moving, that was pretty much unplayable for me.

Frustrating there's these issues, the keybind one is ridiculous, how that got past QC I'll never know
Ha, sorry.

I have the key bind issue myself, as I changed the jump key from spacebar and I still have to use spacebar at times or jump does not work.
27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
Wccftech did a Beginners Guide for those that need some tips and help surviving.
Skimmed through that guide (not yet bought the game though) but I found the one and only comment most useful from those tips:

The real beginners guide is wait for the platinum anniversary edition of the game of the year release to hit the bargain bin, generally they are fully playable and nearly bug free by then.

:cry: :p :cry: :p :cry:
3 Dec 2004
Ha, sorry.

I have the key bind issue myself, as I changed the jump key from spacebar and I still have to use spacebar at times or jump does not work.

No worries, I'm sure I have sharpness filter invulnerability anyway, never notice the issues people report on other games (or just have bad eyes ....)

For the keybinds try this


Worked for me but I've not got too far in the game yet
4 Jun 2009
With regards to the "intentional" gimping of fsr claim earlier, another persons views on it (far more valid reasoning too....):


Taking a closer look at the config file for Dying Light 2, I think I've discovered why the FSR Ultra Quality option is missing. And it's the same reason that DLSS Ultra-Performance is missing.

They only defined 3 levels of upscaling for any of the three upscalers they use.

!Upscaler(i) // 0=none, 1=linear; 2=DLSS; 3=FSR !Upscaling(i) // 0=best performance, 1=balanced, 2=bestquality

As you can see, they defined only three levels for all upscalers, this means that they can put DLSS, FSR, and Linear upscaling options inside the same menu section without conflicting.

If they wanted to include FSR Ultra-quality, they'd have to make a separate upscaling level that is not selectable with DLSS, which adds another level of complication. Same goes for DLSS Ultra-performance, they'd have to make a separate upscaling level that is not selectable with FSR. Neither DLSS or FSR define a 'free-scale' option in their SDKs, so even though you can bypass the config file and set the render percentage seperately, you'd need to define the percentages as fixed options in the actual menu.

So it's not some intentional effort to make FSR look worse, it's just laziness.

I can imagine the dev tasked with designing this menu just going "**** it, too complicated, everyone gets the same options" and that's what shipped.
27 Jan 2022
Thanks for the mod and info. I've noticed the flickering since day one, its worse if you stand still and move the mouse slowly so the screen updates a pixel at a time, but it seems to go if the sharpness is below 50. If you look for it DLSS is terrible :) it can't handle trees and leaves and they have a trail behind as they move across the screen. The game looks like a really polished game from 2015, but that's not the point really, the main issue is PC gamers kinda expect to be able to play around with all the settings and have options other than TAA. Actually the most fun I've had is doing the power station puzzles :)
27 Mar 2010
New Dying Light 2 patch v1.0.6 is now live!

Patch has several improvements like additional video settings (motion blur, distance blur), more keyboard/mouse binding options and game stability.
  • Added additional video settings (including motion blur and distance blur)
  • Fixed blocks resulting in player ending in a deathloop after COOP session. Some edge cases may still not be fixed and are being investigated
  • Death screen now has a button that allows to spawn player inside mission area preventing a block
  • Fixed numerous crashes and improved game stability
  • Added option to switch in-game voiceover between localized and original (English)
  • Various Improvements for keyboard and mouse key binding options (including walk toggle option and switch between toggle and hold aiming)
  • Proper music now players for peers in COOP sessions.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
How are you getting on @Nexus18 ?

I have done everything there is to do in the first area so far, plus everything in downtown section. Working on getting up all the windmills and resting areas, power stations, metro’s and bandit camps at the moment :)

The plan is to basically do as much as I can do before continuing the story. Probably a good 10-15 hours of content at least I would imagine before I am done and move to story missions.

Still really enjoying it. Love kicking the bandits flying off buildings. Kicked one of the lieutenants off while liberating a bandit camp by mistake. Easy kill, but then you miss out on the loot, as who can be asked to chase down where the body landed after :cry:
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2 Feb 2018
You do realise that your original ridiculous statement claimed that there was not a single issue with this game. I showed one single area where it was demonstrably and objectively broken (mouse and key binds) for absolutey everyone. You made a ridiculous statement and when it was showed to be ridiculous your retort is, "try another game". :rolleyes:

Sorry to offend you with my love for the game. I can only speak from my own experience. If you're not having fun then try another game? I don't see what the problem is. I guess smashing zombies in the face isn't fun for you :/



2 Feb 2018
on another note I just had an amusing part of the game where an NPC wanted me to follow them through an area in haste but kept shutting the doors in my face. WTF is that all about? The devs should probably tweak that. lol



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
on another note I just had an amusing part of the game where an NPC wanted me to follow them through an area in haste but kept shutting the doors in my face. WTF is that all about? The devs should probably tweak that. lol
Oh yea, that happened to me too :cry:

Well she only did it once right in my face. Basically I think it is the way it is designed so each time you use the door the baddy catches up even if far behind. Poorly designed really, but was more funny than anything for me :D
30 Dec 2011
Sorry to offend you with my love for the game. I can only speak from my own experience. If you're not having fun then try another game? I don't see what the problem is. I guess smashing zombies in the face isn't fun for you :/

Lol, still sticking with the same illogical nonsense of "game is perfect for me so it's perfect for everyone". You made a claim that was not remotely accurate. I am not offended, I find it funny to be honest. It's like dealing with a flat earther.
30 Dec 2011
on another note I just had an amusing part of the game where an NPC wanted me to follow them through an area in haste but kept shutting the doors in my face. WTF is that all about? The devs should probably tweak that. lol

Wait, are you saying the game is broken and the devs need to fix something. Well this is quite the turnaround from "this game is perfect". MAKE YOUR MIND UP. LOL



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Wait, are you saying the game is broken and the devs need to fix something. Well this is quite the turnaround from "this game is perfect". MAKE YOUR MIND UP. LOL
Not sure about broken, but there certainly are some bugs, though nothing to write home about in my experience so far. Certainly in better shape than Cyberpunk :cry:

I think these days if you want a bug free triple a game you need to wait at least a year or even better for a version of the game with all major story dlc etc in 2-3 years time. Should not be the case, but it is what it is. I can’t be asked to wait when it is a must play game for me though, as these days I get like one or two of those a year.
27 Jan 2022
Bug wise this game isn't too bad, its just not that enjoyable. Can't quite see what the issue is but if you find yourself without a side mission and a reason to go tearing around the map the sandbox world doesn't feel too convincing with the same dialogue being used by NPCs etc. Yeah I did have the NPC slam doors in my face during a key running away sequence that was extremely funny :) it went full GTA script style at that point.
  • You have to guess how some ropes are going to handle; normal sandbox physics or helping hand script mode.
  • The camera is fixed while paragliding, but I'm pretty sure people can still move their head around irl.
  • For some reason gas canisters don't get set off unless you get really close, like the auto aim is auto missing, but auto aim isn't a thing for mouse users? I'm in range as the knife hits zombies.
  • it doesn't run fast enough on a 3070, need a future 4080, and they will cost £4080
  • DLSS is blurry
  • its blurry
  • moving makes it look blurry
  • the tress and leaves are blurry
  • massive rain blobs on the lens make it look blurry
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