***The Official Dying Light 2 thread***

4 Jun 2009
Whilst it might be better than the last game, that was in 2015. It's more about how it compares to other games of this generation where it looks bad without RT. I have conceded some ground on the RT front, but you won't change my mind here. Instead I'd rather just agree that the RT lighting and shadows add a lot to this game, even if they do it by making the game look pretty ordinary without them.

I don't want to specifically call people out, but a few users have claimed that it produces a better image than native, without mentioning that they are only referring to small parts of it which may be better like you have done eg fence, AA etc. I'm sure you know who they are (you are not one of them tbf) but I'm sure you have seen these claims on the forum. One user in particular has mentioned it recently, four letters in his name. Anyway, whilst I agree it's good and using the highest quality mode is worthwhile to enable RT here, it is not better than the overall native image quality and that is the part I always disputed. Now I can see it for myself, I can confirm that. That said, I don't want to get into arguments about it, but I just don't agree that it is better than native when taking into consideration the overall image quality. Imgsli - A 6900 XT with RIS enabled would make a 4K image look even better than the native image shown there too, so it's quite noticeable for me switching between the two GPUs.

It's definitely smoother on the 3090 with RT enabled than it is on the 6900 XT, but it's far from perfect. I see the hitches on my frame time graph with both, I hope they can improve on it. I don't know if you looked at the video I uploaded yesterday with the 3090, but you can see it in parts in the recorded video and there are more of them in the 6900 XT video which I will post here later. And you know my system is finely tuned, so definitely an issue with the game/dx12/rt. However, it's still playable, but far from the fluid experience I am used to so I hope it is improved.

What area is that? Does not look familiar, I am still only about 10 hours+ into the game, still not unlocked all the windmills etc and have not progressed very far story wise. Put the game on hard mode and died a few times, so trying to level up a bit first before I progress past the initial city areas.

FSR UQ looks decent to me, but I'm at 4K. The good thing with the FSR tweaks is you can customize it so make it higher/lower resolution more/less sharpening as desired. As you are below 4K, might be better off using a higher value. Also one thing to consider, you cannot use Radeon Image Sharpening with FSR as you do not use a AMD GPU. You would have to use the in game sharpening slider, and as I found out with DLSS and FSR, it does not do a good job.

Even compared to other games, it still looks good imo, obviously things like div 1/2 and rdr 2 look better but then they also look better than 95% of the games out nowadays too.

Yup that's why I mentioned earlier, you might want to add some extra sharpening (through nvdia game filters or redux) as some people have a preference for a sharper image even if it isn't the best when it comes to thin edges.

Once you're in the second area of the game/the big city, you'll have that along with another area as the next big base like bazaar, probably a few hours away from it still from the sounds of it.

I did try playing this on my 4k oled but prefer m+k and sat at desk with 21.9 freesync for this game, that and even with dlss performance, the fps is hit is too hard so didn't want to sacrifice any RT settings. At 4k, FSR is better but still falls very short compared to dlss.



22 Nov 2005
Love this game at 4K with Gsync on my OLED, but then I have to play with a controller.

Flat refuse to play anything with a M&K these days. Guess that’s the last 20 years of console gaming that’s converted me to controller only.

I’ve been playing it with DLSS Quality since day 1, have to admit to not even trying it native as I heard that maxed out my 3090FE wouldn’t hold 60FPS with full RT enabled.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Love this game at 4K with Gsync on my OLED, but then I have to play with a controller.

Flat refuse to play anything with a M&K these days. Guess that’s the last 20 years of console gaming that’s converted me to controller only.

I’ve been playing it with DLSS Quality since day 1, have to admit to not even trying it native as I heard that maxed out my 3090FE wouldn’t hold 60FPS with full RT enabled.
Yes, you definitely need DLSS Quality to get playable FPS with the 3090 at 4K.

I found I had to lower fog quality to medium, set motion blur to off, and AA to low, sharpness slider to 49, to get the best possible FPS and visual quality.

