*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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My Edtrackers on its way, couldn't be bothered to make it. :D

Think we need a poll for peoples supercruise commands

To infinity and beyond

One of the many good things about VA is setting multiple commands for the same action. This means you don't have to remember specific words/phrases and it also adds to the immersion.
For the noobs and kids let me explain Elite.

There is no goal so to say, there is no flag to capture, there is no my gun is bigger than yours gun etc.

Its just Elite.

Spaceship a few credits off you go son, no guide, no help, no restiction, no welfare, no objective just be you and explore.

I know the game and the way David Braben works. Its you and your ship, now go enjoy! ;) and tell a fantastic story on your adventure.

By the way I aint backed or played it, even though I want too but I dont want burn out. Wallet and joystick ready for release! ;)

To say Elite is like SC, is like saying GTA is like minecraft. Both open world set on a planet do what you like. GTA is scripted minecraft is not, here is a world go do what the f you like.

EVE online .... Hmmmm I done Beta and 5 years on that game made good money in RL for me. But it is nothing like Elite, which is what I thought it would be. Nope 3rd person spread sheet and mind **** is EVE. Also £10 a month go shove it!

Dont forget they also made Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, which was thought crazy in 2004. But to this day it can still tax a computer to death with a big enough park.
so hard to resist buying this :|

docking computer being crap just adds to the awesomeness

It always was. I only ever used it when I was really tired/bored. Line up the axis with the spacestation, fly underneath, flip over, match rotation to station, accelerate and I'm home. Miles faster than the DC. :)

Lord its tempting. :(
My Edtrackers on its way, couldn't be bothered to make it. :D

Think we need a poll for peoples supercruise commands

To infinity and beyond

Voice attack adds so much to this for me, I've got enough buttons on my X52 pro but just saying the commands and it happens makes me grin like a chesire cat:D

I've got two commands for supercruise, punch it and engage!:)
Edit - just noticed account
Did he sell it with out your permission. :p

Kind of. It was in MrsS's system untill a few weeks ago. She's now had my 1st gen i7, I've now temporarily downgraded to a new Pentium Anniversary, with the Devils Canyon 4790K in my sights.

So I've started using Voice Attack fully this evening. No-one said it would be sarcastic back to me. That's brilliant. Everyone buy it now. It's so funny. I love it.
Giving it a rest until tomorrow. Currently managed to get a Lakon 6 and around 2 million credits through too many hours of trading over the last day or so. I suspect there are a lot of people who have amassed considerably more than that, but I'm feeling a bit burnt out with the amount of time I've spent on it. I'm still a long long way from enough money to buy the Lakon 9 or the Anaconda :(
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Giving it a rest until tomorrow. Currently managed to get a Lakon 6 and around 2 million credits through too many hours of trading over the last day or so. I suspect there are a lot of people who have amassed considerably more than that, but I'm feeling a bit burnt out with the amount of time I've spent on it. I'm still a long long way from enough money to buy the Lakon 9 or the Anaconda :(

What trade route was you doing in the Type 6? Been trying to find a good one :D
OK a bit of a noob question. I backed the ED standard beta. Does that mean I can now download it and start playing? If so then how do I download it. Or is that a later beta release and I still have to wait?
What trade route was you doing in the Type 6? Been trying to find a good one :D

Aulin to I-bootis - Terrain Enrichment Systems Profit per unit of about 700cr

I-bootis to Aulin - Fish Profit per unit of about 250cr

Rinse / repeat!
Just installed the beta. Haven't a clue what I'm doing at present but have learnt that the TAB key near space stations isn't a good thing.
Just mess about in your sidewinder for the first few hours, don't bother trading until you've figured out Supercruise, docking and how to evade interdictions (4 pips to engines, boost out of range, hit supercruise).

Once you've got those nailed check out the bulletin boards for light cargo missions or do a bit of manual trading, the tabs on the galaxy map are pretty good for narrowing down what routes accept what sort of cargo if you want to do it in-game and not cheat with one of the hosted database trade route sites.

Why mess about? You can die guilty free as your sidewinder will be replaced free, but you'll lose any cargo or upgrades.

Also get on Teamspeak at some point and add me as a friend in-game mate using my commander name: Raumarik ;)
What trade route was you doing in the Type 6? Been trying to find a good one :D

I've been doing LFT 880 to Asellus Primus and back again. From LFT 880 I take Berilliyum (1450 profit per unit) and from Asellus Primus I take Advanced Catalysers (850 profit per unit). With my type 9, that's about a 1 mil profit round trip.
Silly Question, but is Mining implemented during this beta? not really seen much discussion on it etc.
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