*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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I wouldn't bother with trading since a few updates ago but if you really want to do trading, get a good FSD Drive in your hauler and scroll up in this thread (not too far) for a rares route

Why is that?

Recently got my clipper, but the shields are too rubbish for combat currently, so was going to do a little trading (which will be a bit of a pain due to the woeful jump distance on the initial config).
If in a sidewinder / hauler... (as 2 posts above mine was)
Sidey = Missions / Nav beacons / Res
Hauler = Either skip or rares

Once T6 and bigger, normal trading makes sense.
Presently 2000LY out towards the centre of the Galaxy and got a few virgin water and earth-like worlds :D

I thought I was doing really well until I zoomed out on the Galaxy map and saw just how far it is!

25,000LY.... that's gonna take a while.

Slightly embarrassed to admit I didn't click with the fuel scoops until I tried a B6 scoop in place of my A2

A2 sipping a paltry 75/sec

B6 750/sec. It takes seconds to fill the Asp tank even after a near 30LY jump, you barely have time to get warm. Much quicker to get anywhere when exploring.
Presently 2000LY out towards the centre of the Galaxy and got a few virgin water and earth-like worlds :D
Nice work! I'm over 9K ly out at the moment and have only run across one undiscovered Earth-like so far; already have ~30 under my belt though, so I'm in no hurry to discover more.

Been using the galactic map to find interesting systems, mainly visiting type O systems because I like those big blue stars.

Found this blue hypergiant with a pair of main sequence companions yesterday; to get an idea of how big it is, you have to realise that it's over ten times farther away than the smaller stars in the foreground...

Nice! I really want to go deep exploring but I have too many friends who keep asking me to help them out, I really do not want to spend money on another account just so I can play explorer as well as stay in the core systems :/
I really do not want to spend money on another account just so I can play explorer as well as stay in the core systems :/
That's definitely the biggest drawback of exploring; a serious trip is a big commitment of time, and you can't just decide to go do some bounty hunting or trading for a while if you get fed up with it.
I have a question, when you get interdicted do you blow the **** out of whatever done it or run away? Everyone I know who plays runs, I take every opportunity to blow stuff up!

As far as exploring, I tried it, it's a bit boring for my liking but better than the grind! Making 500k on a single jump trip return is great but sooo boring :(
Exploring is just pure pure tedium to me, spent a day going out to get a couple of system discoveries to my name and decided to head back into human space.

Space is big, its also very very very very very dull, at least on a 27" monitor. Maybe when the rift appears (i think this is also a lie) that it may be worth a trip out again.
My review!


I bought Elite one month ago and now have reached a well equipped cobra and about 2mil credits cash. Being a space shooter/sim fan, I thought I would write my opinion about it...
What I don't like:
- mining is super boring and without common sense at all! In year 3000 where one had discovered light travelling it's impressive to not have discovered some robots do the mining staff for you!! As it is now its only for sadomasochists.
- mission variety is extremely limited. I think there are about 10 different missions (at max) repeating themselves over and over again. Assassination missions have a 50% chance to find your target. Some times you find him easily, some times you never find him!
- weapons range is also extremely limited!! Laser, multi canons, cannons, missiles and one more I don't remember. 5 (!!!) different weapons differentiating only in class and rating. Really???
- munition is also non existent! Missiles are either dumb-fire or seeker and that' it!! Cannons do not have any different munition as well (explosive maybe?)
- equipment variation is also very limited. Again power plants, shields and other parts differ only in class and ratings. It would be nice to have the choice to make a super fast light or a heavy armed to teeth cobra. No matter how you equip your ship it will always have the same top speed and differ only in jump range.
- landing and animation to outfitting become boring after a while, would be good to have the choice to skip them.
- explosions are not that impressive and are the same no matter if you kill a eagle or an anaconda. Come on people!!
- when you reach a cobra, then everything else sot wise is very very very far. You need (I think) about 20mil to get to next ship whereas Cobra costs 379k.
- I also find trading a bit boring

What I like:
- space dogfighting is great
- graphics are quite good
- ships variety is good
- AI in solo is not that bad in master, elite and expert opponents
- the idea of being able to follow different careers is good (the implementation needs fixing however)

So do I like this game? In the end yes, but I am not sure if I still going to play it. Right now there is not any real incentive/motivation to keep me in. The next ship is very expensive and I feel quite bored to wait to collect money for it and regarding the other aspects of the game there isn't anything else in it...

