*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

You can turn your shields off in the right control panel as soon as you leave human space, they removed the psychos who used to attack you in unexplored systems.

I have minimal (3D) shielding on my Anaconda which I switch off as soon as I'm out of the bubble, they just use up power and generate extra heat which can hurt you whilst scooping. I still like to equip them for the journey back home though, makes me feel a bit better in-case of interdiction or a minor bump whilst docking.
Sure, but the main reason for leaving it off completely is to decrease mass and be able to jump much further. You get quite a big increase in range. Not sure it'd be worth it though, due to the reasons you mentioned.
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I've joined Mobius too, its a really good group! They also have a 400 slot Teamspeak server that i sometimes join just to discuss the game or get advice!

Nice one :)

Well deffo Fehu missions are a good way for ranking. I was at 11% done into Marquis and stacked a dozen courier missions and 1 4.5mil smuggling mission and it took me just over 90 mins to finish them and that netted me 14%, which I am happy with and some decent credits to boot.
Think I may join Mobius too. I was getting a bit annoyed with the Open server, but miss interaction with others instead of just AI.

To be fair, I am only just getting back into it at the moment after not playing for the past few months. I am semi tempted to trash my ship and start again. Currently got a Viper Mk3 which is partially kitted out, and about 350k credits, but I feel no attachment to it all as I've not touched it in months. Should just spend a bit of time with it, sure I'll feel the love again hah.
let my friend use my account ages ago as was not playing this at all due to having a backlog of other games to get through. he's been a busy bunny and bought all kinds of new/cool ships etc.

is there a way to wipe stats/progress?
The reward for ranking isn't there either IMO and doesn't justify the grind needed.
Totally agree.

I'm sure one of the devs said recently that they plan to introduce more content for naval missions? Would be nice if you could run missions for the navy and ranking up granted access to more dangerous assignments; so you would start off doing courier stuff, and move on to assassinations and eventually nuking bases and taking down capital ships!

Sure, but the main reason for leaving it off completely is to decrease mass and be able to jump much further. You get quite a big increase in range. Not sure it'd be worth it though, due to the reasons you mentioned.
Probably makes a bigger difference on smaller ships, but on my Anaconda having 3D shields installed only reduces my jump range from 39.27ly to 39.20ly so the difference is negligible. That said I've never actually needed them so you could argue that they're still dead weight, but the peace of mind is worth the .07ly reduction to me :)
I've been using a viper, with about 2million+ in upgrades, purely for taking out wanted/pirates in higher risk resource belts. I wait until they start attacking a ship mining then take them out whilst they are busy ;p - Usually a few Police will turn up and assist meaning you can blow up Anaconda class enemies for 200-300k a go.

Must admit though, I get greedy and have died many times losing bounties worth 500k-1million :eek:
let my friend use my account ages ago as was not playing this at all due to having a backlog of other games to get through. he's been a busy bunny and bought all kinds of new/cool ships etc.

is there a way to wipe stats/progress?

Muzza you can wipe. It's under Options or on the main page. 'Clear save'
I've been using a viper, with about 2million+ in upgrades, purely for taking out wanted/pirates in higher risk resource belts. I wait until they start attacking a ship mining then take them out whilst they are busy ;p - Usually a few Police will turn up and assist meaning you can blow up Anaconda class enemies for 200-300k a go.

Must admit though, I get greedy and have died many times losing bounties worth 500k-1million :eek:

Just one more...Then I'm going back to base.......................Its always that last one that gets ya killed.
What weapons everyone using and what mounting?

Tried a few which were ment to be upgrade from multi cannon but just didnt like them :(

I only have 2x medium hardpoints and 2 small :(

I have been toying with a few options also

I have the Viper MK 4. Two medium and two small

Tried (medium, small respectively)

1. Two gimbled multi-cannons, two beam lasers (not pulse)

2. Two gimbled multi-cannons, one multi-cannon small and advanced plasma accelerator (fixed target)

3. All gimbled multi-cannons

I enjoy 2 tbh. But lack of laser hurts against shields. But even kinetic weapons rip shields
I have been toying with a few options also

I have the Viper MK 4. Two medium and two small

Tried (medium, small respectively)

1. Two gimbled multi-cannons, two beam lasers (not pulse)

2. Two gimbled multi-cannons, one multi-cannon small and advanced plasma accelerator (fixed target)

3. All gimbled multi-cannons

I enjoy 2 tbh. But lack of laser hurts against shields. But even kinetic weapons rip shields

I find 2 fixed lasers (burst, beam, pulse - whatever you pref) on the meds and 2 gimbled multicannons on the smalls works best for me. That was in the Mk3 though, I've not tried the 4 - barely touched the game since Horizons actually.
Mobius sounds pretty cool unless your a scummy pirate wannabe like me lol. Hard enough in most games without combat being entirely consensual! I could change my ways I guess..
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