Lowering fog quality adds another 5+ FPS and turning blur off adds a bit more too. No visual downgrade by adjusting those two options either that I could detect.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Made some more progress. Only got 3 metro stations to turn on and I think that is everything done and there will be nothing left but story missions.

Once I have done the metro stations I will do some farming of zombies at night by starting chases so I can upgrade a bunch of items and then start story missions :D
1 Feb 2009
To fully upgrade to max level a weapon upgrade, 100 viral trophies are needed. Kinda insane. I will only upgrade Spark to this level, screw the rest.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
To fully upgrade to max level a weapon upgrade, 100 viral trophies are needed. Kinda insane. I will only upgrade Spark to this level, screw the rest.
Yeah, I have been working on spark also. But first I maxed out the med kit. It ain’t too bad, I just get a chase going and mow them down in a tight spot. Still not managed to get chase level 4 though. In level 3 you get volatiles coming for you which I manage to kill at least one or two before the chase ends. Rinse and repeat. I have fun doing it so does not feel like a chore. Will be maxing out spark and Molotov’s next :D



13 Mar 2008
Greater London

Use the metro station in trinity after activating it to agro the screamer near by to start a chase and then run back to the metro which has a UV light the entrance. I manage kill hundreds like this. I upgraded quite a few things to their penultimate level. Went with shock and puff, plus reinforcement mod. There is not a huge difference to the final level on those anyway so I fancied upgrade other stuff like Molotov etc for now :)

I also finally managed to get a level 4 chase going. Man… you get loads of volatiles coming at you! I managed to kill dozens of them. Even after upgrading all the stuff I still got like 36 unique trophies :D

Also finished unlocking all the metro stations now so can fast travel whenever I fancy very easily close to where I need to go. To be honest the first 30 or so hours of the game I did not use fast travel at all, but it does come in handy sometimes.

Will start the story missions now finally. Oh and I maxed out stamina now which I got a achievement for which shows only 0.8% of people have done this so far. The story missions will probably be a cakewalk now. Hopefully there is a decent amount as I have not done a single one since opening the second part of the map.
25 May 2013
16.02.2022 - PATCHNOTES
Hello survivors!
Another Patch for PC is now live.

- Fix for the death-loop bug. It prevents players from new cases and fixes the existing ones.
- Added Backup Save system that allows players to rollback the game progress and their inventory to the last game’s secure storyline save point.
- Added support for the BLOCK, ACTIVE LANDING, and JUMP ATTACK rebindings on the keyboard.

Backup Save system is an in-game feature that allows you to load a save based on the previous main storyline progress. Doing a rollback will revert you to a state of the game from that Backup Save. You unlock new Backup Saves as you progress through the main storyline.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Nice. Was thinking they would have had such a system already intact. Imagine losing the only save you have due to corruption or some other issue after putting in dozens of hours…

Finally got my grappling hook now. Funny how I managed to get on top of the VNC tower ages ago using the paraglider but had to do it the hard way due to the story line. Was fun though as it introduced the grappling hook.

Done a bunch more side quests that opened up after furthering the main mission. Baba had like 11 side quests alone which I have done :D



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Finally completed. Managed to do pretty much everything there is to do, got the achievements also which basically means there is nothing left to do other than run around killing zombies and just take in the scenery. Took me around 70 hours :D

Overall I did enjoy it, but it was not as good as I was expecting if I am being honest. The story was okay, not bad but not good either. Side quests could have been better too. No memorable characters in this game. In the first game had Tolga and Fatin which were funny and memorable. There is a small Easter egg with them in this game, but would have loved seeing them involved a lot more. Who knows maybe they will in a future DLC.

One of the big things they went on about was choices and how it would shape the world. Was expecting this to be better also, but cannot complain too much, at least it is there unlike the lies we got from CDProject with Cyberpunk 2077. I think due to the story not being the best and characters that are not memorable it does not help. Like right now had the characters and story been better I would want to jumped in and make different choices to see how that plays out straight away. As it is I will wait until I get a new monitor before playing again.

