***The Official Dying Light 2 thread***

4 Jun 2009
Really don't know how people think night time is better in the first game, it's not even "night", looks like everything is radioactive giving of a glow and don't get me started on the blocky flashlight :cry:



2 Feb 2018
Buggy key and mouse bindings may not be an issue for you but they are for many others.

The first one also had much more tension at night and running around at street level during the day was almost certain suicide. I also checked the 1st one to be sure I wasn't using "rose tinted glasses" and nope, was definately superior in the aspects I mentioned above..

Sorry to hear that, maybe try another game?
1 Feb 2009
I just finished a mission and happened to find this spot :D at 10:36 so I waited to take the screenshot at 11:31 although I couldn't get you exact angle FOV or Res mismatch so I tuck two screenshots to showcase my game don't look like yours without RT. Mine is so much more detailed.

The only difference is in gamma. I have it raised (to 24 I think) because the default gamma is tuned for nonRT lighting.

RT adds more natural bounce lighting in the whole scene, of course it is most prominent in the truck.
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Former Ubisoft dev says that Techland intentionally made AMD FSR look worse in Dying Light 2
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
4 Jun 2009
Paul isn't wrong.

Whilst I'm not a "game" developer, I work in development (work with various software development companies so not just a 1 of bad person/company thing...) and believe me when I say, some developers really have no clue and like to act like they know what they are talking about :)

- Techland not only missed one of FSR's presets but also one of dlss presets.... as noted, if they really wanted to, they could have just kept it out of the game entirely I'm sure, bit like with amd and some of their sponsored games when it comes to dlss...

- when comparing the 2 techniques, it's no comparison in 90% of the games that dlss looks superior because it is a completely different kind of upscaling tech, amd have even said themselves, it's not to be compared due to the completely different method of upscaling, obviously nvidias video is going to be all pro dlss but their video was very much on the point with explanation as to the differences between the 2 kinds of upscaling, unless someone has "debunked" their claims and can provide proof as to why they are wrong?

- FSR relies very heavily on how good the native AA is in games, if it is poor, it doesn't look great and certainly no better than native i.e. deathloop (sharpening is overdone but the main reason it's not as good as dlss is because of temporal stability, HU talk about this here and nvidia explain it very well in their "promo" video of upscaling techniques/dlss). This is evidenced entirely by the "fact" that you can see FSR enhancing all the traits of poor AA implementations such as shimmering, aliasing/jaggies, ghosting in motion with TAA, over sharpening etc. etc. hence why dlss is better here, because it completely replaces native AA hence why the AA option usually gets greyed out hence why nvidia created DLAA (like dlss but purely an anti-aliasing technique without rendering at a lower res.)

- sharpness talk, this isn't just a problem with DL 2 nor just with FSR but it affects a lot of the games using dlss too i.e. not many games have provided a way to adjust the sharpness when they should be, a game developer or someone found this in the official documentation for when it came to using and implementing dlss, this shows when you had/have the likes of GOW and RDR 2 with dlss turned on and massively over sharpening the image because the developers didn't initially include the option and had just left it at default or whacked the sharpness up. Also, imo, FSR even with the default settings over sharpens the image far too much but it seems like most people like this given that they also have amds image sharpening whacked to 80+% :o

- cyberpunk being "super blurry"? Remember the time I posted some screenshot comparisons in the thread and people couldn't tell the difference, actually iirc, a couple guessed wrong too :cry: Will have to look back to confirm who that was :D The main issue at launch with dlss 2.0 (iirc?) in cp 2077 was ghosting on vehicle tail lights and side mirrors but as per various videos including hardware unboxed, that is pretty much a non issue with the newer 2.3+ versions

So essentially, BS :cry: :D


Just applied his tweaks for FSR:







Sharpness in game at 10
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27 Jan 2022
I played for a couple of sessions with TAA off but having no AA also comes with its own issues. I'm back to TAA on, RT on, Soft Shadows medium, DLSS performance, Sharpness 40, fov +3. It's blurry but good as its going to get I think. It's mostly trees and leaves that suffer from the blurry effects. Everything becoming extra blurry when moving (motion blur is off), which I think is DLSS in action. Some areas have some slow down to 60fps but usually its running 70s-80s.

