If you're going on price, yes but throttle wise you'd be better off just getting the X52 if price is the focus..
Apologies, but this fetish for expensive controllers like the X52 etc. is annoying me.
There are cheaper controllers such as the 'Thrusmaster HOTAS X' which can be got at much more reasonable prices and which will do the same job.
I'd like as many people as possible to play Elite : Dangerous, but the message seems to be that you need a £100 joystick to play it. As soon as someone queries controllers the X52 etc. is always mentioned as being the best option to play it. It isn't.
Cheaper stick/throttle combinations supported with 'Voice Attack' are just as effective. I have the 'Thrusmaster HOTAS X' and it does everything I need.
I appreciate that was a rant

I'm also turning into a Thrustmaster fanboy

But this X52/X55 debate is a dead end IMHO. It will deter people from playing the game.
Just get a cheaper and equally functional stick/throttle set-up and enjoy exploring space.