I think I enjoyed the first game a bit more. That did not have a good story either, but had stronger side quests as I recall. Also night time was a lot more intense. In this one you can paraglide everywhere, it is only a bit intense the first few hours and after you get the hang of it you can escape easily.

Overall I paid £25.99 and feel I got more than my moneys worth. Will give it a 8.5 out of 10. Could have easily been higher but the story and a few other weak points got in the way.
4 Sep 2011
Love this game at 4K with Gsync on my OLED, but then I have to play with a controller.

Flat refuse to play anything with a M&K these days. Guess that’s the last 20 years of console gaming that’s converted me to controller only.

I’ve been playing it with DLSS Quality since day 1, have to admit to not even trying it native as I heard that maxed out my 3090FE wouldn’t hold 60FPS with full RT enabled.

Not sure what settings you are using but Im using a 3090 with RT max setting and DLSS quality on my CX48 and its sub 60.



22 Nov 2005
Not sure what settings you are using but Im using a 3090 with RT max setting and DLSS quality on my CX48 and its sub 60.

GSync. Not bothered looking at numbers as I’ve given up on that now. As long as it’s running smoothly, I don’t care.

GPU and VRAM are both a little OC’d but only mildly. That’s paired with a 5950X.
14 Jan 2013
Apologies if this has been covered but is there a known memory leak issue in this game? My performance slowly deteriorates after maybe 30 mins of gameplay and only a reboot of the game fixes it
1 Feb 2009
I finished DL2 yesterday at midnight. 86 hours in total, doing every sidequest/sideactivity I found. Overall, I liked the game a ton - in some ways it is a significant step up from DL1, in other a minor regression. I would say I still liked first game a bit more somehow, but it is close. You can see that they rewrote and redone a lot of it over the course of development, some seams are visible, sometimes quest log is not actually 100% reflective of what happened, a dialogue from time to time does not make sense, consistency-wise.

I did everything right to have the best possible ending, and then came the last choice in the game, where
I chose to try to save Lawan (naively assuming I would either sacrifice myself to stop the bombs, or manage to save us both AND defuse the bombs somehow). Then I saved Lawan and could only watch the missiles fly (thinking to myself, watching them in the air, "now would be a good time to detonate them") only for half the Villedor to get razed, apparently.

Oh well, at least Lawan lives, Mia maybe lives, and I got to leave the city with Hakon to learn surfing, as we made a deal at the start of the game. Plus X13, with its megatons of supplies and food is intact, possibly providing a base to build from.

If I had chosen to not try to save Lawan, I would have gotten the "best" ending - Villedor would not get hit, Frank, survivors and Nightrunners would take control of the city and I would have left accompanied by Lawan, who got saved by Hakon.
I appreciate the inclusion of interactive dialogue and branching choices in this game - in any game - but I do wish the choices were less obfuscated and unclear. Sometimes I made a choice and Aiden said/did something completely different than I assumed/anticipated.

Absolutely love the soundtrack in this. Olivier Deriviere did another outstanding work.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I finished DL2 yesterday at midnight. 86 hours in total, doing every sidequest/sideactivity I found. Overall, I liked the game a ton - in some ways it is a significant step up from DL1, in other a minor regression. I would say I still liked first game a bit more somehow, but it is close. You can see that they rewrote and redone a lot of it over the course of development, some seams are visible, sometimes quest log is not actually 100% reflective of what happened, a dialogue from time to time does not make sense, consistency-wise.

I did everything right to have the best possible ending, and then came the last choice in the game, where
I chose to try to save Lawan (naively assuming I would either sacrifice myself to stop the bombs, or manage to save us both AND defuse the bombs somehow). Then I saved Lawan and could only watch the missiles fly (thinking to myself, watching them in the air, "now would be a good time to detonate them") only for half the Villedor to get razed, apparently.

