*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Personal thoughts:
- I have no issue with the pricing. It's cost me far less than WoT did, even having bought Horizons separately. For that matter, it's easy to spend more on many games if you then move to the "latest and greatest"
- The technology they have is looking good. The new 64bit version does have the option of better graphics, though at the expense of increase demands on a PC. Hadn't realised until I checked yesterday that it does appear to use all 4 of the cores in my ancient i5, meaning that it's still GPU bound, despite using a CPU that's a good 4-5 years old
- I like what Horizons has added, even though it's actually not that much. I like the added variance of planetary landings.
- "Grind" is an interesting word. Why not call it just a huge time sink, which pretty much any game is, whether it's Chess (which I played a LOT when I was a kid), or this
- I DO agree however that the content could be improved. Personally I'd like to see the options for say creating your own faction, i.e. building a base, and working out from there. That might meaning say finding a new free star location with an good reason for being there, then supplying it, defending it etc.
I DEFINITELY want to see the Thargoids. The possibilities are ace. Alien race. Opportunities for the explorers to act as scouts, the traders to supply ships at the front and the combat people something new to fight. Also brings in the opportunity for say fleet carriers and other genuinely massive ships. Clearly somewhere for a billionaire to blow his wad of credits at.
If you need a hand add me to friends. CMDR THEBOAT.

I'm not rocking around in a python/anaconda but i can certainly help you in a res or bounty hunting.
Currently running about in an upgraded Vulture.

Saw your msg brah. Sorry I didn't reply. Help always welcome but seem to have got the hand of it now... on 3Mil with super upgraded Cobra MK3 worth about 3Mil itself.

Vulture next for me also! But only when I have 2-3Mil to spend on it

More variation all round would do me. Whilst I am happy where we are, I still feel I need something else to do and worthwhile .

Come show me your super ship!
Saw your msg brah. Sorry I didn't reply. Help always welcome but seem to have got the hand of it now... on 3Mil with super upgraded Cobra MK3 worth about 3Mil itself.

Vulture next for me also! But only when I have 2-3Mil to spend on it

Come show me your super ship!

I will be on most of the day, so I will keep an eye out for ya :)
- I DO agree however that the content could be improved. Personally I'd like to see the options for say creating your own faction, i.e. building a base, and working out from there. That might meaning say finding a new free star location with an good reason for being there, then supplying it, defending it etc.
I DEFINITELY want to see the Thargoids. The possibilities are ace. Alien race. Opportunities for the explorers to act as scouts, the traders to supply ships at the front and the combat people something new to fight. Also brings in the opportunity for say fleet carriers and other genuinely massive ships. Clearly somewhere for a billionaire to blow his wad of credits at.

This ^^ building your own base with a crew..space for ships defence turrets...rec room etc. I do believe this will happen one day :D

And the thargoid invasion will happen...think it will be at least a year probably 2 years away. If they get that right then all is forgiven.

Plus making it easier to co-op, better persistence, communication systems in the game world. Apparently there are already capital ships which sometimes appear in the CZ. Never seen one myself.

Dont think i will buy Horizons until we are way way into the season...maybe at end of season sale i will buy it.
Just going to add my 2¢ to the debate currently going on in this thead.

I'm a pretty big advocate of this game. I don't have a problem at all with Frontier's price model, to me it seems to be very fair and offers good value for money.

I think the biggest problem (and this is where Frontier really dropped the ball) is that the game isn't quite sure what it wants to be.

It started out as a single player game, which is great because it means you can have the player complete epic, galaxy changing quests such as was the case in Frontier: First Encounters.

However then the choice was made to make it an "MMO", except that it isn't really an MMO because there's very little persistence in the in-game universe and only a handful of players in any given instance so the world feels empty.

So we're left with a game which lacks the plot driven content possible in a single player game or the player generated content possible in a true multiplayer game, and I don't really see any way of resolving this other than to admit that they made a mistake and splitting the game into dedicated single and multi player servers.

Yep, all kinds of this. I'm frustrated that in flipping a coin with greatness on either side, they have managed to make it land on its edge. It needs to fall one way, otherwise be forever in this hollow feeling limbo. A fully persistent proper MMO version of what they have created would just be incredible.
Many people using a joystick with this? Got a £100 gift voucher for OCUK and i'm torn between getting a new K95 RGB or a X55 H.O.T.A.S.

Really want to get in to E.D but struggling with the xbox 360 controller. Just wondering what people think of the joystick etc.
I am getting a bit cheesed off in truth but only because I want the Cutter but the rank grinding is doing my nut in. I could previously sit at Tamar and accept charity missions, reload and accept carity missions. Kind of cheating I guess but it was the easiest way to rank up without too much grief. Now I have been going properly with rankings and it is just so painfully slow and it feels like a grind, which is not what I want.

I do wish they would have just left it the way it was and let charity/donations stand as often as they did :(

I really want to love this game, as the original is one of my earliest and fondest gaming memories....but, as an EVE Online player, it does feel very shallow in comparison.

Started off doing RES, got an Eagle, did more RES until I could afford an Asp Explorer and gear. Started some long range exploration and got some first discovery credits, but the money gained versus the time spent is pitiful and there is very little variation from system to system.

Haven't coughed up for the expansion yet but, from what others have said, it doesn't seem to add a great deal.

If EVE had Elite's flight model and universe size....now that would be some game!
Give it the same amount of development time and it might be, it's hardly a fair expectation for it to match Eve in terms of content after 12 months of release, eve was very basic and buggy back then too.
Give it the same amount of development time and it might be, it's hardly a fair expectation for it to match Eve in terms of content after 12 months of release, eve was very basic and buggy back then too.

Even back when I first started in 2004, EVE was streets ahead of Elite in terms of depth. The completely player-driven economy. The insanely deep and varied skill set. The freedom. The cold, harsh player-created environment. All stuff that was there at the beginning and has simply been improved on down the years.

Buggy, yes. Basic, in terms of depth, no chance.
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