*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

What would you do to improve it?

Not spend a bucket load of of development time on CQC? Imagine if this had been invested in the game?

Not spend a bucket load of of development time on The Engineers? The result could have been reached with a far simpler less grindy approach. And indeed is the result even worth it? It's created a balancing head ache and shows some bizarre design choices as regards balancing/implementation IMHO.

Not throw a bucket load of development time into fighters that are implemented in such a fashion they'll most likely only be used for RES farming?

Not spend a bucket load of of development time on Multi-Crew just so a group of people in a single ship can do exactly what they've been doing for the past 1-2yrs? (jury still out on this one of course)

In short, actually improve missions/tasks/game mechanics to be more involved/interesting, ideally so they can feed off each other... That sort of stuff :)

If multi-crew comes out, and it turns out to be myeh... Given the design choices over the past 12+ months I just won't know what to think :rolleyes:
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Its a sad state of current gaming, when you have to watch a TV program on the side whilst playing a game....

Something is dramatically wrong with industry these days.

Nah I wouldnt say that. I am jumping 22,000 Lys and it simply is boring. I am also NOT exploring much during it. I plan to explore on the way back to the bubble. So it's really my own fault ;)
Take Mr X to Sol, this chap is wanted so the chance of being hunted is high.
So you sacrifice cargo space for a cabin and gimp yourself in jump range as you end up being wanted.
From reading some of the passenger requirements, there's a lot more than can happen to affect your results too. From the sounds of it, some prissy rich bitch will give you a bad rating and dock your payment if you so much as giver her a bumpy ride!!

Its a sad state of current gaming, when you have to watch a TV program on the side whilst playing a game....
I don't believe it's changed much from Elite 1984, which was always *supposed* to take you ages and ages just to rank up. It was almost the complete antithesis to the "3-lives high score" that games used to be.
That and the fact that most people only had one TV, which was being used for the computer already, meant they didn't have the luxury of indulging their ADHD.

I do get what you mean - My favourite trading run seems to take AGES, even though it's just 12 minutes to go the complete route of undock-fly-jump-fly-dock-sell-buy-undock-fly-jump-fly-dock-sell... I've just done it so often it seems like hours!

Thing is, if it were that quick, you'd be complaining that you've run out of things to do.
is anyone else getting server lag / dropouts, the last week or so I get big lag or just stuck in hyperspace or the switch between orbital flight and glide for several minutes at a time.
hmmm I have a problem.
Got a planetary mission. However the defences spammed too many missiles and lost the SRV.

I went to a nearby station with my ship. Repair everything, however atm I cannot redeploy the SRV. No warning or errors.

Can someone give me some assistance what to do next?
hmmm I have a problem.
Got a planetary mission. However the defences spammed too many missiles and lost the SRV.

I went to a nearby station with my ship. Repair everything, however atm I cannot redeploy the SRV. No warning or errors.

Can someone give me some assistance what to do next?

Did you purchase new SRV's? As you have said you just repaired everything, also check the SRV hanger is powered on.
Did you purchase new SRV's? As you have said you just repaired everything, also check the SRV hanger is powered on.

Yeah. The Planetary base I went on, didn't restock my SRV :(

Had to travel to another station to do so.

Cheers :)
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Bit confused at the moment.
I know what 2.2 brought to the party, i.e. passenger missions, some new engineers (ranked up 2 of them), SLFs (tried them out in my Vette, like em), new bases and some minor graphical changes. So nothing genuinely ground breaking, just a decent and continual improvement.
However, for some reason I find myself feeling more "immersed" when flying. Not really sure why. After all, was already flying with a CV1 prior to 2.2.
Was just really pleasurable to decide to go off and run some passenger missions last night in the Asp, which has a wonderful cockpit in VR.
Bit confused at the moment.
I know what 2.2 brought to the party, i.e. passenger missions, some new engineers (ranked up 2 of them), SLFs (tried them out in my Vette, like em), new bases and some minor graphical changes. So nothing genuinely ground breaking, just a decent and continual improvement.
However, for some reason I find myself feeling more "immersed" when flying. Not really sure why. After all, was already flying with a CV1 prior to 2.2.
Was just really pleasurable to decide to go off and run some passenger missions last night in the Asp, which has a wonderful cockpit in VR.

