*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

I think you might be in a sidewinder?

Go grab missions / shoot things (leave the assassination missions for now ;)
Can go into "Outfitting" in larger stations normally and get another cargo rack.

Head into Nav Beacons / Resource Extraction sites and kill things too.

Once you have a Cobra, then start rare trading.


Various info:
I just bought this on steam and have played for about 2hrs and still don't have a clue what I'm doing.
It is a bit of a learning curve, as there's so much involved, but the rewards once you get the hang are fantastic.

Do check out the manuals, both the official one and the fan-made ones, as they give a LOT of useful info!
Also, remember that your noob ship (ie the starting Sidewinder) gets replaced effectively for free. So go mess around and make as many mistakes as you like with that as, even if you reset your whole game, you don't really lose anything at this point.

When I am in supercruise I can see the pirate I want but when I try and fly to him and jump out of supercruise there are no ships nearby.
You have to pull the target out of Supercruise, for which you'll need a Frame Shift Interdictor. You have to get within range (HUD will tell you) and behind the target, fire the Interdictor and then wrangle them under control to break their frame shift. If successful, you'll then be in normal space with them right by you and can get your guns out to rain merry hell on them!!

I can see why some people dont like this as few times you are flying towards a space station and it could be couple of minutes real time when you are just doing nothing.
That is what full throttle, full pips to ENG and the Boost button are all for! ;)

In the 20-ish seconds it usually takes me to close the 8-10km from drop to docking hatch, I've scanned for cops, set up my next system destination, requested docking permission, swigged some coffee/coke and taken a few drags on a cigarette.

Needs more play time but its not a game you can jump into for ten minutes and get a rewarding experience.
What, 500,000 Credits in just under 11 minutes isn't rewarding enough...?
OK, I am being cheeky there, but I agree - It's a good couple of hours minimum!

Made a couple of illegal runs and made enough to buy a Viper to see what thats like.

The Viper is one of the best low-end combat ships around. The Eagle is very cool and extremely nippy, far more capable than you'd expect once you kit it out right... but the Viper kicks butt from the outset and can be specced up to lay on some serious damage!

Is there any knack to the ones that say go to this system and look out for a particular ship or is it pot luck you find them. Also the ones where they say if you come across x cargo we want it ?
Go To System generally means bimbling about, stopping at Unidentified Signal Sources. More so with Kill X number of Pirates/Traders/Authority ships, although other locations like Nav Beacons and Resource Extraction Sites may also yield some of them. Nicely, when you scan a ship it now tells you if they are a valid mission target on your left-side HUD, as well as if they're Wanted.
For actual named targets, the USS thing applies, although I'm increasingly finding these zooming about in Cruise as well. For those instances, you really need a Frame Shift Interdictor to pull them out first... and they rarely travel alone, so be prepared to take on several escorts, as well!!

Coming across X cargo is a matter of locating a station that sells it, which usually means a bit of work on the ol' Galaxy Map.
If it says it must be stolen, then it's more likely a case of hunting down traders and getting their cargo off them, or checking out some Weak Signal Sources (like the USSes, but 'weak'), to see if there's anty floating in space. Bear in mind many of these are traps too, though!
The Viper is one of the best low-end combat ships around. The Eagle is very cool and extremely nippy, far more capable than you'd expect once you kit it out right... but the Viper kicks butt from the outset and can be specced up to lay on some serious damage!

Plus - it's got the best engine noise ever. Throttle back over run for the absolute spaceship win! :)
thanks for all the tips although finding it a bit difficult to discover a location that has one of the above.

Even teh basic ones seem to be everywhere that I go... Most sizes/classes, anyway, if not the top-end ones. Try looking around in a High Tech system.
It goes into an Internal Compartment, not a Utility Mount, if that helps?
yeah thats another problem they are all full so which do you ditch for it ?
Ah - Welcome to Elite!!
Every choice and every decision has consequences. No reward without risk, etc etc.

If you're just pulling targets out of Cruise to gun them down, what do you need cargo racks for? Ditch whichever one of them will allow you to fit the size of Interdictor you prefer.

You could start an internal monologue over needing hull reinforcement, shield batteries, chaff launchers or whatever else your Internal Compartments are currently filled with... a lot of it is around how you *might* need more shields, cargo space, or something.
But the fact remains that, in order to complete some of these missions, you WILL need the ability to interdict. The rest is dependent on you, but you cannot get to the Cruising targets any other way and AFAIK, there is no way to tell exactly where your target will be until you find them.
I think if you have a stick and like a game that doesn't hold your hand, absolutely. It's a great game, but after about 100hrs I felt I had gotten everything I could out of it. That's still a lot of play time though!

