*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

And here's me still rolling around in a crippled ASP, made the mistake of selling all my long range stuff to drop weight while in Jaques now cant buy anything decent to replace them with lol
You should be able to store modules as well as ships imho, not that I'm biased...

I thought you will be able to store modules with the new update?

If you stay out there a bit longer you may be able to buy a passenger ship and make 100m ferrying a few of them back to the bubble btw.
For those of you interested in the new filter (in the Galaxy Map) for "Visited Systems"...

It transpires as this data is stored locally (no surprises there) it will only show systems visited from 2.2 onwards. And there's also the implication, that if you need to reinstall ED, you then may lose all your visited systems, as you could lose this local file.

So I posted a thread on FD's forums asking if we could have an export/import feature to populated this local database with all system we've ever visited (eg: potentially 2yrs of data).

It transpires FD already have an import to populated this local file from a straight forward list of systems in a text file.

And it also transpires until recently, they were returning a full list of visited systems in their new API calls. But they've seemingly stopped doing this, I suspect for efficiency - ie: This can be called as often as you like, over and over, when ever.

So there's already an import, and FD already have logic to produce a list for an export. So I'm suggesting they simply re-offer this "export call" (of visited systems) under some other guise (from a option in the game Menu or in the Launcher), restricted as much as they like (eg: only one call a week/month), and voila! We can, when ever necessary populate our local visited database with all system visited. ie: Sometime after 2.2 is released. And if/when you ever need to re-install ED.

Also, if "Discovered" is ever added as a filter, this could follow suit.

If you like the notion (given seemingly how the pieces of the puzzle are already basically in place) please do post your support, with a comment, or adding a vote to the poll in a thread I've got on the matter. It all helps! - https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showt...nu-option-to-get-download-all-visited-systems

Anyone considering VR and plays ED A LOT, you will love it but for those with sensitive bellies, try before you buy is my advice.
Anyone considering VR and plays ED A LOT, you will love it but for those with sensitive bellies, try before you buy is my advice.

Whilst I found the dk2 made me nauseous, haven't had that yet with the cv1, even whilst trying to emulate a red bull air race style set of turns in my FW190 in dcs yesterday.
Anyone considering VR and plays ED A LOT, you will love it but for those with sensitive bellies, try before you buy is my advice.

I would love to try it out if I could. Just doesn't seem to be anywhere local that offers this.

My biggest concern with taking the step into the world of VR is the lower resolution. I'm interested to hear how many find this off-putting, or is the immersion of the experience so fantastic this can be easily overlooked ?
I would love to try it out if I could. Just doesn't seem to be anywhere local that offers this.

My biggest concern with taking the step into the world of VR is the lower resolution. I'm interested to hear how many find this off-putting, or is the immersion of the experience so fantastic this can be easily overlooked ?

I felt the same, and while yes, the resolution and lens flare do bug me, that is massively compensated for by the immersion. It is amazing. I don't regret buying mine one bit. I am definitely looking forwards to the next iteration though. So yes the resolution is a pita, and you will care about it, but getting to experience VR will make it worth it.
I would love to try it out if I could. Just doesn't seem to be anywhere local that offers this.

My biggest concern with taking the step into the world of VR is the lower resolution. I'm interested to hear how many find this off-putting, or is the immersion of the experience so fantastic this can be easily overlooked ?

My only real gripe is the resolution but make no mistake, the surround vision really makes up for it and it is so immersive, you soon forget. When it is really hot, I struggle with the Rift, purely because of getting too hot and switch to my 1440P screen and it looks horrible for the first hour or so and I yearn to put the headset back on. I am not a heat person though and never struggle with the cold in the winter and others won't feel it like me.
I felt the same, and while yes, the resolution and lens flare do bug me, that is massively compensated for by the immersion. It is amazing. I don't regret buying mine one bit. I am definitely looking forwards to the next iteration though. So yes the resolution is a pita, and you will care about it, but getting to experience VR will make it worth it.

