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Silly Question, but is Mining implemented during this beta? not really seen much discussion on it etc.

Hopefully they will make it more worthwhile to mine than all the previous inclinations!
off the top of my head it was something like 20k for a mining rig that would pull 10t of produce worth about 100cr!
Aulin to I-bootis - Terrain Enrichment Systems Profit per unit of about 700cr

I-bootis to Aulin - Fish Profit per unit of about 250cr

Rinse / repeat!

Exactly what I'm doing, although there may be more profit to be made on a 3 planet trade route (triangle), that includes Crop Harvesters from Aulin.

The I-bootis to Aulin trade route is completely safe unlike some of the others, I've never been attacked yet, although you do run into ship scans quite often.
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anyone else using the Oculus DK2? Can you tell me if you see a lot of RGB colours? Had a shock when i looked down and saw my arms lol.
Whats the distance of that? Is it doable in a Cobra MkIII ?

The type 9 with full cargo has less of a jump range than a type 6. I have to make 2 extra hyperdrive jumps to make it. LFT 880 > G 239-25 > LP 98-132 > Asellus Primus. IIRC the longest jump is around 12.60ly.
When installing where are the downloaded files saved?
Was halfway through installing, when I knocked the power out, now when trying to install it syncing halfway through the files before an untangled exception error comes up. But see no way of deleting it and starting again. Deleting the client from programs in control panel, does delete what it's already downloaded.
My Saitek Cyborg V1 turned up yesterday, had a little blast with it and all I can say is that it is so much better than using a pad!

Sure it doesn't have an abundance of buttons but Voice Attack takes care of that.

Reset my save a couple of times after messing about, going to push for a better ship I think!
Cavallino - left panel, missions tab open up the mission and it'll say the destination on it. I find it tends not to show all of the detail though and is occasionally full of random garbage. If you need to find something, i.e. cargo types you'll have to use either blind luck, the galaxy map (can show which way goods are being traded, giving you a hint) or one of the online trade checker sites.
When installing where are the downloaded files saved?
Was halfway through installing, when I knocked the power out, now when trying to install it syncing halfway through the files before an untangled exception error comes up. But see no way of deleting it and starting again. Deleting the client from programs in control panel, does delete what it's already downloaded.
On Windows 7 it's installed in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Products\FORC-FDEV-D-1000. You can probably get rid of the whole Frontier_Developments directory though.

Note there's also a "Frontier Developments" folder at the same level which contains some saved settings.
Thanks that's done the trick, now downloading again. Then need to, set up joystick and voice attack.

Although my back is sore, no idea what I did drink on the weekend, but lying down brings relief. Why oh why now, when I want to play.
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Painkillers taken, see if they do anything. But oh god I'm clueless.
Any good guides on setting up voice attack but more importantly x55 joystick.
I don't get how to do that, and I'm drifting to the left constantly.
From the windows game controler setup, can you run the configuration there to set the limits (and from that midpoints) of the axis. That's what I had to do for the throttle for my Hotas X at least.
There's an x55 setup in game so throttles working as is general movement, but I'm always turning left, done the windows calibration in control panel - hardware
Yaw isn't working seems to be set up in game. But need to test out of game somehow. The saitek software is just confusing. With like calibration button grey out.

And the usual 5 step instruction manual which is zero help.

Right set yaw to x axis on joystick and that stops my left drift.
I can not set joystick rotation in elite, so assumingly it's not pick up the rotation from the stick itself.
Now is joystick broke, I don't see anywhere I can test this,
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You probably have already tried this but have you checked in Devices and printers > right click your X55 > properties. In there, you should be able to carry out a basic joystick test. This may help?? I don't have a Saitek myself but i have read that their drivers/software are a nightmare and it is sometimes better to stick with the generic windows ones.
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