I think there have been some small graphical tweaks to the HUD and perhaps the ship interiors which have led to an increased feeling of immersion. I like the extra information that is now displayed for instance when entering hyperspace with the next systems security rating and faction details.

I just made Baron in the Imperial Navy and upgraded to an Imperial Clipper...

I got into the pilots seat had a look around with in the Rift and laugh manically like a Bond Villan for a few minutes before composing myself :D

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I hope they have improved that, as the previous VR looked like a 100% real cockpit inside, but the universe outside still looked flat 2D, like it was being projected onto a surround screen the way they do with flight simulators.
I hope they have improved that, as the previous VR looked like a 100% real cockpit inside, but the universe outside still looked flat 2D, like it was being projected onto a surround screen the way they do with flight simulators.

In space, there is some of that. However, go anywhere near anything big, or planetside and it's a whole different ballgame.
Earlier this week I was in Maia completing some of the CZ bonds, and delivering some to a ground base in my Vette. There were several occasions where I'd take off and instead of heading straight up to get back to the CZ, I'd take a detour to fly through some canyons. Reminded me of just taking my car out for a hoon back when I had brown hair.
Made it



Well done BadBoy....

My achievement tonight was:

Made Duke - got my ranking mission at Chomeley Dock in Cubeo - Oooohh dry dock and stuff going on !


Then hightailed it over to Founders World and bought my Cutter - she so prurdy. Reasonably specced using some of the engineered modules from my Conda. She's got a jump range of 25ly and will top out at 405 under boost.

Such a pretty ship... and feels a lot easier to dock/undock.

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Well done BadBoy....

My achievement tonight was:

Made Duke - got my ranking mission at Chomeley Dock in Cubeo - Oooohh dry dock and stuff going on !


Then hightailed it over to Founders World and bought my Cutter - she so prurdy. Reasonably specced using some of the engineered modules from my Conda. She's got a jump range of 25ly and will top out at 405 under boost.

Such a pretty ship... and feels a lot easier to dock/undock.


Thanks buddy. It's my first real venture away. Would you speak highly of the Cutter then?

Quick question - how much of a jump range have folks got their Anaconda to?
Nice Hodders and Badboy. I am a big fan of the Cutter personally and have 2 of them. One for war and one for Cargo.

Badyboy - My Conda is sitting at 32Ly jump range but if I took out some of the modules and swapped them for D rated, it would be well over 40Ly I am guessing.
Nice work guys.
I have my own Cutter only setup for transport, not even any weapons. Class D for most components to max out jump range (32LY unladen). I don't think there's a ship that can mass lock it and with L5 cold thrusters, it can even outrun some ships.

Re-fitted the Conda yesterday for passenger missions, which has brought the jump range down to 40LY, though being fair, my FSD rolls were a bit pants. Think I'll grab some arsenic soon and go have another go.
Nice range. Mine is like 25 so need to work on her tbh.

I am only Baron in Imperial. Really want the Cutter. But need some more serious cash to then A rate her.

What's the latest in grinding Imperial ranks? I could YouTube it, I guess haha
I spent a lot of time going between Hip 10716 and Wu Guanigi doing data missions and also passengers in my Conda. The results were ranking points and also a fair deal of cash (which you will need as the Cutter is scary expensive).

Missions really tailed off in the last 36 hours so I don't know if the faction states are restricting the missions. I'm not sure if the servers present the same face for all people or if an individual has been caning missions it starts to restrict them.

It's going to be some time before I do a grind like that again. Time for some down time and just messing around.
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