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I still find Robigo the best. Good trade rank and you're looking at 30mil per run without messing around getting missions. 15mil if you get a bad run of missions.
Personally am doing long range haulage runs from Sothis. After spending some time ranking up to at least friendly with the different parties you should expect to make at least 1 million for every 10t hauled. The bad side is that cycling the game mode to pick up the best missions and the completing both legs of the run can easily be a couple of hours

depends on your ship, ive been doing quite few lately, my conda can do 38ly max 24 min, I can easily do a 30 + mil run in under an hour, sothis is great for money if you have the ship for it.
Yep, I have the full fighterstick, throttle and pedals..
Being fair, the pedals are probably the least useful of the three. Don't get me wrong, they're invaluable in DCS for flying a chopper. In ED, they get far less use, mainly during docking and sometimes during combat.
Ref their size, I don't have any issues at all, but then I'm only 5'8". The only real issue I've had is that by default, they tend to slide around the floor. My solution was some heavy duty velcro on the bottom of the box and then sitting them on a large chunk of wood that adds weight and braces them against the wall.

Do you use them for rotate left and right or for throttle?
I actually enjoy doing the Sothis/Ceos missions in my Cutter and doing standard trade runs nets me roughly 70 mil without being picky but takes a couple of hours to do and smuggling nets me roughly 110Mil but not much time for chilling doing that, as always getting scanned as I get to the letterbox, so gotta bomb it in.
I actually enjoy doing the Sothis/Ceos missions in my Cutter and doing standard trade runs nets me roughly 70 mil without being picky but takes a couple of hours to do and smuggling nets me roughly 110Mil but not much time for chilling doing that, as always getting scanned as I get to the letterbox, so gotta bomb it in.

not got the cutter yet, and my jump range on the corvette could make it a bit of a pain. could be a while yet before I get the cutter as I'm only knight atm.
Reset my Commander File now I know a lot of my mistakes & can actually land on planets without wrecking my hull during entry XD (once it clicks it's actually a piece of cake). Got a Hauler in a couple of hours and upgraded the thrusters and packed it full of cargo racks and am now looking forward to getting going proper. First time round for some lunatic reason I was using a Viper III for trading (it's a fighter idiot :) ) - pretty much flushed a load of dosh down the drain with that idea! Lesson leaned :)
Do you use them for rotate left and right or for throttle?

The CH rudders include three analogue axis, i.e. the core left right, then on each pedal, you can push the pedal forward, a bit like a brake/throttle in a car.
I use the left/right as my rudder, then in addition, the left for reverse thrust, the right for forward thrust. Hope that makes sense.
The CH rudders include three analogue axis, i.e. the core left right, then on each pedal, you can push the pedal forward, a bit like a brake/throttle in a car.
I use the left/right as my rudder, then in addition, the left for reverse thrust, the right for forward thrust. Hope that makes sense.

It does pal and thanks. I think I may invest and send them back if I canne get used to them
I'm glad I've been lurking in this thread a while, after seeing some posts on mining I thought I'd give it a go. It was terrible when I was originally playing.
I'm amazed how much progress they have made with it, mining used to be completely redundant and frustrating. Now with Prospector and Collector limpets, along with plenty of lists of Pristine Metallic mining spots with the quickest of google searches, it really feels like a viable credit source.
I'm probably late to the mining party and it's likely been this way for quite some time, but I'm loving the improvements made to ED since launch. It feels like a very different game to the one that launched.

Has anything improved on the exploration side? I might have to pick up an Asp again and make a jaunt to the distant reaches
It does pal and thanks. I think I may invest and send them back if I canne get used to them

Have to say that it took me circa 4-6 weeks to find them genuinely "natural" to use. As we've spent the last however many years using only our hands, I initially had to "think" to make use of them. Now I've settled in with them, I find it really natural.
If you have the cash, you might want to also consider the Slav and/or MFG pedals. They're a lot more cash, but are supposedly the dogs danglies.
I just use a twist joystick for rudder the best being a Microsoft force feedback 2. Best stick ever made in my opinion. Much better than CH which i also owned. I need to get back into this, not played since last xmas time in 2015.
So do you need to rank up the Robigo factions to friendly before you see the higher value smuggling missions or can you jump right in from the outset?

Yer, pretty much that and the same for Sothis/Ceos. However, with the latter 2 you can do loads of data missions between the 2 and get ranked up pretty quickly.
Yer, pretty much that and the same for Sothis/Ceos. However, with the latter 2 you can do loads of data missions between the 2 and get ranked up pretty quickly.

Are they Fed or Imperial?

Have to say that it took me circa 4-6 weeks to find them genuinely "natural" to use. As we've spent the last however many years using only our hands, I initially had to "think" to make use of them. Now I've settled in with them, I find it really natural.
If you have the cash, you might want to also consider the Slav and/or MFG pedals. They're a lot more cash, but are supposedly the dogs danglies.

Nice. Will have a look. Not sure I can justify that spend after what I have spent recently ;)
any tips on empire grind guys, this is slow going and I'm only on lord 65%

For long distance work, you could try Aditi. Local to that is another Empire station close by, so it's possible to stack up 20 data transport missions and travel to the other single jump location. IMO that's the fastest way to do things.
For long distance work, you could try Aditi. Local to that is another Empire station close by, so it's possible to stack up 20 data transport missions and travel to the other single jump location. IMO that's the fastest way to do things.

Going to check this out for the data runs as HIP1076 and WuGuiwuiwieueiwuei has dried up for me :(
Seems to be pretty dead in Aditi,

Anyone know elsewhere to grind Empire Rep?

I'm 76% into Count and really want a Cutter before going off and doing engineers and such.

HIP 10716 has dried up, civil war it appears.
For long distance work, you could try Aditi. Local to that is another Empire station close by, so it's possible to stack up 20 data transport missions and travel to the other single jump location. IMO that's the fastest way to do things.

Going to check this out for the data runs as HIP1076 and WuGuiwuiwieueiwuei has dried up for me :(

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