85k! Christ how many trips was that?
118 trips

I certainly didn't do it for the money but more to join in and it has been great fun. I thought I would hate it but it has actually been great fun. Don't mind admitting though, I have had enough now

85k! Christ how many trips was that?
Have to say I targeted the top 10%, which was fairly easy with a Cutter, then took it easy.
Went off and did two Sothis runs in the meantime.
Just testing moon landing and driving in VR. Awesome.
VR really takes ED up a notch for me and running with voice attack as well is so immersion making. ED was the sole reason I got the DK2 and the CV1. Love it.
I can now see why.
What do you use VA for? Have so many buttons on the CH HOTAS that I never need to use a Keyboard
Showing off to friends, mostly.What do you use VA for? Have so many buttons on the CH HOTAS that I never need to use a Keyboard
Boost engines, request docking, next target, raiese/lower landing gear, fsd drive. Pretty basic but saves me fumbling about on my Saitek X52 and you can add loads more but I haven't as I can keep my fingers on the rudder and throttle and no need to move them. I have the ASTRA voice pack and it just adds to it basically but not essential.
Huh?The radiation pull and charge it gives to the drives is really good effects, quadrupled my jump range brilliant idea.
Do what with the who?
Is this some Engineer mod you have? How are you getting this?
I'm liking the sound of it for things like requesting docking. More complex functions would be of use, but I do have most things mapped to my stick and throttle for speed.
Hoping I was still in the top 50,% for that CG!
Do what with the who?
Is this some Engineer mod you have? How are you getting this?
Ah, so that's what happened last night!!The pull as you fly through the radiation/flare of the star can damage your ship drastically though.
My poor vid of a Dwarf star in 2.2. Sorry about the quality and dodgy head movements.