I bind keys to ESDF like I do every game ever and some games have a problem with that including DL2, some fixation with the F key, like drop cable and when running along a wall it tells me to press F, to which I ask why do you want me to strafe right? :), I have no idea how that gets missed in play testing. They never tested to see what happens if other keys are bound... ok :)
24 Feb 2014
UK, Liverpool
Not played loads mission-wise. But got up to choosing
factions thing. And got to say, i was going to go full peacekeeper. But the rewards are all rubbish compared to the Survivor stuff. Annoying.
18 Dec 2004
NE England
Pulling back what curtain? Games being sponsored by nVidia or ATi for decades has resulted in games running better on the relevant hardware - and nobody believed for a minute that was nothing but favourable rendering processes being coded in to the game :p
18 Dec 2004
NE England
I’m not a full time nerd anymore, so don’t understand the ins and outs - but my take on developing DLSS and FSR is that these are technologies created by the relevant GPU manufacturers for their respective hardware.

From a game development perspective you want to cater to both sides of the fence, but shoe horning an open source rendering practice in to your engine can’t be the easiest task in the world. So I can absolutely imagine these GPU manufacturers lobbying them, “we’ll fund x amount of your development time, and assign developers to help you implement this. However you can’t arrange a comparable deal with any of our competitors”. So I would imagine the lesser implementation of FSR would be down to the dev team having to work it by themselves.

Pure speculation, but an entirely reasonable guess in to how these practices run.
3 Dec 2004
I played for a couple of sessions with TAA off but having no AA also comes with its own issues. I'm back to TAA on, RT on, Soft Shadows medium, DLSS performance, Sharpness 40, fov +3. It's blurry but good as its going to get I think. It's mostly trees and leaves that suffer from the blurry effects. Everything becoming extra blurry when moving (motion blur is off), which I think is DLSS in action. Some areas have some slow down to 60fps but usually its running 70s-80s.

I bind keys to ESDF like I do every game ever and some games have a problem with that including DL2, some fixation with the F key, like drop cable and when running along a wall it tells me to press F, to which I ask why do you want me to strafe right? :), I have no idea how that gets missed in play testing. They never tested to see what happens if other keys are bound... ok :)

I also use dlss performance - had the blurring issue, and managed to get rid of it. try turning the sharpening to a value over 50 (I'm on 51)

I've also installed this to remove the post processing, really cleans up the image, so much better.


Normally I like post processing but its way too much in dl2, actually hides a lot of the nice RT stuff.

Edit: there's also a keybind mod that sorts the binding issues
30 Dec 2011
Sorry to hear that, maybe try another game?

You do realise that your original ridiculous statement claimed that there was not a single issue with this game. I showed one single area where it was demonstrably and objectively broken (mouse and key binds) for absolutey everyone. You made a ridiculous statement and when it was showed to be ridiculous your retort is, "try another game". :rolleyes:
3 Dec 2004
The opinion curtain, brave developer. :cry:

This user claims that turning the sharpness up causes flickering.

Not seen that myself, although I bet i see it now it's been pointed out! :cry:

Either way it's much better than the blurring when moving, that was pretty much unplayable for me.

Frustrating there's these issues, the keybind one is ridiculous, how that got past QC I'll never know
18 Dec 2004
NE England
You do realise that your original ridiculous statement claimed that there was not a single issue with this game. I showed one single area where it was demonstrably and objectively broken (mouse and key binds) for absolutey everyone. You made a ridiculous statement and when it was showed to be ridiculous your retort is, "try another game". :rolleyes:

Pretty sure he said that *he* hadn’t had a single issue with the game. And to be fair in comparison to a lot of releases, there aren’t many bugs in DL2. I’ve had a couple of quests bug out and require me to reload, but beyond that it’s been really reliable.

I can appreciate the key bindings being an issue for a lefty or a non-conventional key user. It’s like they’ve specifically mapped actions to a key, rather than a function (mapping F specifically to wall running rather than mapping it to the ‘use’ function). You wouldn’t of thought that’s a huge job to fix, however bizarre to me think that none of their testers sought to remap bindings…
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