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Clocked up 12 hours on E: D upto yet, had a mother experience last night as i forgot to pay my fines ..... upon leaving change dock on my way to aulin, i got scanned , just a usual scan checking me out, only had 18k's worth of goods on me! only.... 18k.. well that ship destroyed me in like 3 hits and now yet again for the second time I'm back to 2k CR ArrgghHH. Its a good job this game is so fun ,most games i would have rage quit like a bitch. If its this good now , i can only imagine how good it will be a 4-5 months down the line.

Oh and my DK2 is coming september just give that more immersive feel, just need a good joystick now , all this talk of X52 Pros being £100 is tempting. Is it really that good for £100 , or just go the whole hog and get the warthog?

I won't be popular for saying this but as an ex-X52 owner I'd say keep the money and save up for a Warthog, X55 or pick and mix your peripherals as I have. The X52 was released in 2004, you are buying old technology which over the years has tended to require mods to make it work the way people really want it to. The fact you see mods for springs etc really isn't a good start on what is meant to be a precision bit of kit.

Don't get me wrong I loved my X52, but would I buy it or a pro now? Not a hope in hell. There are simply too many cheaper alternatives around and more options if you're willing to look and consider mixing and matching. Lastly the X55 is a bit step up and frankly worth the money.

I absolutely loved my X52 throttle but the stick was (Even modded) average at best.
CH do a throttle but it aint cheap, ask that chap, Halfmad, he has one :)

Import from the US from a well known rainforest site, wait 3 weeks.

It's an amazing device, not cheap but honestly I've never used a bit of kit like it. Looks absolutely pants though :D Using it with ED and haven't installed any drivers or the CH software either which was a surprise. Feels like a space ship throttle though as there's no arc in it.
Jumping from System to system at first was very exciting and the stars looks beautiful. But after one week of trading traveling became a bit repetitive.

Thats the feeling I get from watching reviews etc, shoot up some bandits, do some more trading.

All of this was in the original version of course and in 1984 it was amazing that it could do that much. But these days we expect much more.
The x55 is lovely and got one second hand with pretty much zero use for £147.50 so a bit of a bargain. I'm liking it a lot, not liking the saitek software so much, powerful, but not user friendly

And setting up buttons within ED is not pleasant either. Don't like the default x55 profile.

My only real gripe with it, is the stiffness of the throttle. It really needs to be a touch slacker.
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Cancelled my order, once I'm bored with Elite it will never get used again so pointless spending £100 to play one game. I'll make do with mouse and kb or use DS4.
The x55 is lovely and got one second hand with pretty much zero use for £147.50 so a bit of a bargain. I'm liking it a lot, not liking the saitek software so much, powerful, but not user friendly

And setting up buttons within ED is not pleasant either. Don't like the default x55 profile.

My only real gripe with it, is the stiffness of the throttle. It really needs to be a touch slacker.

If its anything like most saitek throttle units there will be a tension adjustment method somewhere.
Why do you think you'd only play one game with it Noxia? There are tons of other games available to play with a HOTAS :)

I do not play those games because I don't currently have a joystick, I just don't intend to play them you see. I tried to play X3 Terran Conflict with a Joystick and it was awful. Also the latter half of the year will be very congested with quality games and I expect Beyond Earth to take most of my time :) I don't have any interest in flight sims either, only space games like Elite, X3 etc :)
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Import from the US from a well known rainforest site, wait 3 weeks.

It's an amazing device, not cheap but honestly I've never used a bit of kit like it. Looks absolutely pants though :D Using it with ED and haven't installed any drivers or the CH software either which was a surprise. Feels like a space ship throttle though as there's no arc in it.

At that price I may as well get the X52 pro! :p
Not necessarily the focus, but don't think I'm quite willing to spend that sort of money just on a throttle yet (or both for that matter). Maybe later when I get fully in to the game!

We'll see.
Import from the US from a well known rainforest site, wait 3 weeks.

It's an amazing device, not cheap but honestly I've never used a bit of kit like it. Looks absolutely pants though :D Using it with ED and haven't installed any drivers or the CH software either which was a surprise. Feels like a space ship throttle though as there's no arc in it.

I had the old version, and it's great. I actually like it better than modern throttles. It's much more comfortable as you can keep your hands on the buttons while you slide it back and forth. With throttles that pivot around an arc, you end up bending your wrist back and forth as it travels, and you can't reach the far buttons when it's pushed all the way forwards.
Right I have purchased the Beta, now I can tell if I'll enjoy it with KB+Mouse or if I should order the joystick.
Haha so there is, big knob on the side even labelled up. I didn't even consider it being adjustable.


The X55 Warthog also comes with an interchangeable joystick spring - a few are supplied ( colour coded ), and each one has a different baseline tension.
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