Thanks for the reply. Think I might sit it out until the next iteration ; that step down in image quality remains a niggle for me.
My only real gripe is the resolution but make no mistake, the surround vision really makes up for it and it is so immersive, you soon forget. When it is really hot, I struggle with the Rift, purely because of getting too hot and switch to my 1440P screen and it looks horrible for the first hour or so and I yearn to put the headset back on. I am not a heat person though and never struggle with the cold in the winter and others won't feel it like me.

The device gets uncomfortably hot whilst wearing it ?
The device gets uncomfortably hot whilst wearing it ?

No but like Devrij said, it gets a bit sweaty. I don't feel any extra heat as such from the headset but as someone who struggles in the hot hot weather and a really hot room, it isn't the best thing for me to don :D
No but like Devrij said, it gets a bit sweaty. I don't feel any extra heat as such from the headset but as someone who struggles in the hot hot weather and a really hot room, it isn't the best thing for me to don :D

Ok, decisions, decisions. Still very tempted, but that niggle about resolution won't go away. I'm sure when patch 2.2 goes officially live that may push me over the edge lol.
Ok, decisions, decisions. Still very tempted, but that niggle about resolution won't go away. I'm sure when patch 2.2 goes officially live that may push me over the edge lol.

At the end of the day, my decision process went like this: wait several years (more? Who knows) to try it, or do I try it now while it is not perfect.

I stick by that logic now, and honestly the sense of presence is worth it for all its foibles. It's indescribable. Like trying to explain why a roller coaster is fun to someone who has never gone faster than 5mph ("it pulls your body when you go round corners! ") . Horror games: so terrifying, elite: so immersive, driving games: I'm gonna puke (the motion sickness has all but gone away for me now so I may revisit these).

I would be surprised if you weren't blown away. After a couple weeks when the novelty wears off you'll know whether you can accept its limitations or whether you don't want to have VR unless it's up to scratch.

I can't play elite on my monitor now. It just feels like a game.
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At the end of the day, my decision process went like this: wait several years (more? Who knows) to try it, or do I try it now while it is not perfect.

I stick by that logic now, and honestly the sense of presence is worth it for all its foibles. It's indescribable. Like trying to explain why a roller coaster is fun to someone who has never gone faster than 5mph ("it pulls your body when you go round corners! ") . Horror games: so terrifying, elite: so immersive, driving games: I'm gonna puke (the motion sickness has all but gone away for me now so I may revisit these).

I would be surprised if you weren't blown away. After a couple weeks when the novelty wears off you'll know whether you can accept its limitations or whether you don't want to have VR unless it's up to scratch.

I can't play elite on my monitor now. It just feels like a game.

The last bit really sums up VR and ED for me.
Got back from my aborted trip to the edge of the galaxy this morning. In the end it turned in a week long loop of the 'nearby' nebula's. I maxed out at just over 5k light years, and that felt like a long way from home. More modding is needed on whatever ship I use to venture out in the dark depths, I think.

I sold off my data in order to ally with Sirius Corp and the engineer. Then bought a Python in order to work on my terrible combat rating while awaiting patch 2.2 to go live. Currently I'm turning it into a battle barge, with the emphasis on barge. It's going to cost some serious cash to make it as spritely as my Clipper.

My last task was to make myself an ally of the Brotherhood of Gits. A task which now completed fills me with a much satisfaction as discovering my first Earthlike planet. :D
Loaded this up again after some time away from it, I dropped some exploration data in for the CG that's running. I have around 115m and an exploration Asp (worth about 50m), I want to make some more credits, what is it best for me to do currently?
Had an uber frustrating day yesterday in the game...

So I spent some time and effort getting to Maia to do some CMDR piracy - I've not done piracy for a good few months given its poor payout etc, but I thought I'd revisit it again.

Did my typical thing of going out of my way to not fire on the other CMDR, giving plenty of messages, warning shots, and even letting them jump and re-interdicting before opening fire/hatch limpet etc... And certainly not destroying traders...

Anway, interdicted my first victim... Got him to leave some cargo, and he flew off and I collected it. Imemdiately interdicted a second trader, got him to leave cargo, and as he flew off, and I was picking his cargo up, another CMDR jumped in... And while I was picking the cargo up he opened fire... Rather than running, I stood my ground and managed to destroy the attacker... And then carried picking up my now much earned cargo.

