*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Cool ill keep that in mind! So would i notice an improvement in the game with a thristmaster hotas x? Wanted one at launch but they were like rocking horse doo doo back then so just used kb and mouse and every now and then im just pressin stuff all over the place!
I couldn't use kb/mouse with it - found it totally counter intuitive and got very close to just forgetting all about the game.

Tried it with a 360 pad and found a massive improvement - can imagine an actual flight stick would work really well, though I don't think i'll bother with one

I've never tried a Viper but I can handle most lower class ships in my Cobra Mk3 with ease. Even came across two eagles, three sidewinders and a Hauler, all wanted so gave it a go. With shield down I can just about take out a Sidey in one pass but the Eagles require a bit more work. Managed it though.

Think i just need a bit more practice and to play around with the system balances, weapon loadouts etc
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What good NPC names have you come across? I've found Ally McCoist (Someone at Frontier obviously a Rangers fan!) and a Heven Stawking (Steven Hawking).
Seen loads of 'em... ScreenCapped a couple of my faves, though.

I have Chris Roberts - Which would explain why Star Citizen is not progressing... he's too busy playing Elite!! :D
I also got Wierzbowski from Aliens, which was sent to the actor who played him.

want to get into this properly! what should i do to start off? i never got very far and havent played for ages!
Depends what you want to do, where you want to go and how you want to get there.
There is no one way to achieve something and there is no one thing to achieve.

Best advice I can give is to hop in your Sidewinder, get out there and have a go at whatever you find. Try mining, pirating, bounty-hunting, smuggling, trading, exploring, charting, etc.

Get used to what there is, both in your cockpit and around you in space. Learn how it all works and how you can make it work for you. Mess around, try things out and then if that doesn't work try something else.

In short, your Sidewinder gets replaced free every time. Even if your reputation goes right up the swanny, erasing it and restarting will just give you the same Sidewinder and 1000 Cr, so you won't lose a single thing at this stage. Now is the best time to make mistakes and learn from them!!
I've yet to try any mining, is there any money to be made in it? My Cobra has 32 cargo space now so I might give it a go if there's some money to be made alongside some wanted takedowns. I know I'll need to give up a hard point for a mining laser. Do I just blast an asteroid and collect the remnants with my cargo scoop where the refinery will sort it all out?
Anyone got an imperial courier, where did you get it, in the heart of the empire and cant find one...

Nevermind find one in Morano
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I was such a noob last night, and playing after a bottle of wine didn't help...

Flew quite some way to upgrade to a vulture from db explorer....
Jumped in shiny new ship (with basic fittings and two large lasers)
Spotted a high intensity RES, never seen one before so dived in
Got BBQd in a instant
Loan pays for new ship so decided to fly back to where I came from (but takes me longer route as not much range in vulture)
Ran out of fuel

I now have a loan of 500k and no money.

Do standard RES vary in income ?, the one I'm at now seems very slow. I'll stay out of high intensity ones for now :)
I've yet to try any mining, is there any money to be made in it?
If you're mining the right stuff, yes.
Try and find Gold, Palladium, something like that.

Do I just blast an asteroid and collect the remnants with my cargo scoop where the refinery will sort it all out?
Pretty much.
You sometimes get mixed ores, so you choose which one you want and eject the rest. Keep going until you have enough fragments to make a ton, then build tonnage until you're full.
Might be worth having more than one laser and definitely get a refinery with several bins, else it will take an age! Also worth trying the collector limpets.

Do standard RES vary in income ?, the one I'm at now seems very slow. I'll stay out of high intensity ones for now :)
Intensity is just how often a pirate shows up.
I understand it's also how likely it is you'll find big fragments of expensive ore, which would be in keeping with the risk/reward gameplay.

Target value is just random, I think. You'll find more at the High intensity ones, but whether they spawn Novices, Competents, Dangerouses or what can seemingly happen at any of them.
If in doubt, there are usually cops around - Just shadow them and nip in to steal the kill when the target is down to about 20% hull.
Thanks, I think the problem in my basic Vulture there were no cops and Anaconda spawned and killed me in a few shots :(. I will revisit but make sure cops are around
Thanks, I think the problem in my basic Vulture there were no cops and Anaconda spawned and killed me in a few shots :(. I will revisit but make sure cops are around

Anaconda's don't spawn in RES any longer. Probably a Python. For combat you are almost always better off staying in your 'old' ship until such a time as you have enough money to properly fit out your new ship. Combat and E rated kit is a recipe for disaster - as you've found out.
Ahh ok thanks for advice... I just get shiny ship syndrome, I'm sure plenty of us suffer from it when starting in the game :)
I have it to this day!!

I was almost shaking in terror when I first took my freshly-purchased Python out to play... It cost me many millions (over 200mil) to buy and outfit, so I was a little wary. It's still not been fully field-tested, though that's just down to whatever does/doesn't spawn at my various locations.

Kicks serious butt, though. Most things perish in very short order now, but I can one-pass kill Sideys, Eagles, Adders, Vipers and sometimes even Cobras!!

I'm enjoying being the primary base of fire while my friends swoop around in their little (and not-so-little) fighters, blatting the daylights out of stuff!
I'm pretty chuffed with my new(ish)ly acquired cobra, accidentally interdicted a wing of two other cobras and an eagle which I survived (bit close mind) and collected decent bounties on.

Did then get way too cocky and got wiped out in a conflict zone...but still
accidentally interdicted a wing of two other cobras and an eagle
How does one 'accidentally' interdict a whole wing?
Were you being a silly-Noob while mucking about with your new interdictor... or was it more that you were "just cleaning it and it went off 'accidentally', officer... honest!" :p
I just wait around, looking for something worth shooting - not always paying attention to what else happens to be close to said thing worth shooting (it wasn't in a wing)
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