Had an uber frustrating day yesterday in the game...
So I spent some time and effort getting to Maia to do some CMDR piracy - I've not done piracy for a good few months given its poor payout etc, but I thought I'd revisit it again.
Did my typical thing of going out of my way to not fire on the other CMDR, giving plenty of messages, warning shots, and even letting them jump and re-interdicting before opening fire/hatch limpet etc... And certainly not destroying traders...
Anway, interdicted my first victim... Got him to leave some cargo, and he flew off and I collected it. Imemdiately interdicted a second trader, got him to leave cargo, and as he flew off, and I was picking his cargo up, another CMDR jumped in... And while I was picking the cargo up he opened fire... Rather than running, I stood my ground and managed to destroy the attacker... And then carried picking up my now much earned cargo.
At this point I looked to see how much cargo space I had left. I had it all left!
Seems there's a bug that means if the CMDR jumps out of the instance, if you pick up their cargo, it just disappears... And it seems this bug has been there for sometime?
So piracy between CMDRs is basically dead? And it's been left like that for a while? What the? Bit of a sad reflection of FDs considering of OPEN & PvP IMHO.
Meanwhile, as if to further demonstrate this, immediately outside Obsidian Orbital CMDRs are ganking/griefing other CMDRs as they fly in/out in an attempt to simply blow them up for the lolz...