I think it would be great if there was some kind of story behind like I-war or wing commander where there was a great target to achieve.
Maybe the new power play exp pack will help to keep things interesting and varied.

Iirc mining will have drones to mine with coming in the new PP exp pack also.
Maybe the new power play exp pack will help to keep things interesting and varied.
Risk is it's just adding a performance graph on top of the same *grind* players have already been doing for months. Last month you were doing a trade run, or "working" a RES location. This month (with Powerplay) you'll be doing exactly the same, but with the "added fun" of seeing a graph too. :rolleyes:

Where's the deep, interesting, skillful game? I see players proclaim how great it is when they buy a vulture that they can wipe out NPC Anaconda's easily. Is that a good thing? Sitting in a RES for hours on end simply blowing up ships absolutely risk free? Is that the depth we'd like?

Where's the interesting mechanics and missions? Where's the skill rewarded over just mindless *grinding*? For example, I suspect the new Powerplay will simply reward factions/powers who simply throw the most hours into their sides *grinds*.

I'm concerned!
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I am more than happy with Elite, yea the missions are a little shallow at the moment but Powerplay 'should' fix that. Imo, Elite should be played with a more sandbox approach then people are giving it. There is the risk of it adding the graph element as Neil is saying but even if that is the case, I think people need to remember that in essence, Elite is still unfinished too. If the powerplay doesn't work or people still are unhappy with, I can pretty much guarantee that FD will work on changing it or add more to get it right.

They just had a different approach (and much better in my opinion) in releasing their game. They focused on getting the base game in and how they want it, and then release improvements/modules piece by piece. They are excellent at listening to the community and judging their choices by it. By the time the Planetary landings and walking around in your ships etc are out, the game will be incredible. I am REALLY looking forward to Star Citizen myself, but I do think there will be a lot more problems early on in the games life than Elite had. A lot more. In the end though, I think they are different games and will coincide with each other quite happily.

Lastly, Elite will never be forgotten, it has too much of a following from the older generation of players etc.
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Star citizen may look nice and have more stuff like a story for sure but I dunno if it will have same the great cockpit design and simplicity of elites design, cockpit useability and its fun combat with its quite frankly untouchable audio awesomeness. I tried star citizen as I backed it through ks but I didn't really like it. Its more complex in its dog fighting the HUD is cluttered full of stuff and flying just was weird compared to elite tho granted I had to get used to elites flying too with a stick but it feels rather nice now I got the hang of it. At the end of the day we have two great space sims and if you have both then when times are boring in one then hop to the other till new stuff is in then hop back and vice versa. Both should have added content both free and paid for, for years to come. So hopefully we can have our fill of space games from these two for years to come.

But for elite it would be nice to have certain persistence NPCs that have voice overs and story elements so it doesn't feel like were the only ones in and have say a bad guy to aim towards getting or a good guy to help over time.
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Thanks for this heads up Fizz....

Run the first section tonight to Fujin , loading up with rares on the journey , and pulled on over 650k !!!


What starting money did you need and what ship are you using? What time frames are you seeing?

I'm currently in a fully kitted Vulture but I'm getting fed up with killing things, there's very little that I can't take out with ease now. Might try trading to mix it up a bit :-)

Lastly, Elite will never be forgotten, it has too much of a following from the older generation of players etc.[/QUOTE]

I belong to this older generation and certainly the old elite will never be forgotten, but this one needs much more I believe...
I am more than happy with Elite, yea the missions are a little shallow at the moment but Powerplay 'should' fix that. Imo, Elite should be played with a more sandbox approach then people are giving it. There is the risk of it adding the graph element as Neil is saying but even if that is the case, I think people need to remember that in essence, Elite is still unfinished too. If the powerplay doesn't work or people still are unhappy with, I can pretty much guarantee that FD will work on changing it or add more to get it right.

They just had a different approach (and much better in my opinion) in releasing their game. They focused on getting the base game in and how they want it, and then release improvements/modules piece by piece. They are excellent at listening to the community and judging their choices by it. By the time the Planetary landings and walking around in your ships etc are out, the game will be incredible. I am REALLY looking forward to Star Citizen myself, but I do think there will be a lot more problems early on in the games life than Elite had. A lot more. In the end though, I think they are different games and will coincide with each other quite happily.

Lastly, Elite will never be forgotten, it has too much of a following from the older generation of players etc.

I dont mind having a space sandbox game, but compared to other sandboxes there is a lot missing. Look at the variation in games such as GTA, Farcry etc.
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