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Does anyone know if they are going to do anything about how you can claim your bounties?
Couple of weeks ago I spent hours going round all the system's I had outstanding bounties collecting them. I swore I would keep on top of them after all that................... two weeks on and I have 3 mill of outstanding bounties again :rolleyes:

Surely you should be able to cash bounties at any station, or stand alone bounty collection centers? even if they charged 10% it would still be preferable than having to navigate half the galaxy to collect them

It's these damn independents... Maybe we should get missions to drag 'em into the Federation, Alliance or Empire. :)
Surely you should be able to cash bounties at any station, or stand alone bounty collection centers? even if they charged 10% it would still be preferable than having to navigate half the galaxy to collect them

I ditched my KWS for that exact reason - Well, that and the bounties from other systems were always ridiculously low, so not worth going all that way for...
On, it makes avoiding stellar bodies in super cruise easier thus faster and also helps with ascertaining if stations are in front of or behind a planet which again makes it faster to navigate too.
Orbit lines on or off ?
Off, all the way.
Looks stupid with them on.

They're not always other independent systems though. As said: I have near 2MCr to claim from the Alliance and Empire from the bountys at Ross 42
It's worth it if you're pretty close to systems owned by the big 3 and need that kind of cash to start up.
But in the time it would take me to go pick up even 6mil from Emp, Fed and Ally systems, I could probably make five to seven times that in either trading with a T-6 or RES-hunting in an Asp.
Off, all the way.
Looks stupid with them on.

It's worth it if you're pretty close to systems owned by the big 3 and need that kind of cash to start up.
But in the time it would take me to go pick up even 6mil from Emp, Fed and Ally systems, I could probably make five to seven times that in either trading with a T-6 or RES-hunting in an Asp.

Pick up a Hauler taxi and kit it out for ~30 Ly jumps, will take you maybe 40 minutes to travel the full length of inhabited space. Can you really do 30-42 mil in that time? If so, share the wealth mun!
Pick up a Hauler taxi and kit it out for ~30 Ly jumps
Costs money.
Costs time to go to, dock and swap ships.
Costs fuel.
Is hassle.

Can you really do 30-42 mil in that time? If so, share the wealth mun!
I pull in about 2-3,000Cr/T depending on which route I'm running, both of which are under 6 minutes door to door. This is in rarely-travelled space with high demands and productions, so prices have not changed since I started a few months back. That brings a very stable 3mil per hour.
I heard rumours of an 8,000Cr/T, though I'm still hunting...

Plus KWS BH-ing takes ages before I get bounties in Other systems anywhere near half a mil and it's easier to just grab the local Wanted payouts on the way to rearm. If I'm grinding, it's far quicker to just RES-hunt.
I want to get some trading in and am presently running an Asp. It's fully tricked out and I have about 14MCr in the bank.

Would a type-7 be a good idea now, and run it without shield and weapons? Maximise the cargo capacity and jump range? I was thinking of running the Dastardly trading route a few times to get some money in that way.
The T7 is good for trading but nothing else, so I would only get rid of the Asp if you intend trading hard for the next big ship (Anaconda/T9)
Why am i struggling to make money ?

I seem to end up doing trade runs with 21 jumps for 30k.....which takes me an hour.

Currently running a Cobra , 40t cargo space , about 350k in the bank. Is 30-40k per hour normal for this stage of the game ? Feel like i could/should be making more ?
Why am i struggling to make money ?

I seem to end up doing trade runs with 21 jumps for 30k.....which takes me an hour.

Currently running a Cobra , 40t cargo space , about 350k in the bank. Is 30-40k per hour normal for this stage of the game ? Feel like i could/should be making more ?

No, start trading Rares.
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