*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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Hmm, as far as I was aware, SC was basically a wing commander reboot. Now I've played several wing commander games and they were pretty much mission based story driven space shooters. But what do I know eh?

I'll certainly be keeping my eye on SC but Elite is much more my sort of game :)

Squadron 42 is the the single player mission based game, SC is the open world creative side, with some missions thrown in.
Epic. They should be ebayed for the remaining cash :D

I still have the original paperback novel, 'the Dark Wheel'. There's not much else I've hoarded for nearly thirty years. Whether or not it will ever be considered a collector's item is anyone's guess.

I guess it's hard for the uninitiated to understand the nostalgia that Elite conjures up for some people. In 1985, as an eleven year old boy, I saw it on the BBC TV show Micro Live, which was practically the only source of news in those days. Shortly after that, I received it on an audio cassette for Christmas. There was very little build up, unlike Elite: Dangerous on Kickstarter.

When you started playing Elite, you felt like the future had arrived early, in gaming terms. There was no wall-to-wall media coverage of video game development like today and no internet forums on which to discuss whether a game might be a hit or a miss.

In this day and age, there's plenty of competition for Elite: Dangerous and it needs the backing of people who know what makes it different. I played Wing Commander, the forerunner of Star Citizen, and it left me cold. There are no doubt people who felt the same about Elite, and there's always the possibility that Elite: Dangerous will stink, but Kickstarter backers are hoping it doesn't.
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You're spreading your bets. I guess I would be backing Star Citizen if it hadn't already achieved full funding, but I'm actually a bit concerned that playing Star Citizen would detract from my enjoyment of Elite: Dangerous. Everyone who plays both is going to be drawing comparisons the whole time. I'd rather go all in on Elite: Dangerous. If it really stinks, then I will swap to Star Citizen, grudgingly, but I don't expect to have to.
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Since star citizen/squadron 42 is being made by a well renowned brit the the difference is negligible, sc has a lot more to offer and hopefully it will produce
I'm not anti-U.S., but so much sci-fi seems to draw its inspiration from the U.S. military. When I hear Squadron 42, I'm immediately thinking of a U.S. aircraft carrier, not a futuristic space simulator. An example of what I'm talking about is the recent sci-if telly series Battlestar Galactica, which was basically about a big ship with lots of fighters on board, like an aircraft carrier. I enjoyed it, up to a point, but my favourite character was a British actor and the worst bits for me were all the briefing-room and locker-room scenes, which were like something out of Top Gun. All those American fighter-jocks high-fiving and saluting their superiors - it's just not my cup of tea.

I think they may have come up with this Squadron 42 thing to sell the game to casual gamers who just want to fly around shooting everything in sight. To me, the aircraft carrier idea is a bit hackneyed and they've made it the core of the game. I'm sure the Star Citizen universe will have a lot of depth to it, but that part sounds a bit like a game within a game, though perhaps not a sub-game. I should probably read up on it, rather than just making subjective judgements. It looks pretty amazing anyway.
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I was thinking of upgrading my £20 bid just to help out at the end, but the only option that interested me above that was the £50 2nd beta. But seeing as thats in Feb 2014 and it's released in March 2014, doesn't seem worth it (sorry, I know it sounds selfish, but I have already pledged..).

Shame really, I think they could have made a lot more money, faster, if they had some more interesting lower tiers. Seems they went a bit OTT with the £100-500-5000 levels..
Feel the same toString, they seem to have aimed at large backers rather than trying to pull in larger quantities of smaller backers with access to beta etc. To be fair there simply were too many options to pick from to start with and "get a digital copy" is what most people wanted anyway, they should have put the extras at around that price from the off with smaller increments and obviously still some very large options for those who want to.
I was thinking of upgrading my £20 bid just to help out at the end, but the only option that interested me above that was the £50 2nd beta. But seeing as thats in Feb 2014 and it's released in March 2014, doesn't seem worth it (sorry, I know it sounds selfish, but I have already pledged..).

Shame really, I think they could have made a lot more money, faster, if they had some more interesting lower tiers. Seems they went a bit OTT with the £100-500-5000 levels..

but you get all the dlc for free id you pledge £90 + and theres clearly going to be a lot of it.

It worked for the sims yo
i first started playing frontier elite about 20yrs ago on an amiga of some sort still have full boxed version somewhere in my mums garage and got first encounters on pc when i found out it existed shamefully i have never tried the original elite. i have high hopes for elite dangerous especially the brilliantly simple controls system. it was while looking at star citizen that i found out that there is a new elite coming after spending years at elite forums reading i had given up on sequel.
I'm the other way around - played the original elite, loved it, opened my eyes to the possibilities with immersive gaming that put you in the driving seat so to speak which you never really get with other types of games (especially not at the time). Never got into frontier, etc. as from the outside they looked more hardcore sim than the more arcadey style of elite.
The amount of time I spent on both Elite and Frontier (got to Elite in both games) would probably boggle my mind. For me Frontier was better, just via the "realism" of it and the scale of the galaxy you were playing in. A multi-player version of Frontier is the holy grail of gaming for me and why I'm willing to pledge so much for it.
The amount of time I spent on both Elite and Frontier (got to Elite in both games) would probably boggle my mind. For me Frontier was better, just via the "realism" of it and the scale of the galaxy you were playing in. A multi-player version of Frontier is the holy grail of gaming for me and why I'm willing to pledge so much for it.

We're you serious about the pledge being enough to name your own planet :) ?
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