*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

1 of this weeks community goals are interesting.

Core Dynamics Campaign – Trade
Klimuk Ring, Guaras – Earn rewards by delivering Titanium, Power Converters and Superconductors to Klimuk Ring in the Guaras system.

Core Dynamics Campaign – Bounty Hunting
Klimuk Ring, Guaras – Earn rewards by handing in Bounty Vouchers at Klimuk Ring in the Guaras system.

Core Dynamics Campaign

Core Dynamics, one of the galaxy's largest starship manufacturers, has announced a new construction initiative in response to the rise in Thargoid attacks.

A spokesperson for Core Dynamics released the following statement:

"The number of ships lost to Thargoid attacks is increasing rapidly, leaving us with no option but to accelerate our production schedule. But we cannot do this without the support of the galactic community."

Guaras Blue Creative Partners have agreed to oversee the initiative, asking pilots to deliver Titanium, Power Converters and Superconductors to Klimuk Ring in the Guaras system. When the campaign officially ends on the 28th of December 3303, a discount of up to 20% will be applied to the Federal Dropship, Federal Gunship and Federal Assault Ship for one week. Additionally, the rank requirements for those ships will be temporarily lifted.

The campaign begins on the 21st of December 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Any starter tips?

Don't be afraid to just mess around and get used to the systems, if you stick with the starter Sidewinder and restrain yourself when upgrading it'll not cost you a lot. Also, don't play in open unless you want to get seal clubbed in the starter systems.
Don't be afraid to just mess around and get used to the systems, if you stick with the starter Sidewinder and restrain yourself when upgrading it'll not cost you a lot. Also, don't play in open unless you want to get seal clubbed in the starter systems.

Does your progress in single player carry over to open play?
I jumped straight into open play and haven't been killed by another player yet. I've accidentally killed my self loads of times though :)

If you want action and quick money seems bounty hunting on ringed planets is the way to go.
Is there an easy way to check where I can collect a bounty payment? I made the kill a while ago and haven't bumped into the faction yet on my travels...

You can also cash them in at Interstellar Factors from Starport Services - Contacts in Low Security systems for a 20% fee. On the Galaxy Map go to the 4th Panel, Map, and change the filter to Security - Low. Obviously most times it is better to cash them in in the jurisdiction where you earned them but sometimes Interstellar Factors is handy for saving you a trip you don't want to make.

Also whilst on the Galaxy Map if you haven't already you may want to switch from economic route to fastest route - it'll make your life a whole lot easier!
I bought this very excited to get in to it, but I think it's far too complicated :(

I've deleted my save 3 times, messing up and blowing my ship up by mistake (flying too close to a sun, trying to super cruise away and over heating :(), now when I restart, the easy starter missions aren't available.

I felt exactly the same way, Having never played a game like this before I came very close to refunding.

However I watched a few youtube videos on basics then went off and did some bounty hunting and really enjoyed it.

I'm slowly getting to grips with it all but there is a massive learning curve for sure. Thing is it chucks you in at the deep end with very little help.

I got stuck in a planets orbit and I thought the game had glitched, reloaded and was still stuck. Had to google it in the end.

I've died several times by crashing into things, overheating, broken life support, etc Don't worry about it too much in the early game.
You can rebuy your ship with a loan if needed or just get to grips with the sidewinder first.

I admit I'm a total noob at this game but playing it in VR is amazing and I'm enjoying it. How long that will last I don't know, it does seem you need to devote a lot of time to it but on the other hand if you just want to blast some ships you can also.

There is a ton of help out there though if you need it.
What in the actual hell am I doing :(. I've just bought the game and going through the tutorials. I've requested to land at Azeban City and was assigned a port. All I'm doing is crashing into things and watching this big ass port rotate. I can't see anywhere to get in whatsoever.
I ended up getting a refund, I just couldn't get to grips with the basics, and the amount of advanced controls just meant that I'd never play it how it was intended :(
I ended up getting a refund, I just couldn't get to grips with the basics, and the amount of advanced controls just meant that I'd never play it how it was intended :(

Wish you could have held on. Definitely comes across as pretty complicated at first but after it clicks, you seem to get an idea on what you are doing.

I managed to find my way into the port and now I've visited around 3 different cities delivering messages. Controls on the keyboard feel pretty nice with the menu and such but flying will take some getting used to, might try this game using the PS4 controller.
What in the actual hell am I doing :(. I've just bought the game and going through the tutorials. I've requested to land at Azeban City and was assigned a port. All I'm doing is crashing into things and watching this big ass port rotate. I can't see anywhere to get in whatsoever.

The entrance is on the face that rotates anti clockwise, if you target the station it should show some arrows pointing towards it on the little hologram of it on the left hand side of the scanner.

Edit: quick sketch I did ages ago...

Red lights denote the back of the station, white the front, green arrow is where the entrance is, red arrows show the direction of rotation around the axis that runs along the yellow and green arrows. Blue arrows on hologram to the left of the scanner pointing to the station holo showing arrows pointing at entrance.

I ended up getting a refund, I just couldn't get to grips with the basics, and the amount of advanced controls just meant that I'd never play it how it was intended :(

I know it's too late but don't let the controls overwhelm you, Elite has a very steep learning curve if you're not familiar with any sort of flight sims but it's actually quite simple once you get past the initial stages. You really only need very few controls to start out with and the mass of options within the control mapping section is enough to put anybody off.

I'm always happy to help if people need it and I am around, sadly my Elite time has been a little constrained recently but send me a message in game if needed or just wanting to ask random stuff about the game, can't guarantee I know all the answers but hopefully I can point you in the right direction.
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