At this point I looked to see how much cargo space I had left. I had it all left!

Seems there's a bug that means if the CMDR jumps out of the instance, if you pick up their cargo, it just disappears... And it seems this bug has been there for sometime?

So piracy between CMDRs is basically dead? And it's been left like that for a while? What the? Bit of a sad reflection of FDs considering of OPEN & PvP IMHO.

Meanwhile, as if to further demonstrate this, immediately outside Obsidian Orbital CMDRs are ganking/griefing other CMDRs as they fly in/out in an attempt to simply blow them up for the lolz...
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Had an uber frustrating day yesterday in the game...

So I spent some time and effort getting to Maia to do some CMDR piracy - I've not done piracy for a good few months given its poor payout etc, but I thought I'd revisit it again.

Did my typical thing of going out of my way to not fire on the other CMDR, giving plenty of messages, warning shots, and even letting them jump and re-interdicting before opening fire/hatch limpet etc... And certainly not destroying traders...

Anway, interdicted my first victim... Got him to leave some cargo, and he flew off and I collected it. Imemdiately interdicted a second trader, got him to leave cargo, and as he flew off, and I was picking his cargo up, another CMDR jumped in... And while I was picking the cargo up he opened fire... Rather than running, I stood my ground and managed to destroy the attacker... And then carried picking up my now much earned cargo.

At this point I looked to see how much cargo space I had left. I had it all left!

Seems there's a bug that means if the CMDR jumps out of the instance, if you pick up their cargo, it just disappears... And it seems this bug has been there for sometime?

So piracy between CMDRs is basically dead? And it's been left like that for a while? What the? Bit of a sad reflection of FDs considering of OPEN & PvP IMHO.

Meanwhile, as if to further demonstrate this, immediately outside Obsidian Orbital CMDRs are ganking/griefing other CMDRs as they fly in/out in an attempt to simply blow them up for the lolz...

To me, piracy has never made sense in ED.
For example, take out say your Python to conduct piracy. You're running around in a 200 million credit ship, just so you can pirate say 10k worth of goods. The risk/reward ratio is just ridiculous. All you need to do is lose your shields in a scrap and the repairs will probably cost more than the goods you get to pickup.
Futhermore, what happens when you pick on a enemy who gets the upper hand and takes your 200 million Python to the cleaners. That's enough to pay for piracy for the rest of your time ever playing the game.

Unless the cost of ships is reduced, or piracy includes the opportunity to capture and sell a ship, I don't see it ever making logical financial sense.
To me, piracy has never made sense in ED.
For example, take out say your Python to conduct piracy. You're running around in a 200 million credit ship, just so you can pirate say 10k worth of goods. The risk/reward ratio is just ridiculous. All you need to do is lose your shields in a scrap and the repairs will probably cost more than the goods you get to pickup.
Futhermore, what happens when you pick on a enemy who gets the upper hand and takes your 200 million Python to the cleaners. That's enough to pay for piracy for the rest of your time ever playing the game.

Unless the cost of ships is reduced, or piracy includes the opportunity to capture and sell a ship, I don't see it ever making logical financial sense.
Yep... It's nigh on impossible to do PvP piracy and make sensible money...

The value of the cargo is too low typically + the amount you can get is too small/limited.

Piracy needs some TLC, so you can get bonuses in some fashion as a reward for "good piracy"...
Meanwhile, as if to further demonstrate this, immediately outside Obsidian Orbital CMDRs are ganking/griefing other CMDRs as they fly in/out in an attempt to simply blow them up for the lolz...

This is why I now play on the Mobius server.

I was interdicted by another commander which I tried to evade but was unsuccessful. As I was spinning after being pulled out of supercruise the other commander rammed me and that was that. All over in about 30 seconds. Lost about 1 million credits.

I complained about it on the Elite reddit and was met with cries of "git gud".

Nah. No thanks. Not interested in playing with people like that.
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