This game infuriates me because I have such a love / hate relationship with it! I'm back on it again after a few months off, and when it sucks you back in, it really can hook you! I've just been doing some bounties for the Kamadhenu Community Goal, and I've been doing them both in my Python and FDL. I was pleased to discover that the Python is no longer as weak as it was the last time I played, and my FDL is pretty potent as well. I picked up Horizons and I've had a few planetary landings, although I've mostly just bounced off the surface in rather spectacular fashion. I had one instance where I went in for a landing, completely overcooked it, bashed into an antenna and then got stuck on it, with a loitering warning counting down from 25 seconds! I managed to get away with 5 seconds to spare.
I've got a nice pot of cash saved and I'm waiting until the end of this CG to upgrade to an Anaconda for the fighter bay addon etc. I don't really have time to rep-grind for a Cutter or Corvette, which is a shame because I'd really love one!
With that said, my big issue is still the grind. Jeez, it's a slog to get things done. I had a go at starting the Engineers, and even just reading up about the stuff to get things done with one, let alone the rest, is putting me off. I really want to upgrade my FSD, and weapons but even having to just get started with Felicity Farseer involved me having to buy an Asp Explorer, upgrade the FSD so I could jump the 400ly, then only to find that I had to then go somewhere else to buy Meta-alloys to even get her to speak with me! Yeah, it's a bit time consuming but it's nice to be back...