*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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I wonder if you can approach the company as a private investor and fund the remaining £300k for a share of profits etc :)

Just received the daily kickstarter email... if everyone upped their pledge by £17, ED would be funded. Big ask, but... who knows!

Really hope this gets funded.
I wonder if you can approach the company as a private investor and fund the remaining £300k for a share of profits etc :)

I'm pretty sure if it meant the difference between hitting their target and missing it they would consider something like this, hell so long as they make the game I'm happy.

Any investor would need to know a lot more about how much it was costing to make and what the margins are on the game and the merchandise and that probably isn't the sort of thing they want to reveal if they are having to rely on crowd funding. It is also one of those games that could be extremely niche or could be hugely successful so the risk to reward ratio could be bouncing all over the place.

I can't quite see it happening but if it means the game gets made I am sure a reasonable offer would be considered... why do I want to go and watch Dragon's Den now?
Well I've donated all I can reasonably spare, and consequently won't be buying many, if any, games in 2013... heh.

I have so many memories of Elite on the Acorn Electron and then on the BBC. A friend of mine even got his Music 500 to play some music when the ship was docking somewhat like the versions on other platforms. Awesome times.
Was expecting this to hit the million mark by now.
8 days.... £220,000.... :\

Think positive, it WILL do it. Im sure there are a lot of people who are waiting for a milestone before pledging, the £1m might just do that. At some point it becomes a case of 'oh this is getting made, id better get in now' and the pack mentality starts. I am confident that will be the case here, in fact ill bet it hits £1.4m.

Thats my personal guarantee, and if it doesnt, ill trump up anything lower than that. Of course, anything over that is mine.

Much as I'd like a new Elite, is any game really worth £150? I'm at £20 :)

Ive spent about £110 on planetside so far which is only equalled by what i spent on wow over the years >< mind you, i think ive got everything I need lol.
Much as I'd like a new Elite, is any game really worth £150? I'm at £20 :)

Depends if you want it made or not I guess. I am sure you'll get far more enjoyment out of it than 20 quids worth if it ever gets made. What does 20 quid get you these days? 1 perhaps 2 tickets and some popcorn in the cinema?

Every little does help though, but games are worth way more than 20 quid imo for pure entertainment value for money.

Closing in on 1 mil now, 3k to go :)
I backed it originally at £80, then upped it to £100 even before they asked for increase donations.

Purely I want to see the game made, I've waited long enough and to see it fail so close would be a travesty. Although, if you listened to the recent BBC interview Braben did, even if it didn't hit it's target he phrased "we'll have to look at it" to my mind means, they'll go ahead anyway. Can't see him being so close to not do it either.
I believe it has gone up 18k since the mac stretch was announced,still a long way to go,fingers crossed :)
It's recently broached the £1M mark...currently at 1,003,000 and a few extra quid!

Go go go!!!

Edit, sorry, just seen this I old news now!
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