Clocked up 12 hours on E: D upto yet, had a mother experience last night as i forgot to pay my fines ..... upon leaving change dock on my way to aulin, i got scanned , just a usual scan checking me out, only had 18k's worth of goods on me! only.... 18k.. well that ship destroyed me in like 3 hits and now yet again for the second time I'm back to 2k CR ArrgghHH. Its a good job this game is so fun ,most games i would have rage quit like a bitch. If its this good now , i can only imagine how good it will be a 4-5 months down the line.
Oh and my DK2 is coming september just give that more immersive feel, just need a good joystick now , all this talk of X52 Pros being £100 is tempting. Is it really that good for £100 , or just go the whole hog and get the warthog?