*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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Chill, someone calculated it that they only need to average 16k a day and. That was before yesterday got substantially more than 16k. It also launch after people's pay days, so maybe a fair few of us waiting for payday before backing. And of course he's said pics etc are coming so that should get some of the undecided.

While I agree the pictures and videos will help, the fact that yesterday made £33k over the limit doesn't mean much really - just that each day will require around £600 less. Not exactly much of a difference.
I doubt the whole payday thing would have made much difference anyway (even if money was taken straight away), since:

-Different people get paid on different dates
-Even if we assume the majority get paid towards the end of the month we are only a week into November
-Most people who would fund a kickstarter for a game coming out in 2014 probably aren't living from one paycheque to the next

One thing that could have a factor is that there are less than 5000 of the £20 reward left (the cheapest one that gets you a copy of the game). This means that they will likely only get around £100k revenue (assuming there aren't many big backers) before they run out of £20 copies and the 'price' effectively jumps up to £30 which I could see putting off the less hardcore fans.

Contrast this with Carma whereby a $30 (less than £20) pledge got me two digital copies plus a DRM-free version, plus the original game on GOG....
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Contrast this with Carma whereby a $30 (less than £20) pledge got me two digital copies plus a DRM-free version, plus the original game on GOG....
I think this could be a major issue, people will look at that £30 and think, well there's no point me taking the risk and losing my money if it doesn't work out, I can just buy it full price if it ever sees the light of day.
Hope youre wrong but a lot depends on how much they fill out with content. If people can see its not a money making scheme (was it on here i read that thes a theory this is all to keep the company funded till next year before liquidation?) then we should have a lot more active subs. A detailed expansion on what they intend would help. That BBC video looked like they were all in one of those offices for hire. The company has 200+ employees for petes sake.
It might not make it to be honest :eek:

Hard to say at this point, I've got a nasty feeling it will run out of original fans willing to put money up let alone willing to put money up with little to go on around the 400K point but if it continues along the current trend it will trickle in about mid december to the target. Hopefully putting some promotional stuff out will boost things a bit would be sad to not see it hit the target.
I was actually rather gutted to hear that Frontiers 'Newtonian cobblers' (:D) got dropped. It gave the game a sense of scale that the original never had.

Admittedly the space combat at speeds in the 100's of Km/s was a trifle unusual, or perhaps terrible is a better word. Still, for a sort of multiplayer game, that system would never work.

I'd go with Frontier's combat described as 'terrible' personally - combat in the original Elite was fun and actually felt like a dogfight. All I remember of Frontier was flying toward the enemy getting a few shots off, turning round and doing the same again - maybe scientifically and real-world accurate, but boring as hell, IMHO at least.

Contrast that with pitching your Cobra against something like a Sidewinder or Mamba in the original - nippy little buggers that would dart in and out of your crosshairs while you were trying to get on their 'six'.

Ah, happy days :D
Ha ha, that's the one, though I swear it sounded much better than that, shows how memories are often wrong :D

I really hope they make this, would be great to have a modern HD Elite, I wasted many a day on the original when it was released :D
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