Oh well, at least Lawan lives, Mia maybe lives, and I got to leave the city with Hakon to learn surfing, as we made a deal at the start of the game. Plus X13, with its megatons of supplies and food is intact, possibly providing a base to build from.

If I had chosen to not try to save Lawan, I would have gotten the "best" ending - Villedor would not get hit, Frank, survivors and Nightrunners would take control of the city and I would have left accompanied by Lawan, who got saved by Hakon.
I appreciate the inclusion of interactive dialogue and branching choices in this game - in any game - but I do wish the choices were less obfuscated and unclear. Sometimes I made a choice and Aiden said/did something completely different than I assumed/anticipated.

Absolutely love the soundtrack in this. Olivier Deriviere did another outstanding work.

Interesting. So not just me then. Like you I enjoyed it a lot, but somehow I think I enjoyed the first game a bit more. I put it down to story, chapters not being all that, plus night times being better in the first game.

Also I forgot to mention in my review, but there is too much recycling in this game. All those coaches are copy paste, GRE buildings, metros somewhat copy paste etc. Also as much as I enjoyed the paragliding I found it took away from the parkour, especially when fully upgraded where you can use it to keep getting higher.

Seems you took 15 hours longer than me, maybe you took it slower. I started using the fast travel system towards the end when doing side quests where you need to deliver things or find books etc.
1 Feb 2009
Interesting. So not just me then. Like you I enjoyed it a lot, but somehow I think I enjoyed the first game a bit more. I put it down to story, chapters not being all that, plus night times being better in the first game.

Also I forgot to mention in my review, but there is too much recycling in this game. All those coaches are copy paste, GRE buildings, metros somewhat copy paste etc. Also as much as I enjoyed the paragliding I found it took away from the parkour, especially when fully upgraded where you can use it to keep getting higher.

Seems you took 15 hours longer than me, maybe you took it slower. I started using the fast travel system towards the end when doing side quests where you need to deliver things or find books etc.

Yeah the copypaste of so many locations was bad. Like Ubisoft bad.I still enjoyed doing it for the most part, simply because I enjoy the gameplay mechanics a lot, but this could have stand a lot of improvement. Like, compare this to missions in Cyberpunk. There is very little, if any, blatant copypaste like this in Night City.

I think I liked first one a bit more because Harran had more interesting atmosphere for me. Especially Old Town. I just loved that map. And loved pistol in that game as well, headshots were super satisfying.
I am annoyed there was no Crane or any of the characters from the first game except Spike.

I didn't use fast travel at all except for when travelling between Old Villedor and Central Loop.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Yeah the copypaste of so many locations was bad. Like Ubisoft bad.I still enjoyed doing it for the most part, simply because I enjoy the gameplay mechanics a lot, but this could have stand a lot of improvement. Like, compare this to missions in Cyberpunk. There is very little, if any, blatant copypaste like this in Night City.

I think I liked first one a bit more because Harran had more interesting atmosphere for me. Especially Old Town. I just loved that map. And loved pistol in that game as well, headshots were super satisfying.
I am annoyed there was no Crane or any of the characters from the first game except Spike.

I didn't use fast travel at all except for when travelling between Old Villedor and Central Loop.
I wanted to see the crazy brothers, but they were not there... Just a shame really as they got a lot right. If they had a better story and characters, less copy paste and better side quests this could have been a 9.5/10 for me.

71 hours of good fun for £25.99 though, can't complain much. Just hope they learn from their mistakes for a future sequel. Probably in like 5-8 years time at the pace these guys go.. :p



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I paid £54.99 and feel a bit sick about it - most I've paid for a game in ages but need something to keep me busy atm
Next time pre-order ;)

Don’t listen to the it is not cool to pre-order crowd. If the price is right who gives a ****. There is hardly any risks either as you can cancel and get a refund all the way up until the release day by which time all the info you will need will be out there for you to decide anyway.

How comes you feeling sick, you did not enjoy the game? :)
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