Its a sad state of current gaming, when you have to watch a TV program on the side whilst playing a game....
Something is dramatically wrong with industry these days.
What would you do to improve it?
Its a sad state of current gaming, when you have to watch a TV program on the side whilst playing a game....
Something is dramatically wrong with industry these days.
What would you do to improve it?
Its a sad state of current gaming, when you have to watch a TV program on the side whilst playing a game....
Something is dramatically wrong with industry these days.
From reading some of the passenger requirements, there's a lot more than can happen to affect your results too. From the sounds of it, some prissy rich bitch will give you a bad rating and dock your payment if you so much as giver her a bumpy ride!!Take Mr X to Sol, this chap is wanted so the chance of being hunted is high.
So you sacrifice cargo space for a cabin and gimp yourself in jump range as you end up being wanted.
I don't believe it's changed much from Elite 1984, which was always *supposed* to take you ages and ages just to rank up. It was almost the complete antithesis to the "3-lives high score" that games used to be.Its a sad state of current gaming, when you have to watch a TV program on the side whilst playing a game....
hmmm I have a problem.
Got a planetary mission. However the defences spammed too many missiles and lost the SRV.
I went to a nearby station with my ship. Repair everything, however atm I cannot redeploy the SRV. No warning or errors.
Can someone give me some assistance what to do next?
Did you purchase new SRV's? As you have said you just repaired everything, also check the SRV hanger is powered on.
Bit confused at the moment.
I know what 2.2 brought to the party, i.e. passenger missions, some new engineers (ranked up 2 of them), SLFs (tried them out in my Vette, like em), new bases and some minor graphical changes. So nothing genuinely ground breaking, just a decent and continual improvement.
However, for some reason I find myself feeling more "immersed" when flying. Not really sure why. After all, was already flying with a CV1 prior to 2.2.
Was just really pleasurable to decide to go off and run some passenger missions last night in the Asp, which has a wonderful cockpit in VR.
I hope they have improved that, as the previous VR looked like a 100% real cockpit inside, but the universe outside still looked flat 2D, like it was being projected onto a surround screen the way they do with flight simulators.
Well done BadBoy....
My achievement tonight was:
Made Duke - got my ranking mission at Chomeley Dock in Cubeo - Oooohh dry dock and stuff going on !
Then hightailed it over to Founders World and bought my Cutter - she so prurdy. Reasonably specced using some of the engineered modules from my Conda. She's got a jump range of 25ly and will top out at 405 under boost.
Such a pretty ship... and feels a lot easier to dock/undock.