*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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How much are people playing, on one hand I'm really enjoying it, on the other hand don't want to go crazy untill release. I know there is many mire features on release. But still I feel there's a balance of gaining experiencing and checking out new features as they are added, and not playing it like a real game till release.

Still can't get voice attack to work. Sound isn't very clear and I think accent isn't working well either, when combined is causing the issues. It's a clip on so clips on to t-shirt, if held in front of mouth, it works better. Should have gone with headphones with built in mic.

Anyone know a decent but cheap mic.
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I'm in the same boat, I'm not sure I want to pay to play the Beta because I might get really into it and then the final release won't be so exciting for me. I think I'm going to 'go in blind' and just buy on release.
How much are people playing, on one hand I'm really enjoying it, on the other hand don't want to go crazy untill release. I know there is many mire features on release. But still I feel there's a balance of gaining experiencing and checking out new features as they are added, and not playing it like a real game till release.

Still can't get voice attack to work. Sound isn't very clear and I think accent isn't working well either, when combined is causing the issues. It's a clip on so clips on to t-shirt, if held in front of mouth, it works better. Should have gone with headphones with built in mic.

Anyone know a decent but cheap mic.

Yeh clipping it onto your t-shirt is never going to work. Both the Windows and Voice Attack config say it has to be approx 1 inch from your mouth to work properly. When you mentioned a clip-on mic I assumed you meant clipped on to your headphones, you should try one of those if you can.
A V-Moda Boom pro for example clips in to my Fidelio X1's because the wire isnt hardwired in. That's a bit more of an expensive example but the point is there.
The disadvantage of camera based tracking is that it's pretty CPU hungry and usually incurs a fair amount of latency. Latency is reduced by choosing a camera with a high refresh rate (which is why the PS3 camera is good) but at the cost of extra processing cycles. TrackIR deals with that by doing the calculation offboard using dedicated hardware. You can set up FTNoIR to be networked, so use a separate PC to process, but you still have the processing latency and extra latency from the network (though on a LAN this should be minimal). Using LEDs to track will reduce processing power required.

I've just been out and bought a PS3Eye, for £3.50 I thought why the hell not!

How CPU hungry are we talking (Running a 3570k)?
I use a.. Creative HS800 Fatal1ty Gaming Headset with Detachable Noise-cancelling Microphone

from a well known site. Cheap, nice sound quality and very comfy :) Reviews on them are surprisingly good. Best? Of course not but still great value for money.
I really really want to play this but I can not afford flight controls and all the other kit you guys seem to be using. Is it possible to still play this using just mouse and keyboard? I did that with Elite and Frontier.

I really really want to play this but I can not afford flight controls and all the other kit you guys seem to be using. Is it possible to still play this using just mouse and keyboard? I did that with Elite and Frontier.


You could get something as cheap as the Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS X, there are quite a lot of people that use this just fine, it seems like it is better value for money and means you don't have to fork out £150 for a single game.
I really really want to play this but I can not afford flight controls and all the other kit you guys seem to be using. Is it possible to still play this using just mouse and keyboard? I did that with Elite and Frontier.


My joystick cost me £20, you could probably find a cheaper one, it is a massive help.
Clocked up 12 hours on E: D upto yet, had a mother experience last night as i forgot to pay my fines ..... upon leaving change dock on my way to aulin, i got scanned , just a usual scan checking me out, only had 18k's worth of goods on me! only.... 18k.. well that ship destroyed me in like 3 hits and now yet again for the second time I'm back to 2k CR ArrgghHH. Its a good job this game is so fun ,most games i would have rage quit like a bitch. If its this good now , i can only imagine how good it will be a 4-5 months down the line.

Oh and my DK2 is coming september just give that more immersive feel, just need a good joystick now , all this talk of X52 Pros being £100 is tempting. Is it really that good for £100 , or just go the whole hog and get the warthog?
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