I kinda feel the same, been playing since Alpha/beta then built up a 350M cr fortune and gave up... must be way over 300 hours for me in total, and in that sense I do feel like I've had my money's worth, brilliant game, great ships, flight mechanics and combat - but I just ran out of stuff to do.
Hi just bought this game a few days ago, and enjoying it a lot, however is anyone else experiencing disconnections from the game server , it must happen every hour or 2 and its getting really annoying?
just another question I get the text I want to talk to you from NPC's after I select an assassin/attack pirate mission but then what do you do ? Couple of times they have just disappeared and also they say follow my wake so I lock onto them then they just disappear again. Find it very frustrating at times this game.
just another question I get the text I want to talk to you from NPC's after I select an assassin/attack pirate mission but then what do you do ? Couple of times they have just disappeared and also they say follow my wake so I lock onto them then they just disappear again. Find it very frustrating at times this game.
I find this a bit fiddly myself, too...
Lock onto them and slow right down. They'll drop out of Cruise and leave a wake, onto which you should already be locked. Then just approach it as a normal target and drop out when safe to do so. You should now be in normal space with them nearby and you can chat... or rather, listen to what they have to say, anyway.

The fiddly part comes when approaching the locked wake, as you have to do it very slowly, it seems. I kept massively overshooting it until I just crept forward one tiny throttle burst at a time.
Might be easier if you have a Frame Shift Wake Scanner equipped, though I've not tried it myself, yet.

Generally, they will offer a counter to your existing mission, usually for less money as well, so often not worth bothering. Occasionally you get a good one, though.
Started to enjoy ED now... got a cheap Eagle and fitted interdictor and been having fun against other players and NPCs.

Killed some poor chap then immediately after a Asp came and insta blew me up... then picked on some miner in a sidewinder and he almost BBQd me.. quite a lot of fun :)

I think my chosen profession will be griefer / pirate, just like in eve online
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I kinda feel the same, been playing since Alpha/beta then built up a 350M cr fortune and gave up... must be way over 300 hours for me in total, and in that sense I do feel like I've had my money's worth, brilliant game, great ships, flight mechanics and combat - but I just ran out of stuff to do.

Hopefully this will evolve like Eve Online and you'll be back, I'm enjoying it but finding the learning curve very steep. Only missions I'm confident with are delivery missions in my starter ship.

Can you or anyone recommend the next ship I should save up for?

btw if anyone out there is thinking of getting this, I recommend the Speedlink Black Widow joystick if you want a cheap joystick, game is so cool with it and the game fully supports the stick and has a profile for it, just no vibration is all.
Hopefully this will evolve like Eve Online and you'll be back, I'm enjoying it but finding the learning curve very steep. Only missions I'm confident with are delivery missions in my starter ship.

Can you or anyone recommend the next ship I should save up for?

btw if anyone out there is thinking of getting this, I recommend the Speedlink Black Widow joystick if you want a cheap joystick, game is so cool with it and the game fully supports the stick and has a profile for it, just no vibration is all.

I was in same boat as you just a day ago, then ran 3/4 really well paid illegal courier missions and got 175k odd.... just bought a eagle and pimped it out with best weapons I could but I guess it's not much of a jump from sidewinder
I was in same boat as you just a day ago, then ran 3/4 really well paid illegal courier missions and got 175k odd.... just bought a eagle and pimped it out with best weapons I could but I guess it's not much of a jump from sidewinder

How are you finding the fighting? I'm about to do a couple of canister finding missions, hopefully I'll get my head around how you find them and how you get them(cargo swoop next to them I would think).
fighting is ok, but doesn't seem to make much money compared with missions. yeah cargo scoop (home button), get close and use the alignment display
fighting is ok, but doesn't seem to make much money compared with missions. yeah cargo scoop (home button), get close and use the alignment display

Managed to complete 2 retrieval missions so that's me chuffed. I'm not the best pilot so was thinking of a small ship like the Eagle, but I'm liking the Adder too, 80k but I've managed to save 160k.

I have some good gear fitted to my starter ship, so I'm hoping it can be transferred.... if not it'll be a few k to outfit my new ship.

hmmm I do actually think the extra hardpoint of the Eagle over my sidewinder would be nice, and it would be nice to fly and less insurance, only thing putting me off is its armour rating.
How are you finding the fighting? I'm about to do a couple of canister finding missions, hopefully I'll get my head around how you find them and how you get them(cargo swoop next to them I would think).

Did a few yesterday kept either destroying them or missing them and they bounced off me. I found I had to go pretty slow at first to get them in the cross hair. Makes it easier if you press 3 to zoom in on your radar.
I made enough money (and forgot that you get some money towards your next ship off the sale of yours) to go from Sidewinder to Viper and just tooling it up. Heck of a ship had a few scraps and successfully got a few bounties.

Another thing I took my Elite folder to work on a USB stick and put it on my Steam app on my laptop at work to save the download and I was amazed how smooth it ran on medium settings on a lowly Intel HD 4600 GPU.
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Did a few yesterday kept either destroying them or missing them and they bounced off me. I found I had to go pretty slow at first to get them in the cross hair. Makes it easier if you press 3 to zoom in on your radar.
I made enough money (and forgot that you get some money towards your next ship off the sale of yours) to go from Sidewinder to Viper and just tooling it up. Heck of a ship had a few scraps and successfully got a few bounties.

Another thing I took my Elite folder to work on a USB stick and put it on my Steam app on my laptop at work to save the download and I was amazed how smooth it ran on medium settings on a lowly Intel HD 4600 GPU.

It is a masterpiece there is no doubt. Managed to get the canisters pretty much trouble free considering you are essentially looking for a needle in a forest!
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